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synced 2025-01-27 13:00:49 +01:00
wrapper generator: add treatment of parameter class - methods taking a parameter class are called by **kw - the dict is passed to the C++ - the converters for the parameters are generated.
119 lines
5.6 KiB
119 lines
5.6 KiB
from clang_parser import parse, decay
import sys, os
from mako.template import Template
# the instruction that created this file
shell_command = ' '.join( [ sys.argv[0].rsplit('/')[-1]] + [x if ' ' not in x else '"%s"'%x for x in sys.argv[1:]])
print "Welcome to the wrapper desc file generator of TRIQS, based on libclang !"
# macro vim to replace the old param class ...
# :'<,'>s/\s*\.add_field("\(.\{-}\)",\s*\(.\{-}\)(\(.\{-}\)),\s*"\(.\{-}\)")/\/\/\/\4\r\2 \1 = \3;\r/g
# --- Parsing the arguments of the script and options
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
Generate the C++/Python wrapper desc file from C++ header code
parser.add_argument('filename', help = "Name of the file")
parser.add_argument('--outputname', '-o', help="Name of the xxx_desc.py file [default is same as the filename]", default = '')
parser.add_argument('--modulename', '-m', help="Name of the Python module [default ='', it will take the name of file", default = '')
parser.add_argument('--moduledoc', help="Documentation of the module", default = '')
parser.add_argument('--properties', '-p', action='store_true',
help="""Transforms i) every method with no arguments into read-only property
ii) every method get_X into read-only property
iii) every couple of methods get_X, set_X into rw property
parser.add_argument('--libclang_location', help='Location of the libclang', default = '@TRIQS_LIBCLANG_LOCATION@')
parser.add_argument('--compiler_options', nargs ='*', help='Options to pass to clang')
parser.add_argument('--includes', '-I', action='append', help='Includes to pass to clang')
args = parser.parse_args()
args.includes = (args.includes or []) + '@TRIQS_INCLUDE_ALL@'.split(';')
triqs_install_location = '@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@'
args.includes.insert(0, triqs_install_location + '/include')
modulename = args.modulename or os.path.split(args.filename)[1].split('.',1)[0]
output_name = args.outputname or os.path.split(args.filename)[1].split('.',1)[0]
class property_ :
def __init__ (self, **kw) :
if __name__ == '__main__' :
compiler_options = args.compiler_options or []
compiler_options += ['-I%s'%x for x in args.includes]
if add_opts:
compiler_options += add_opts.split()
functions, classes = parse(args.filename, debug = False, compiler_options = compiler_options, where_is_libclang = args.libclang_location)
print "Generating the wrapper ..."
if args.properties :
print "making properties"
for cls in classes :
cls.proplist, exclude =[], []
m_by_names =dict( (m.name,m) for m in cls.methods)
# Find all the couples get_X, set_X
for m in cls.methods :
if m.is_template or m.name.startswith('operator') or m.name in ['begin','end'] : # or m.rtype.name=="void" :
elif len(m.params) == 0 and not m.is_static : # it is a property
X = m.name[4:] if m.name.startswith('get_') else m.name # remove the get_ if present
set_m = m_by_names.get('set_' + X, None)
if set_m and set_m.rtype.name == "void" and len(set_m.params) ==1 :
if decay(set_m.params[0][0].name) == m.rtype.name :
else :
print "Warning :"
print " in get_%s/set_%s" %(X,X)
print " The type taken from set_%s is not the return type of get_%s"%(X,X)
print " Expected ",m.rtype.name
print " Got ", decay(set_m.params[0][0].name)
print " I am not adding the setter to the property"
set_m = None
cls.proplist.append(property_(name= X, doc = m.doc, getter = m, setter = set_m))
print "Property : ", m.name, set_m.name if set_m else ''
cls.methods = [m for m in cls.methods if m not in exclude]
# all classes used as parameters needs to be converted from / to Python
classes_of_parameters = [m.parameter_arg for m in sum((c.methods for c in classes),[]) if m.parameter_arg != None]
classes_of_parameters = dict(((c.name,c) for c in classes_of_parameters)).values() # make unique
if classes_of_parameters :
print "Generating the converters for parameters classes : " + ', '.join([c.name for c in classes_of_parameters])
# Generate the converter code for all the classes.
tpl = Template(filename=triqs_install_location + '/share/triqs/wrap_generator/converters.mako.hxx')
rendered = tpl.render(classes = classes_of_parameters, args = args, shell_command= shell_command )
#with open(args.filename.replace('.hpp',".hxx"), "w") as f:
with open("converters.hxx", "w") as f:
print "... done"
# Making the desc file
tpl = Template(filename=triqs_install_location + '/share/triqs/wrap_generator/wrap_desc.mako.py')
rendered = tpl.render(classes = classes, functions = functions, modulename=modulename, moduledoc=args.moduledoc, args = args,
shell_command= shell_command, classes_of_parameters = classes_of_parameters )
with open("{output_name}_desc.py".format(output_name=output_name), "w") as f:
print "... done"