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synced 2025-01-13 22:36:03 +01:00
- done Matsubara freq for testing and rereading. - TODO: generalize to other meshes. - draft for multi var gf
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214 lines
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* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2014 by O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
#include "./base.hpp"
namespace triqs {
namespace mpi {
// The lazy ref made by scatter and co.
// Differs from the generic one in that it can make a domain of the (target) array
template <typename Tag, typename A> struct mpi_lazy_array {
A const &ref;
int root;
communicator c;
using domain_type = typename A::domain_type;
/// compute the array domain of the target array
domain_type domain() const {
auto dims = ref.shape();
long slow_size = first_dim(ref);
if (std::is_same<Tag, tag::reduce>::value) {
// optionally check all dims are the same ?
if (std::is_same<Tag, tag::scatter>::value) {
dims[0] = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), c.rank());
if (std::is_same<Tag, tag::gather>::value) {
long slow_size_total = 0;
MPI_Reduce(&slow_size, &slow_size_total, 1, mpi_datatype<long>::invoke(), MPI_SUM, root, c.get());
dims[0] = slow_size_total;
// valid only on root
if (std::is_same<Tag, tag::allgather>::value) {
long slow_size_total = 0;
MPI_Allreduce(&slow_size, &slow_size_total, 1, mpi_datatype<long>::invoke(), MPI_SUM, c.get());
dims[0] = slow_size_total;
// in this case, it is valid on all nodes
return domain_type{dims};
// When value_type is a basic type, we can directly call the C API
template <typename A> class mpi_impl_triqs_arrays {
static MPI_Datatype D() { return mpi_datatype<typename A::value_type>::invoke(); }
static void check_is_contiguous(A const &a) {
if (!has_contiguous_data(a)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Non contiguous view in mpi_reduce_in_place";
static void reduce_in_place(communicator c, A &a, int root) {
// assume arrays have the same size on all nodes...
MPI_Reduce((c.rank() == root ? MPI_IN_PLACE : a), a.data_start(), a.domain().number_of_elements(), D(), MPI_SUM, root, c.get());
static void allreduce_in_place(communicator c, A &a, int root) {
// assume arrays have the same size on all nodes...
MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, a.data_start(), a.domain().number_of_elements(), D(), MPI_SUM, c.get());
static void broadcast(communicator c, A &a, int root) {
auto sh = a.shape();
MPI_Bcast(&sh[0], sh.size(), mpi_datatype<typename decltype(sh)::value_type>::invoke(), root, c.get());
if (c.rank() != root) a.resize(sh);
MPI_Bcast(a.data_start(), a.domain().number_of_elements(), D(), root, c.get());
template <typename Tag> static mpi_lazy_array<Tag, A> invoke(Tag, communicator c, A const &a, int root) {
return {a, root, c};
template <typename A>
struct mpi_impl<A, std14::enable_if_t<triqs::arrays::is_amv_value_or_view_class<A>::value>> : mpi_impl_triqs_arrays<A> {};
} // mpi namespace
//------------------------------- Delegation of the assign operator of the array class -------------
namespace arrays {
// mpi_lazy_array model ImmutableCuboidArray
template <typename Tag, typename A> struct ImmutableCuboidArray<mpi::mpi_lazy_array<Tag, A>> : ImmutableCuboidArray<A> {};
namespace assignment {
template <typename LHS, typename Tag, typename A> struct is_special<LHS, mpi::mpi_lazy_array<Tag, A>> : std::true_type {};
// assignment delegation
template <typename LHS, typename A, typename Tag> struct impl<LHS, mpi::mpi_lazy_array<Tag, A>, 'E', void> {
using laz_t = mpi::mpi_lazy_array<Tag, A>;
LHS &lhs;
laz_t laz;
impl(LHS &lhs_, laz_t laz_) : lhs(lhs_), laz(laz_) {}
void invoke() { _invoke(Tag()); }
static MPI_Datatype D() { return mpi::mpi_datatype<typename A::value_type>::invoke(); }
void _invoke(triqs::mpi::tag::reduce) {
MPI_Reduce((void *)laz.ref.data_start(), (void *)lhs.data_start(), laz.ref.domain().number_of_elements(), D(), MPI_SUM, laz.root, laz.c.get());
void _invoke(triqs::mpi::tag::allreduce) {
MPI_Allreduce((void *)laz.ref.data_start(), (void *)lhs.data_start(), laz.ref.domain().number_of_elements(), D(), MPI_SUM, laz.c.get());
void _invoke(triqs::mpi::tag::scatter) {
auto c = laz.c;
auto slow_size = first_dim(laz.ref);
auto slow_stride = laz.ref.indexmap().strides()[0];
auto sendcounts = std::vector<int>(c.size());
auto displs = std::vector<int>(c.size() + 1, 0);
int recvcount = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), c.rank()) * slow_stride;
for (int r = 0; r < c.size(); ++r) {
sendcounts[r] = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), r) * slow_stride;
displs[r + 1] = sendcounts[r] + displs[r];
MPI_Scatterv((void *)laz.ref.data_start(), &sendcounts[0], &displs[0], D(), (void *)lhs.data_start(), recvcount, D(),
laz.root, c.get());
void _invoke(triqs::mpi::tag::gather) {
auto c = laz.c;
auto recvcounts = std::vector<int>(c.size());
auto displs = std::vector<int>(c.size() + 1, 0);
int sendcount = laz.ref.domain().number_of_elements();
auto mpi_ty = mpi::mpi_datatype<int>::invoke();
MPI_Gather(&sendcount, 1, mpi_ty, &recvcounts[0], 1, mpi_ty, laz.root, c.get());
for (int r = 0; r < c.size(); ++r) displs[r + 1] = recvcounts[r] + displs[r];
MPI_Gatherv((void *)laz.ref.data_start(), sendcount, D(), (void *)lhs.data_start(), &recvcounts[0], &displs[0], D(), laz.root,
void _invoke(triqs::mpi::tag::allgather) {
// almost the same preparation as gather, except that the recvcounts are ALL gathered...
auto c = laz.c;
auto recvcounts = std::vector<int>(c.size());
auto displs = std::vector<int>(c.size() + 1, 0);
int sendcount = laz.ref.domain().number_of_elements();
auto mpi_ty = mpi::mpi_datatype<int>::invoke();
MPI_Allgather(&sendcount, 1, mpi_ty, &recvcounts[0], 1, mpi_ty, c.get());
for (int r = 0; r < c.size(); ++r) displs[r + 1] = recvcounts[r] + displs[r];
MPI_Allgatherv((void *)laz.ref.data_start(), sendcount, D(), (void *)lhs.data_start(), &recvcounts[0], &displs[0], D(),
} //namespace arrays
} // namespace triqs