mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2025-01-12 05:58:18 +01:00
Olivier Parcollet f2c7d449cc First commit : triqs libs version 1.0 alpha1
for earlier commits, see TRIQS0.x repository.
2013-07-17 19:24:07 +02:00

113 lines
3.7 KiB

import tempfile
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# seems to be executed at the level of the conf.py
# so we need to link the lib at that place...
import os
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from sphinx.errors import SphinxError
class CompileBlockError(SphinxError):
category = 'compileblock error'
class AutoCompile(object):
#here = os.path.abspath(__file__)
#pycon = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here),'pycon.py')
config = dict(
#pycon = 'python ' + pycon,
#pycon_prefix_chars = 4,
#pycon_show_source = False,
#console = 'bash',
#console_prefix_chars = 1 ,
compiler = "clang++",
link = "",
include = "",
definitions = "",
ld_library_path = "",
def builder_init(cls,app):
class CompileBlock(Directive):
has_content = True
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 1
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec = {
'linenos': directives.flag,
def run(self):
config = AutoCompile.config
# Get configuration values for the language
input_encoding = 'ascii' #config.get(language+'_input_encoding','ascii')
output_encoding = 'ascii' #config.get(language+'_output_encoding','ascii')
show_source = True
# Build the code text
code = u'\n'.join(self.content).encode(input_encoding)
# write the temp file for compilation
fil = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.cpp')
args = "%(compiler)s "%config + fil.name + " %(definitions)s %(include)s %(link)s"%config
print "Compiling ...."
#print args
import subprocess as S
error = True
try :
stdout = S.check_output(args,stderr=S.STDOUT,shell=True)
try :
resout = S.check_output(" ./a.out"%config ,stderr=S.STDOUT,shell=True)
#resout = S.check_output("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRAY_PATH:%(ld_library_path)s && ./a.out"%config ,stderr=S.STDOUT,shell=True)
if resout :
stdout +='---------- Result is -------\n' + resout
error = False
except S.CalledProcessError as E :
stdout ='---------- RunTime error -------\n'
stdout += E.output
except S.CalledProcessError as E :
stdout ='---------- Compilation error -------\n'
stdout += E.output
print "... done"
# Process output
if stdout:
stdout = stdout.decode(output_encoding,'ignore')
out = u''.join(stdout).decode(output_encoding)
out = '' #.join(stderr).decode(output_encoding)
# Get the original code with prefixes
if show_source:
code = u'\n'.join(self.content)
code = ''
code_out = u'\n'.join((code,out))
if error : # report on console
print " Error in processing "
print code_out
literal = nodes.literal_block(code_out,code_out)
literal['language'] = 'c'
literal['linenos'] = 'linenos' in self.options
return [literal]
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('compileblock', CompileBlock)
#app.add_config_value('autorun_languages', AutoRun.config, 'env')
app.add_config_value('autocompile_opts', AutoCompile.config, 'env')