mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 22:18:23 +01:00
- h5/make_h5.... only used in parameters. - old boost includes before C++11 - remove boost serialization, make macro TRIQS_MAKE_NVP temporarely - remove boost::is_complex (can be written in 2 lines...) - move some lib in cpp
174 lines
6.1 KiB
174 lines
6.1 KiB
* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2011 by O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "./first_include.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "./compiler_details.hpp"
#include "./exceptions.hpp"
#include <boost/serialization/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <triqs/utility/tuple_tools.hpp>
//#define TRIQS_MAKE_NVP(NAME,X) boost::serialization::make_nvp(NAME,X)
namespace triqs { namespace utility {
template <typename T, int Rank>
class mini_vector {
T _data[Rank];
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("_data",_data); }
void init() { for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) _data[i] = 0;}
public :
typedef T value_type;
#define AUX(z,p,unused) _data[p] = x_##p;
#define IMPL(z, NN, unused) \
mini_vector (BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_INC(NN), T x_)){ \
static_assert(Rank-1==NN,"mini_vector : incorrect number of variables in constructor");\
#undef IMPL
#undef AUX
mini_vector(const mini_vector & x){ *this = x; }
mini_vector(mini_vector && x){ *this = std::move(x); }
template<typename T2> mini_vector(const mini_vector<T2,Rank> & x){ *this = x; }
mini_vector(const std::vector<T> & v){
if (v.size()!=Rank)
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "mini_vector construction : vector size incorrect : expected "<<Rank<<" got : "<< v.size();
for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) _data[i] = v[i];
mini_vector & operator=(const mini_vector & x){ for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) _data[i] = x._data[i]; return *this;}
mini_vector & operator=(mini_vector && x) = default;
friend void swap(mini_vector & a, mini_vector & b) { std::swap(a._data, b._data);}
int size() const { return Rank;}
template<typename T2>
mini_vector & operator=(const mini_vector<T2,Rank> & x){ for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) _data[i] = x[i]; return *this;}
T & operator[](size_t i) { return _data[i];}
const T & operator[](size_t i) const { return _data[i];}
std::vector<T> to_vector () const { std::vector<T> V(Rank); for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) V[i] = _data[i]; return V; }
T product_of_elements () const { T res=1; for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) res *= _data[i]; return res; }
T * restrict ptr() { return _data;}
const T * restrict ptr() const { return _data;}
std::string to_string() const {
std::stringstream fs;
fs <<"(";
for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) fs<<(i==0? "" : " ") << (*this)[i];
return fs.str();
mini_vector<T, Rank+1> append (T const & x) const {
mini_vector<T, Rank+1> res;
for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) res[i]=_data[i];
res[Rank] = x;
return res;
mini_vector<T, Rank+1> front_append (T const & x) const {
mini_vector<T, Rank+1> res;
for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) res[i+1]=_data[i];
res[0] = x;
return res;
mini_vector<T, Rank-1> pop () const {
mini_vector<T, Rank-1> res;
for (int i=0;i<Rank-1; ++i) res[i]=_data[i];
return res;
mini_vector<T, Rank-1> front_pop () const {
mini_vector<T, Rank-1> res;
for (int i=1;i<Rank; ++i) res[i-1]=_data[i];
return res;
friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & out, mini_vector const & v ) {return out<<v.to_string();}
friend std::stringstream & operator << ( std::stringstream & out, mini_vector const & v ) { out<<v.to_string(); return out;}
}; // class mini_vector
template <typename T, int R>
bool operator ==(mini_vector<T,R> const & v1, mini_vector<T,R> const & v2) {
for (int i=0;i<R; ++i) { if (v1[i]!=v2[i]) return false;}
return true;
template <typename T, int R> bool operator !=(mini_vector<T,R> const & v1, mini_vector<T,R> const & v2) { return (!(v1==v2));}
template <typename T, int R1, int R2>
mini_vector<T, R1+R2> join (mini_vector<T,R1> const & v1, mini_vector<T,R2> const & v2) {
mini_vector<T, R1+R2> res;
for (int i=0;i<R1; ++i) res[i]=v1[i];
for (int i=0;i<R2; ++i) res[R1+i]=v2[i];
return res;
template <typename T1, typename T2, int Rank>
T1 dot_product(mini_vector<T1,Rank> const & v1, mini_vector<T2,Rank> const & v2) {
T1 res=0;
for (int i=0;i<Rank; ++i) res += v1[i]*v2[i];
return res;
struct tuple_to_mini_vector_aux { template<typename M, typename V> V * operator()(M const & m, V * v) { *v = m; return ++v;}};
// change : the first version crash clang 3.3, but not svn version.
// must be a bug, corrected since then
template<typename T, typename ... U>
mini_vector<T,sizeof...(U)> tuple_to_mini_vector(std::tuple<U...> const & t) {
mini_vector<T,sizeof...(U)> res;
return res;
template<typename T, typename TU>
mini_vector<T,std::tuple_size<TU>::value> tuple_to_mini_vector(TU const & t) {
mini_vector<T,std::tuple_size<TU>::value> res;
return res;
}}//namespace triqs::arrays