mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-12-26 14:23:38 +01:00
Olivier Parcollet 4af1afbdaf hdf5 : clean up
- For users : only change is :
   H5::H5File in apps. to be replaced by triqs::h5::file, same API.

- using only the C API because :
   - it is cleaner, better documented, more examples.
   - it is the native hdf5 interface.
   - simplify the installation e.g. on mac. Indeed, hdf5 is
     usually installed without C++ interface, which is optional.
     E.g. EPD et al., brew by default.
     Also the infamous mpi+ hdf5_cpp bug, for which we have no clean solution.

- clean the notion of parent of a group. Not needed, better iterate function in C LT API.
- modified doc : no need for C++ bindings any more.
- modified cmake to avoid requiring CPP bindings.
2014-06-22 13:57:47 +02:00

141 lines
3.7 KiB

#include <triqs/parameters.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace triqs;
using namespace triqs::params;
using namespace triqs::arrays;
using triqs::arrays::array;
// what is the concept of things that can be put in the dict ?
struct my_obj {
int i;
my_obj(int i_) { i=i_;}
my_obj() { i=0;}
my_obj(my_obj const & x) { i = x.i;}
my_obj(my_obj && x) { std::swap(i,x.i);}
my_obj & operator = (my_obj && x)= default;
// h5 operation
friend std::string get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme( my_obj const&) { return "myobject_is_nice";}
friend void h5_write ( h5::group F, std::string const & subgroup_name, my_obj const & p){
h5::group gr = F.create_group(subgroup_name);
friend void h5_read ( h5::group F, std::string const & subgroup_name, my_obj & p){
auto gr = F.open_group(subgroup_name);
// print
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, my_obj const & p) { return out<< "myobject("<<p.i<<")";}
// boost serialization
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("i",i); }
int main() {
try {
parameters P;
P.add_field("a", 1, "?")
.add_field("d", 2.0, "")
.add_field("s", "", "")
.add_field("sc", "", "")
.add_field("U", no_default<array<double, 2>>(), "")
.add_field("A", no_default<matrix<double>>(), "")
.add_field("V", no_default<arrays::vector<double>>(), "")
.add_field("B", no_default<array<long, 1>>(), "")
//.add_field("myobject1", no_default<my_obj>(), "")
//P["myobject1"] = my_obj(18);
P["a"] = long(1);
P["d"] = 2.7;
P["s"] = std::string("-14.3");
P["sc"] = "-14.3";
// raises an error as it should ...
try {
std::cout << extract<int>(P["d"]) << std::endl;
catch(std::exception const & e) {
std::cout << "caught error "<< e.what() <<std::endl;
triqs::arrays::array<double,2> A(2,2); A()=0;A(0,0) = 1.3; A(1,1) = -8.2;
triqs::arrays::array<long,1> B(3); B()=0;B(0) = 3; B(1) = -8;
triqs::arrays::matrix<double> U(2,2);U()=1.;
P["U"] = U;
triqs::arrays::vector<double> V(3);V()=1.;
P["V"] = V;
P["A"] = std::move(A);
P["B"] = B;
std::cout << "A"<< P["A"] << std::endl;
std::cout << "B"<< P["B"] << std::endl;
triqs::arrays::array<long,1> C;
C = extract<decltype(C)>(P["B"]);
std::cout << "C" << C << std::endl;
// testing that I can extract a view and modify it.
triqs::arrays::array_view<long, 1> VC = extract<triqs::arrays::array_view<long, 1>>(P["B"]);
std::cout << "VC" << VC << std::endl;
VC(0) *= 2;
C = extract<decltype(C)>(P["B"]);
std::cout << "C" << C << std::endl;
/*array<array<int,2>, 1> aa(2);
aa(0) = A; aa(1) = 2*A;
P["aa"] = aa;
std::cout << "get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme :"<< get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(aa)<< std::endl;
long j = P["a"];
double x = P["d"];
double y = P["a"];
double z = P["s"];
double zc = P["sc"];
std::string rs = P["s"];
std::cout << j << std::endl ;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
std::cout << y << std::endl ;
std::cout << z << std::endl ;
std::cout << zc << std::endl ;
std::cout << P["a"] << std::endl ;
//std::cout << P["aa"] << std::endl ;
std::cout << P["s"] << std::endl ;
std::cout << P << std::endl;
h5::file file( "ess.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC );
h5_write( file, "Parameters", P);
auto P4 = P;
h5::file file( "ess.h5", H5F_ACC_RDONLY );
h5_read( file, "Parameters", P4);
h5::file file( "ess_relo.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC );
h5_write( file, "Parameters", P4);
std::cout << "P4 after : \n"<< P4<< std::endl ;