mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 12:46:41 +01:00

- forgot a constructor on the domain (was a pb for cthyb_krylov code). - a few details (better make_gf).
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436 lines
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* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <triqs/utility/first_include.hpp>
#include <triqs/utility/std_vector_expr_template.hpp>
#include <triqs/utility/factory.hpp>
#include <triqs/utility/tuple_tools.hpp>
#include <triqs/arrays/h5.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include "./tools.hpp"
#include "./data_proxies.hpp"
namespace triqs { namespace gfs {
using utility::factory;
using arrays::make_shape;
template<typename Variable, typename Opt=void> struct gf_mesh;
template<typename Variable, typename Target=matrix_valued, typename Opt=void> class gf; // the regular type
template<typename Variable, typename Target=matrix_valued, typename Opt=void> class gf_view; // the view type
// various implementation traits
namespace gfs_implementation { // never use using of this...
// evaluator regroup functions to evaluate the function. Cf descriptors
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct evaluator{ static constexpr int arity = 0;};
// closest_point mechanism
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct get_closest_point;
// singularity
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct singularity { typedef nothing type;};
// symmetry
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct symmetry { typedef nothing type;};
// factories regroup all factories (constructors..) for all types of gf.
template <typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct factories;
// data_proxy contains function to manipulate the data array, but no data itself.
// this is used to specialize this part of the code to array of dim 3 (matrix gf), dim 1 (scalar gf) and vector (e.g. block gf, ...)
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt, typename Enable = void> struct data_proxy;
// This trait contains functions to read/write in hdf5 files. Can be specialized for some descriptor (Cf block)
template <typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct h5_name; // value is a const char *
template<typename Variable, typename Opt> struct h5_name<Variable,scalar_valued,Opt> { static std::string invoke(){ return h5_name<Variable,matrix_valued,Opt>::invoke() + "_s";}};
template <typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct h5_ops {
template<typename DataType, typename GF> static void write(h5::group g, std::string const & s, DataType const & data, GF const &) { h5_write(g,"data",data); }
template<typename DataType, typename GF> static void read (h5::group g, std::string const & s, DataType & data, GF const &) { h5_read(g,"data",data);}
} // gfs_implementation
// make_gf and make_gf_view forward any args to them
template <typename Variable, typename Target=matrix_valued, typename Opt=void, typename ... U>
gf<Variable,Target,Opt> make_gf(gf_mesh<Variable,Opt> m, U && ... x)
{ return gfs_implementation::factories<Variable,Target,Opt>::make_gf(std::move(m),std::forward<U>(x)...);}
template <typename Variable, typename Target=matrix_valued, typename Opt=void, typename ... U>
gf<Variable,Target,Opt> make_gf(U && ... x) { return gfs_implementation::factories<Variable,Target,Opt>::make_gf(std::forward<U>(x)...);}
template <typename Variable, typename Target=matrix_valued, typename Opt=void, typename ... U>
gf_view<Variable,Target,Opt> make_gf_view(U && ... x) { return gfs_implementation::factories<Variable,Target,Opt>::make_gf_view(std::forward<U>(x)...);}
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> struct gf_desc{};
template<typename Descriptor> struct gf_tag{};
// The trait that "marks" the Green function
// ---------------------- implementation --------------------------------
/// A common implementation class for gf and gf_view. They will only redefine contructor and = ...
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt, bool IsView> class gf_impl :
TRIQS_CONCEPT_TAG_NAME(ImmutableGreenFunction), gf_tag<gf_desc<Variable,Target,Opt>> {
public :
// Pattern : ValueView
typedef gf_view<Variable,Target,Opt> view_type;
typedef gf<Variable,Target,Opt> regular_type;
typedef gf_desc<Variable,Target,Opt> descriptor_t;
typedef Variable variable_t;
typedef Opt option_t;
typedef gf_mesh<Variable,Opt> mesh_t;
typedef typename mesh_t::domain_t domain_t;
typedef typename mesh_t::mesh_point_t mesh_point_t;
typedef typename mesh_t::index_t mesh_index_t;
typedef typename gfs_implementation::symmetry<Variable,Target,Opt>::type symmetry_t;
typedef gfs_implementation::evaluator<Variable,Target,Opt> evaluator_t;
typedef gfs_implementation::data_proxy<Variable,Target,Opt> data_proxy_t;
typedef typename data_proxy_t::storage_t data_regular_t;
typedef typename data_proxy_t::storage_view_t data_view_t;
typedef typename std::conditional<IsView, data_view_t, data_regular_t>::type data_t;
typedef typename gfs_implementation::singularity<Variable,Target,Opt>::type singularity_non_view_t;
typedef typename view_type_if_exists_else_type<singularity_non_view_t>::type singularity_view_t;
typedef typename std::conditional<IsView, singularity_view_t, singularity_non_view_t>::type singularity_t;
mesh_t const & mesh() const { return _mesh;}
domain_t const & domain() const { return _mesh.domain();}
data_t & data() { return _data;}
data_t const & data() const { return _data;}
singularity_t & singularity() { return _singularity;}
singularity_t const & singularity() const { return _singularity;}
symmetry_t const & symmetry() const { return _symmetry;}
evaluator_t const & get_evaluator() const { return _evaluator;}
mesh_t _mesh;
data_t _data;
singularity_t _singularity;
symmetry_t _symmetry;
evaluator_t _evaluator;
data_proxy_t _data_proxy;
// --------------------------------Constructors -----------------------------------------------
// all protected but one, this is an implementation class, see gf/gf_view later for public one
gf_impl() {} // all arrays of zero size (empty)
public : //everyone can make a copy (for clef lib in particular, this one needs to be public)
gf_impl(gf_impl const & x) : _mesh(x.mesh()), _data(factory<data_t>(x.data())),
_singularity(factory<singularity_t>(x.singularity())), _symmetry(x.symmetry()), _evaluator(x._evaluator){}
gf_impl(gf_impl &&) = default;
gf_impl(gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,!IsView> const & x): _mesh(x.mesh()), _data(factory<data_t>(x.data())),
_singularity(factory<singularity_t>(x.singularity())), _symmetry(x.symmetry()), _evaluator(x.get_evaluator()){}
template<typename M, typename D, typename S, typename SY, typename EV>
gf_impl(M && m, D && dat, S && sing, SY && sy, EV && ev) :
_mesh(std::forward<M>(m)), _data(std::forward<D>(dat)), _singularity(std::forward<S>(sing)),_symmetry(std::forward<SY>(sy)), _evaluator(std::forward<EV>(ev)){}
void operator = (gf_impl const & rhs) = delete; // done in derived class.
void swap_impl (gf_impl & b) noexcept {
using std::swap;
swap(this->_mesh, b._mesh); swap(this->_data, b._data); swap (this->_singularity,b._singularity); swap(this->_symmetry,b._symmetry); swap(this->_evaluator,b._evaluator);
// ------------- All the call operators -----------------------------
// First, a simple () returns a view, like for an array...
view_type operator()() const { return *this;}
/// Calls are (perfectly) forwarded to the evaluator::operator(), except mesh_point_t and when
/// there is at least one lazy argument ...
template<typename Arg0, typename... Args > // match any argument list, picking out the first type : () is not permitted
typename std::add_const<
typename boost::lazy_disable_if< // disable the template if one the following conditions it true
boost::mpl::or_< // starting condition [OR]
clef::is_any_lazy<Arg0, Args...> // One of Args is a lazy expression
, boost::mpl::bool_<(sizeof...(Args)!= evaluator_t::arity -1 ) && (evaluator_t::arity !=-1)> // if -1 : no check
>, // end of OR
std::result_of<evaluator_t(gf_impl*,Arg0, Args...)> // what is the result type of call
>::type // end of lazy_disable_if
>::type // end of add_Const
operator() (Arg0&& arg0, Args&&... args) const { return _evaluator(this,std::forward<Arg0>( arg0), std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
// Interaction with the CLEF library : calling the gf with any clef expression as argument build a new clef expression
template<typename Arg0, typename ...Args>
typename clef::result_of::make_expr_call<view_type,Arg0, Args...>::type
//typename clef::result_of::make_expr_call<gf_impl,Arg0, Args...>::type
operator()(Arg0 arg0, Args... args) const {
return clef::make_expr_call(view_type(*this),arg0, args...);
// on mesh component for composite meshes
// enable iif the first arg is a mesh_point_t for the first component of the mesh_t
template<typename Arg0, typename ... Args, bool MeshIsComposite = std::is_base_of<tag::composite, mesh_t>::value >
typename std::enable_if< MeshIsComposite && std::is_base_of< tag::mesh_point, Arg0>::value, r_type>::type
operator() (Arg0 const & arg0, Args const & ... args)
{ return _data_proxy(_data, _mesh.mesh_pt_components_to_linear(arg0, args...));}
template<typename Arg0, typename ... Args, bool MeshIsComposite = std::is_base_of<tag::composite, mesh_t>::value >
typename std::enable_if< MeshIsComposite && std::is_base_of< tag::mesh_point, Arg0>::value, cr_type>::type
operator() (Arg0 const & arg0, Args const & ... args) const
{ return _data_proxy(_data, _mesh.mesh_pt_components_to_linear(arg0, args...));}
//// [] and access to the grid point
typedef typename std::result_of<data_proxy_t(data_t &,size_t)>::type r_type;
typedef typename std::result_of<data_proxy_t(data_t const &,size_t)>::type cr_type;
r_type operator[] (mesh_index_t const & arg) { return _data_proxy(_data,_mesh.index_to_linear(arg));}
cr_type operator[] (mesh_index_t const & arg) const { return _data_proxy(_data,_mesh.index_to_linear(arg));}
r_type operator[] (mesh_point_t const & x) { return _data_proxy(_data, x.linear_index());}
cr_type operator[] (mesh_point_t const & x) const { return _data_proxy(_data, x.linear_index());}
template<typename ... U>
r_type operator[] (closest_pt_wrap<U...> const & p) { return _data_proxy(_data, _mesh.index_to_linear( gfs_implementation::get_closest_point<Variable,Target,Opt>::invoke(this,p)));}
template<typename ... U>
cr_type operator[] (closest_pt_wrap<U...> const & p) const { return _data_proxy(_data, _mesh.index_to_linear( gfs_implementation::get_closest_point<Variable,Target,Opt>::invoke(this,p)));}
// Interaction with the CLEF library : calling the gf with any clef expression as argument build a new clef expression
template<typename Arg>
typename boost::lazy_enable_if< // enable the template if
clef::is_any_lazy<Arg>, // One of Args is a lazy expression
>::type // end of lazy_enable_if
operator[](Arg && arg) const { return clef::make_expr_subscript(view_type(*this),std::forward<Arg>(arg));}
/// A direct access to the grid point
template<typename... Args>
r_type on_mesh (Args&&... args) { return _data_proxy(_data,_mesh.index_to_linear(mesh_index_t(std::forward<Args>(args)...)));}
/// A direct access to the grid point (const version)
template<typename... Args>
cr_type on_mesh (Args&&... args) const { return _data_proxy(_data,_mesh.index_to_linear(mesh_index_t(std::forward<Args>(args)...)));}
struct _on_mesh_wrapper_const {
gf_impl const & f; _on_mesh_wrapper_const (gf_impl const & _f) : f(_f) {}
template <typename... Args> cr_type operator ()(Args && ... args) const { return f.on_mesh(std::forward<Args>(args)...);}
struct _on_mesh_wrapper {
gf_impl & f; _on_mesh_wrapper (gf_impl & _f) : f(_f) {}
template <typename... Args> r_type operator ()(Args && ... args) const { return f.on_mesh(std::forward<Args>(args)...);}
_on_mesh_wrapper_const friend on_mesh(gf_impl const & f) { return f;}
_on_mesh_wrapper friend on_mesh(gf_impl & f) { return f;}
//----------------------------- HDF5 -----------------------------
friend std::string get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(gf_impl const & g) { return "Gf" + gfs_implementation::h5_name<Variable,Target,Opt>::invoke();}
/// Write into HDF5
friend void h5_write (h5::group fg, std::string subgroup_name, gf_impl const & g) {
auto gr = fg.create_group(subgroup_name);
gfs_implementation::h5_ops<Variable,Target,Opt>::write(gr, "data", g._data, g);//can be specialized for some descriptors (E.g. blocks)
/// Read from HDF5
friend void h5_read (h5::group fg, std::string subgroup_name, gf_impl & g) {
auto gr = fg.open_group(subgroup_name);
// Check the attribute or throw
auto tag_file = gr.read_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme();
auto tag_expected= get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(g);
if (tag_file != tag_expected)
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "h5_read : mismatch of the tag TRIQS_HDF5_data_scheme tag in the h5 group : found "<<tag_file << " while I expected "<< tag_expected;
gfs_implementation::h5_ops<Variable,Target,Opt>::read(gr, "data", g._data, g);//can be specialized for some descriptors (E.g. blocks)
//----------------------------- BOOST Serialization -----------------------------
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) {
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("data",_data);
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("singularity",_singularity);
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("mesh",_mesh);
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("symmetry",_symmetry);
/// print
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, gf_impl const & x) { return out<<(IsView ? "gf_view": "gf");}
friend std::ostream & triqs_nvl_formal_print(std::ostream & out, gf_impl const & x) { return out<<(IsView ? "gf_view": "gf");}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
///The regular class of GF
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> class gf : public gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,false> {
typedef gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,false> B;
public :
gf():B() {}
gf(gf const & g): B(g){}
gf(gf && g) noexcept : B(std::move(g)){}
gf(gf_view<Variable,Target,Opt> const & g): B(g){}
template<typename GfType> gf(GfType const & x): B() { *this = x;}
template<typename DataViewType> // anything from which the factory can make the data ...
gf(typename B::mesh_t const & m,
DataViewType && dat,
typename B::singularity_view_t const & si,
typename B::symmetry_t const & s ,
typename B::evaluator_t const & eval = typename B::evaluator_t ()
) :
B(m,factory<typename B::data_t>(std::forward<DataViewType>(dat)),si,s,eval) {}
friend void swap (gf & a, gf & b) noexcept { a.swap_impl (b);}
gf & operator = (gf const & rhs) { *this = gf(rhs); return *this;} // use move =
gf & operator = (gf & rhs) { *this = gf(rhs); return *this;} // use move =
gf & operator = (gf && rhs) noexcept { swap(*this, rhs); return *this;}
template<typename RHS> void operator = (RHS && rhs) {
this->_mesh = rhs.mesh();
B::data_proxy_t::assign_with_resize(this->data(), std::forward<RHS>(rhs).data()); // looks strange for &&
this->_singularity = rhs.singularity();
// to be implemented : there is none in the gf_expr in particular....
//this->_symmetry = rhs.symmetry();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
///The View class of GF
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt> class gf_view : public gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,true> {
typedef gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,true> B;
public :
gf_view(gf_view const & g): B(g){}
gf_view(gf_view && g) noexcept : B(std::move(g)){}
template<bool V> gf_view(gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,V> const & g): B(g){}
template<typename D, typename T>
gf_view (typename B::mesh_t const & m,
D const & dat,T const & t,typename B::symmetry_t const & s,
typename B::evaluator_t const &e = typename B::evaluator_t () ) :
B(m,factory<typename B::data_t>(dat),t,s,e) {}
friend void swap (gf_view & a, gf_view & b) noexcept { a.swap_impl (b);}
void rebind (gf_view const &X) noexcept {
this->_mesh = X._mesh; this->_symmetry = X._symmetry;
gf_view & operator = (gf_view const & rhs) { triqs_gf_view_assign_delegation(*this,rhs); return *this;}
template<typename RHS> gf_view & operator = (RHS const & rhs) { triqs_gf_view_assign_delegation(*this,rhs); return *this;}
// Interaction with the CLEF library : auto assignment of the gf (gf(om_) << expression fills the functions by evaluation of expression)
template<typename RHS> friend void triqs_clef_auto_assign (gf_view & g, RHS rhs) {
// access to the data . Beware, we view it as a *matrix* NOT an array... (crucial for assignment to scalars !)
g.triqs_clef_auto_assign_impl(rhs, typename std::is_base_of<tag::composite,typename B::mesh_t>::type());
// if f is an expression, replace the placeholder with a simple tail. If f is a function callable on freq_infty,
// it uses the fact that tail_non_view_t can be casted into freq_infty
template<typename RHS> void triqs_clef_auto_assign_impl (RHS const & rhs, std::integral_constant<bool,false>) {
for (auto const & w: this->mesh()) (*this)[w] = rhs(w);
//for (auto const & w: this->mesh()) (*this)[w] = rhs(typename B::mesh_t::mesh_point_t::cast_t(w));
template<typename RHS> void triqs_clef_auto_assign_impl (RHS const & rhs, std::integral_constant<bool,true>) {
for (auto const & w: this->mesh()) (*this)[w] = triqs::tuple::apply(rhs,w.components_tuple());
//for (auto w: this->mesh()) triqs::tuple::apply(*this,w.components_tuple()) = triqs::tuple::apply(rhs,w.components_tuple());
}; // class gf_view
// delegate = so that I can overload it for specific RHS...
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt, typename RHS>
DISABLE_IF(arrays::is_scalar<RHS>) triqs_gf_view_assign_delegation( gf_view<Variable,Target,Opt> & g, RHS const & rhs) {
if (!(g.mesh() == rhs.mesh())) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"Gf Assignment in View : incompatible mesh";
g.singularity() = rhs.singularity();
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt, typename T>
ENABLE_IF(arrays::is_scalar<T>) triqs_gf_view_assign_delegation( gf_view<Variable,Target,Opt> & g, T const & x) {
gf_view<Variable,Target,Opt>::data_proxy_t::assign_to_scalar(g.data(), x);
g.singularity() = x;
// tool for lazy transformation
template<typename Tag, typename D, typename Target = matrix_valued> struct gf_keeper{ gf_view<D,Target> g; gf_keeper (gf_view<D,Target> const & g_) : g(g_) {} };
// ---------------------------------- slicing ------------------------------------
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt, bool V, typename... Args>
gf_view<Variable,matrix_valued,Opt> slice_target (gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,V> const & g, Args... args) {
static_assert(std::is_same<Target,matrix_valued>::value, "slice_target only for matrix_valued GF's");
using arrays::range;
//auto sg=slice_target (g.singularity(),range(args,args+1)...);
return gf_view<Variable,matrix_valued,Opt>(g.mesh(), g.data()(range(), args... ), slice_target (g.singularity(),args...) , g.symmetry());
template<typename Variable, typename Target, typename Opt, bool V, typename... Args>
gf_view<Variable,scalar_valued,Opt> slice_target_to_scalar (gf_impl<Variable,Target,Opt,V> const & g, Args... args) {
static_assert(std::is_same<Target,matrix_valued>::value, "slice_target only for matrix_valued GF's");
using arrays::range;
auto sg=slice_target (g.singularity(),range(args,args+1)...);
return gf_view<Variable,scalar_valued,Opt>(g.mesh(), g.data()(range(), args... ), sg, g.symmetry());
// a scalar_valued gf can be viewed as a 1x1 matrix
template<typename Variable, typename Opt, bool V, typename... Args>
gf_view<Variable,matrix_valued,Opt> reinterpret_scalar_valued_gf_as_matrix_valued (gf_impl<Variable,scalar_valued,Opt,V> const & g) {
typedef arrays::array_view<typename gfs_implementation::data_proxy<Variable,matrix_valued,Opt>::storage_t::value_type,3> a_t;
auto a = a_t {typename a_t::indexmap_type (arrays::mini_vector<size_t,3>(g.data().shape()[0],1,1)), g.data().storage()};
return gf_view<Variable,matrix_valued,Opt>(g.mesh(), a, g.singularity(), g.symmetry());
template<typename Variable1,typename Variable2, typename Target, typename Opt, bool V, typename... Args>
gf_view<Variable2,Target,Opt> slice_mesh (gf_impl<Variable1,Target,Opt,V> const & g, Args... args) {
return gf_view<Variable2,Target,Opt>(g.mesh().slice(args...), g.data()(g.mesh().slice_get_range(args...),arrays::ellipsis()), g.singularity(), g.symmetry());
#include "./gf_expr.hpp"