mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 14:29:01 +01:00
- Simplify group_indices - Only for C ordered, remove complex compile time. - Could be generalized to non C ordered, but no need. - Fix slice for custom orders. - Generalize the group_indices for the custom order. - Add c_ordered_transposed_view (useful ?) - Improve slice, special for ellipsis (quicker). - Simplify TraversalOrder - Assignement. Specialize one case for speed. - use FORCEINLINE in foreach, according to speed test for clang - add one speed test - Modify iterators for better speed. - along the lines decided for the foreach - update doc.
256 lines
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256 lines
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* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <triqs/utility/first_include.hpp>
#include "indexmaps/cuboid/map.hpp"
#include "indexmaps/cuboid/slice.hpp"
#include "impl/indexmap_storage_pair.hpp"
#include "impl/assignment.hpp"
namespace triqs { namespace arrays {
template <typename ValueType, int Rank, typename TraversalOrder= void, bool Borrowed = false, bool IsConst = false> class array_view;
template <typename ValueType, int Rank, typename TraversalOrder= void> class array;
// ---------------------- array_view --------------------------------
#define IMPL_TYPE \
indexmap_storage_pair<indexmaps::cuboid::map<Rank,TraversalOrder>, storages::shared_block<ValueType, Borrowed>, TraversalOrder, IsConst, true, \
template <typename ValueType, int Rank, typename TraversalOrder, bool Borrowed, bool IsConst>
class array_view: Tag::array_view, TRIQS_CONCEPT_TAG_NAME(MutableArray), public IMPL_TYPE {
static_assert( Rank>0, " Rank must be >0");
using indexmap_type = typename IMPL_TYPE::indexmap_type;
using storage_type = typename IMPL_TYPE::storage_type;
using regular_type = array<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder>;
using view_type = array_view<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder>;
using const_view_type = array_view<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder, false, true>;
using weak_view_type = array_view<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder, true>;
/// Build from an IndexMap and a storage
template <typename S> array_view(indexmap_type const& Ind, S const& Mem) : IMPL_TYPE(Ind, Mem) {}
/// Copy constructor
array_view(array_view const& X) : IMPL_TYPE(X.indexmap(), X.storage()) {}
/// Build from anything that has an indexmap and a storage compatible with this class
template <typename ISP> array_view(const ISP& X) : IMPL_TYPE(X.indexmap(), X.storage()) {
// to be activated
static_assert(IsConst || (!ISP::is_const), "Cannot construct a non const view from a const one !");
/// Build from a numpy.array (X is a borrowed reference) : throws if X is not a numpy.array
explicit array_view (PyObject * X): IMPL_TYPE(X, false, "array_view "){}
array_view () = delete;
// Move
array_view(array_view && X) { this->swap_me(X); }
/// Swap
friend void swap( array_view & A, array_view & B) { A.swap_me(B);}
/// Rebind the view
void rebind(array_view const& X) {
this->indexmap_ = X.indexmap_;
this->storage_ = X.storage_;
// rebind the other view, iif this is const, and the other is not.
template <typename To, bool C = IsConst> ENABLE_IFC(C) rebind(array_view<ValueType, Rank, To, Borrowed, !IsConst> const& X) {
this->indexmap_ = X.indexmap_;
this->storage_ = X.storage_;
/// Assignment. The size of the array MUST match exactly, except in the empty case
template<typename RHS> array_view & operator=(RHS const & X) { triqs_arrays_assign_delegation(*this,X); return *this; }
array_view & operator=(array_view const & X) { triqs_arrays_assign_delegation(*this,X); return *this; } //without this, the standard = is synthetized...
// Move assignment not defined : will use the copy = since view must copy data
// to forbid serialization of views...
//template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) = delete;
template <typename... INT> friend view_type transposed_view(array_view const& a, INT... is) {
return transposed_view(a, mini_vector<int, Rank>{is...});
friend view_type transposed_view(array_view const& a, mini_vector<int, Rank> const& perm) {
return {transpose(a.indexmap_, perm), a.storage_};
friend view_type c_ordered_transposed_view(array_view const& a) {
return transposed_view(a, a.indexmap().get_memory_layout().get_memory_positions());
#undef IMPL_TYPE
template <typename ValueType, int Rank, typename TraversalOrder = void, bool Borrowed = false>
using array_const_view = array_view<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder, Borrowed, true>;
//------------------------------- array ---------------------------------------------------
#define IMPL_TYPE \
indexmap_storage_pair<indexmaps::cuboid::map<Rank,TraversalOrder>, storages::shared_block<ValueType>, TraversalOrder, false, false, Tag::array_view>
template <typename ValueType, int Rank, typename TraversalOrder>
class array : Tag::array, TRIQS_CONCEPT_TAG_NAME(MutableArray), public IMPL_TYPE {
using value_type = typename IMPL_TYPE::value_type;
using storage_type = typename IMPL_TYPE::storage_type;
using indexmap_type = typename IMPL_TYPE::indexmap_type;
using regular_type = array<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder>;
using view_type = array_view<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder>;
using const_view_type = array_view<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder, false, true>;
using weak_view_type = array_view<ValueType, Rank, TraversalOrder, true>;
/// Empty array.
explicit array(memory_layout<Rank> ml = memory_layout<Rank>{}) : IMPL_TYPE(ml) {}
/// From a domain
explicit array(typename indexmap_type::domain_type const& dom, memory_layout<Rank> ml = memory_layout<Rank>{})
: IMPL_TYPE(indexmap_type(dom, ml)) {}
/// Construction from the dimensions. NB : the number of parameters must be exactly rank (checked at compile time).
array (size_t I_1, .... , size_t I_rank);
#define IMPL(z, NN, unused) \
explicit array (BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_INC(NN), size_t I_),memory_layout<Rank> ml = memory_layout<Rank>{}): \
IMPL_TYPE(indexmap_type(mini_vector<size_t,BOOST_PP_INC(NN)>(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_INC(NN), I_)),ml)) {\
static_assert(IMPL_TYPE::rank-1==NN,"array : incorrect number of variables in constructor");}
#undef IMPL
// Makes a true (deep) copy of the data.
array(const array & X): IMPL_TYPE(X.indexmap(),X.storage().clone()) {}
// Move
explicit array(array && X) { this->swap_me(X); }
// from a temporary storage and an indexmap. Used for reshaping a temporary array
explicit array(typename indexmap_type::domain_type const& dom, storage_type&& sto, memory_layout<Rank> ml = memory_layout<Rank>{})
: IMPL_TYPE(indexmap_type(dom, ml), std::move(sto)) {}
* Build a new array from X.domain() and fill it with by evaluating X. X can be :
* - another type of array, array_view, matrix,.... (any <IndexMap, Storage> pair)
* - a expression : e.g. array<int> A = B+ 2*C;
template <typename T>
array(const T& X, TYPE_ENABLE_IF(memory_layout<Rank>, ImmutableCuboidArray<T>) ml = memory_layout<Rank>{})
: IMPL_TYPE(indexmap_type(X.domain(), ml)) {
triqs_arrays_assign_delegation(*this, X);
///Build from a numpy.array X (or any object from which numpy can make a numpy.array). Makes a copy.
explicit array (PyObject * X): IMPL_TYPE(X, true, "array "){}
// build from a init_list
template<typename T, int R=Rank>
array(std::initializer_list<T> const & l, typename std::enable_if<R==1>::type * dummy =0):
IMPL_TYPE(indexmap_type(mini_vector<size_t,1>(l.size()),memory_layout<Rank>())) {
size_t i=0;
for (auto const & x : l) (*this)(i++) = x;
template<typename T, int R=Rank>
array (std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T>> const & l, typename std::enable_if<R==2>::type * dummy =0):
IMPL_TYPE(memory_layout<Rank>()) {
size_t i=0,j=0; int s=-1;
for (auto const & l1 : l) { if (s==-1) s= l1.size(); else if (s != l1.size()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "initializer list not rectangular !";}
IMPL_TYPE::resize(typename IMPL_TYPE::domain_type (mini_vector<size_t,2>(l.size(),s)));
for (auto const & l1 : l) {
for (auto const & x : l1) { (*this)(i,j++) = x;}
j=0; ++i;
* Resizes the array. NB : all references to the storage is invalidated.
* Does not initialize the array by default: to resize and init, do resize(IND).init()
array & resize (const indexmaps::cuboid::domain_t<IMPL_TYPE::rank> & l) { IMPL_TYPE::resize(l); return *this; }
/// Assignement resizes the array. All references to the storage are therefore invalidated.
array & operator=(const array & X) { IMPL_TYPE::resize_and_clone_data(X); return *this; }
/// Move assignment
array & operator=(array && X) { this->swap_me(X); return *this;}
/// Swap
friend void swap( array & A, array & B) { A.swap_me(B);}
* Assignement resizes the array (if necessary).
* All references to the storage are therefore invalidated.
* NB : to avoid that, do make_view(A) = X instead of A = X
template<typename RHS>
array & operator=(const RHS & X) {
static_assert(ImmutableCuboidArray<RHS>::value, "Assignment : RHS not supported");
return *this;
template <typename... INT> friend const_view_type transposed_view(array const& a, INT... is) {
return transposed_view(a(), is...);
template <typename... INT> friend view_type transposed_view(array& a, INT... is) {
return transposed_view(a(), is...);
};//array class
#undef IMPL_TYPE
// how to build the view type ....
template <class V, int R, typename TraversalOrder, bool Borrowed, bool IsConst>
struct ISPViewType<V, R, TraversalOrder, Tag::array_view, Borrowed, IsConst> {
using type = array_view<V, R, TraversalOrder, Borrowed, IsConst>;
}}//namespace triqs::arrays
// The std::swap is WRONG for a view because of the copy/move semantics of view.
// Use swap instead (the correct one, found by ADL).
namespace std {
template <typename V, typename To1, typename To2, int R, bool B1, bool B2, bool C1, bool C2>
void swap(triqs::arrays::array_view<V, R, To1, B1, C1>& a, triqs::arrays::array_view<V, R, To2, B2, C2>& b) = delete;
#include "./expression_template/array_algebra.hpp"