mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-12-26 14:23:38 +01:00
Olivier Parcollet 579368f24b gf. Clean Fourier
- lazy_fourier and co --> fourier
- ex fourier --> make_gf_from_fourier to make a new gf
- = fourier (g) works only iif lhs is a view, like scalar.
- updated python (commented fourier method).
2013-10-23 18:46:55 +02:00

128 lines
2.6 KiB

#include <triqs/gfs.hpp>
using namespace triqs::gfs;
using namespace triqs::arrays;
#define TEST(X) std::cout << BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE((X)) << " ---> "<< (X) <<std::endl<<std::endl;
#include <triqs/gfs/local/functions.hpp>
// example
//template<typename T> using block_gf = gf<block_index, gf<T>>;
// block_gf<imtime> ...
// but not on gcc 4.6 !
int main() {
try {
triqs::gfs::freq_infty inf;
double beta =1;
auto G = gf<imfreq>{ {beta, Fermion}, {2,2} };
auto Gc = gf<imfreq>{ {beta, Fermion}, {2,2} };
auto G3 = gf<imfreq>{ {beta, Fermion}, {2,2} };
auto Gt = gf<imtime>{ {beta, Fermion,100}, {2,2} };
auto Gv = G();
TEST( G( 0) ) ;
Gv.on_mesh(0) = 20;
TEST( Gv( 0) ) ;
TEST( G( 0) ) ;
Gv.on_mesh(0) = 0;
auto Gv2 = slice_target(G(),range(0,1),range(0,1));
TEST( Gv2( 0) ) ;
Gv2.on_mesh(0) = 10;
TEST( Gv2( 0) ) ;
TEST( G( 0) ) ;
triqs::clef::placeholder<0> om_;
TEST( G(om_) ) ;
TEST( eval(G(om_), om_=0) ) ;
TEST( Gv(om_) ) ;
TEST( eval(Gv(om_), om_=0) ) ;
std::cout <<"-------------lazy assign 1 ------------------"<<std::endl;
Gv(om_) << (0.2 + om_ + 2.1);
std::cout <<"-------------lazy assign 2 ------------------"<<std::endl;
G(om_) << 1/(om_ + 2.3);
std::cout <<"----------------- 3 --------------------"<<std::endl;
TEST( Gv(om_) ) ;
TEST( eval(Gv(om_), om_=0) ) ;
// tail
auto t = G(inf);
TEST( t( 2) ) ;
TEST( Gv2(inf)( 2) ) ;
// copy
Gc = G;
TEST( G( 0) ) ;
TEST( Gc( 0) ) ;
// operations on gf
G3 = G +2* Gc;
G3 = G + Gc;
// TEST( G3( 0) ) ;
// G3 = G3 /2.0;
// TEST( G3( 0) ) ;
// does not compile : ok
// G3 = G + Gt;
std::cout <<"----------------- 4 --------------------"<<std::endl;
// test for density
TEST( density(G3) );
// should not compile
//G3 = G + Gt;
//#define ALL_TEST
#ifdef ALL_TEST
for (int u=0; u<10; ++u) {
TEST( (G + 2.0* Gc)( u) ) ;
TEST( (8.0*G + 2.0* Gc)( u) ) ;
TEST( (8.0*G - 2.0* Gc)( u) ) ;
TEST( (G - Gc)( u) ) ;
TEST( (G - 2.0* Gc)( u) ) ;
TEST( (G * Gc)( u) ) ;
TEST( G( 0) ) ;
TEST( ( G(inf) + G(inf) ) (2));
TEST( ( G(inf) * G(inf) ) (4));
TEST( t(1));
//tqa::array<double,9> A(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); A()=0;
//auto x = local::impl::gf_impl<triqs::gfs::meshes::imfreq, true>::wrap_infty (G.tail_view()) + 2.0;
// test hdf5
H5::H5File file("ess_gf.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC );
h5_write(file, "g", G);