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synced 2025-01-12 14:08:24 +01:00
- new parameter class : parameters are viewed as form, built in C++, and filled in C++/python. Each field of the form as a precise C++ type (erased using standard techniques). First tests ok, to be reread/checked. TODO : serialization is commented. Lead to long compilation time & large code due to boost::serialization. Use h5 when possible. - wrapper : - separated the converters of the wrapped type in the TRIQS library - necessary for parameters (it used outside an .so) and potentially other codes, outside an .so module
233 lines
9.3 KiB
233 lines
9.3 KiB
* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2014 by H. Hafermann, O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <triqs/utility/first_include.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <complex>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <typeindex>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp>
//#include <triqs/utility/serialization.hpp>
#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
#include <triqs/python_tools/wrapper_tools.hpp>
namespace triqs {
namespace params {
using triqs::get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme;
template <typename T> std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, std::vector<T> const &v) {
out << "[";
if (v.size() > 3)
out << v[0] << ", ..., " << v[v.size()-1];
else {
int c = 0;
for (auto const &x : v) out << (c++ ? ", " : "") << x;
return out << "]";
// All the predefined cast of _field
(int)(long)(long long)(unsigned int)(unsigned long)(unsigned long long)(double)(bool)(std::string)
// a trait to compute the type actually stored in the opaque object.
// T except for integers, which are all stored as long
template <typename T, typename Enable = void> struct storage_t_impl {
using type = T;
template <typename T> using storage_t = typename storage_t_impl<std::c14::decay_t<T>>::type;
template <typename T> struct storage_t_impl<T, std::c14::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>> {
using type = long;
// differentiate value and view ?
template <typename A> struct storage_t_impl<A, std::c14::enable_if_t<arrays::is_amv_value_or_view_class<A>::value>> {
using type = arrays::array<typename A::value_type, A::rank>;
template<> struct storage_t_impl<const char *> {using type = std::string;};
template<> struct storage_t_impl<char *> {using type = std::string;};
// --------------- the field object ---------------------------------------
class _field {
friend class parameters;
struct _data {
virtual const void *get() const = 0;
virtual _data *clone() const = 0;
virtual void h5_write_(h5::group, std::string const &) const = 0;
virtual void h5_read_(h5::group, std::string const &) = 0;
//virtual std::string serialize() const = 0;
//virtual void deserialize(std::string const &) = 0;
virtual std::ostream &print(std::ostream &out) const = 0;
virtual bool from_python_convertible(PyObject *) const = 0;
virtual void set_from_python(PyObject *) = 0;
virtual PyObject *to_python() const = 0;
template <typename T> struct _data_impl : _data {
T x;
_data_impl(T obj) : x(std::move(obj)) {}
_data_impl(_data_impl &&c) = default;
_data_impl(_data_impl const &) = default;
virtual const void *get() const override { return &x; }
virtual _data *clone() const override { return new _data_impl(*this); }
virtual void h5_write_(h5::group f, std::string const &name) const override { h5_write(f, name, x); }
virtual void h5_read_(h5::group f, std::string const &name) override { h5_read(f, name, x); }
virtual std::string serialize() const override { return triqs::serialize(x); }
virtual void deserialize(std::string const &s) override {
x = triqs::deserialize<T>(s);
virtual std::ostream &print(std::ostream &out) const override { return out << x; }
virtual bool from_python_convertible(PyObject *ob) const override {
return py_tools::py_converter<T>::is_convertible(ob, true);
virtual void set_from_python(PyObject *ob) override { x = py_tools::py_converter<T>::py2c(ob); }
virtual PyObject *to_python() const override { return py_tools::py_converter<T>::c2py(x); }
std::type_index index;
std::unique_ptr<_data> p; //invariant : is never null
static std::map<std::type_index, std::string> type_names;
std::string name_; // for_error_messages
bool modified = false;
// only parameters will construct _field
template <typename T>
_field(T obj, std::string n, bool modification_required)
: index(typeid(storage_t<T>)), p(new _data_impl<storage_t<T>>{std::move(obj)}), name_(n), modified(!modification_required) {
type_names.insert({index, get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(storage_t<T>{})});
//_field() : index(typeid(void)) {} // BREAKS invariant : only used for BOOST serialization...
_field(_field &&c) = default;
_field(_field const &x) : index(x.index), p(x.p ? x.p->clone() : nullptr), name_(x.name_), modified(x.modified) {} // regular type
_field &operator=(_field &&c) = default;
_field &operator=(_field const &x) { return operator=(_field(x)); }
template <typename RHS> _field &operator=(RHS rhs) { // pass by value (sink)
modified = true;
using S_t = storage_t<RHS>;
if (index != typeid(S_t)) {
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Field "<< name_<<" is of type "<< type_name(index)<<". I can not put a " << type_name(typeid(S_t)) << " into it.";
p.reset(new _data_impl<S_t>{std::move(rhs)});
return *this;
// rewrite a few cases for convenience ...
_field &operator=(int rhs) { // a special case where we can correct : int -> double
if (index == typeid(double)) return operator=(double(rhs));
return operator=(long(rhs));// beware infinite loop!
// special treatment for const char *: fall back to string
_field &operator=(const char *rhs) { return operator=(std::string(rhs)); }
// for subgroups only : implemented after parameters. Check type at runtime
template <typename... T> _field &add_field(T &&... x);
_field &operator[](const char * key);
_field const &operator[](const char * key) const;
friend bool is_parameter(_field const & f);
_field& add_group(std::string const& key, std::string const& doc);
std::string type_name() const { return type_name(index); }
std::string const &name() const { return name_; }
bool is_modified() const { return modified; }
const void *get() const { return (p ? p->get() : nullptr); }
template <typename T> bool has_type() const { return index == typeid(T); }
static std::string type_name(std::type_index i);
bool from_python_convertible(PyObject *ob) const { return p->from_python_convertible(ob); }
void set_from_python(PyObject *ob) { p->set_from_python(ob); }
PyObject *to_python() const { return p->to_python(); }
// implemented later, since it needs the extract function ...
#define CAST_OPERATOR(r, data, T) operator T() const;
// ----- Boost serialisation
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) const {
std::string s = p->serialize();
ar << TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("seria_str", s);
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) {
std::string s;
ar >> TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("seria_str", s);
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, _field const &ob) { return ob.p->print(out); }
// --------------------- hdf5 ---------------------------------
friend std::string get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(_field const &) { return ""; }
friend void h5_write(h5::group F, std::string const &Name, _field const &);
friend void h5_read(h5::group F, std::string const &Name, _field &);
}; // object class
// --------------------- arithmetic operations are deleted for _field ---------------------------------
#define DELETE_OP(op) \
template <typename LHS, typename RHS> \
std::c14::enable_if_t<std::is_same<LHS, _field>::value || std::is_same<RHS, _field>::value> operator op(LHS const &, \
RHS const &) = delete;
#undef DELETE_OP
// --------------------- extraction with type checking for C++ ---------------------------------
template <typename T> T extract(_field const &ob) {
if (!ob.has_type<storage_t<T>>())
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "extraction of " << ob.name() << " impossible : type mismatch. I have received a " << ob.type_name()
<< ", while I am supposed to extract a " << _field::type_name(typeid(T));
return *static_cast<const storage_t<T> *>(ob.get());
template <> double extract(_field const &obj); // special treatment for basic types
template <> long extract(_field const &obj);