mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 14:23:38 +01:00
- to add "positive_only" flags, in the case we need both negative and positive frequencies in matsubara.
146 lines
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146 lines
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* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2012 by M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "./tools.hpp"
#include "./gf.hpp"
#include "./local/tail.hpp"
#include "./local/no_tail.hpp"
#include "./meshes/matsubara_freq.hpp"
#include "./evaluators.hpp"
namespace triqs {
namespace gfs {
struct imfreq {};
template <typename Opt> struct gf_mesh<imfreq, Opt> : matsubara_freq_mesh {
using B = matsubara_freq_mesh;
static double m1(double beta) { return std::acos(-1) / beta; }
gf_mesh() = default;
gf_mesh(B const &x) : B(x) {} // enables also construction from another Opt
gf_mesh(typename B::domain_t const &d, int Nmax = 1025, bool positive_only = true) : B(d, Nmax, positive_only) {}
gf_mesh(double beta, statistic_enum S, int Nmax = 1025) : gf_mesh({beta, S}, Nmax) {}
namespace gfs_implementation {
// singularity
template <> struct singularity<imfreq, matrix_valued, void> {
typedef local::tail type;
template <> struct singularity<imfreq, scalar_valued, void> {
typedef local::tail type;
// h5 name
template <typename Opt> struct h5_name<imfreq, matrix_valued, Opt> {
static std::string invoke() { return "ImFreq"; }
/// --------------------------- evaluator ---------------------------------
// simple evaluation : take the point on the grid...
template <> struct evaluator_fnt_on_mesh<imfreq> {
long n;
evaluator_fnt_on_mesh() = default;
template <typename MeshType> evaluator_fnt_on_mesh(MeshType const &m, long p) { n = p; }
template <typename MeshType> evaluator_fnt_on_mesh(MeshType const &m, matsubara_freq const &p) { n = p.n; }
template <typename F> auto operator()(F const &f) const DECL_AND_RETURN(f(n));
// ------------- evaluator -------------------
// handle the case where the matsu. freq is out of grid...
template <typename Target, typename Opt> struct evaluator<imfreq, Target, Opt> {
static constexpr int arity = 1;
template <typename G> auto operator()(G const *g, int n) const DECL_AND_RETURN((*g)[n]);
template <typename G>
auto operator()(G const *g, matsubara_freq_mesh::mesh_point_t const &p) const DECL_AND_RETURN((*g)[p.index()]);
// dispatch for 2x2 cases : matrix/scalar and tail/no_tail ( true means no_tail)
template <typename G>
std::complex<double> _call_impl(G const *g, matsubara_freq const &f, scalar_valued, std::false_type) const {
if ((f.n >= 0) && (f.n < g->mesh().size())) return (*g)[f.n];
if ((f.n < 0) && (-f.n < g->mesh().size())) return conj((*g)[-f.n]);
return g->singularity().evaluate(f)(0, 0);
template <typename G>
std::complex<double> _call_impl(G const *g, matsubara_freq const &f, scalar_valued, std::true_type) const {
if ((f.n >= 0) && (f.n < g->mesh().size())) return (*g)[f.n];
if ((f.n < 0) && (-f.n < g->mesh().size())) return conj((*g)[-f.n]);
return 0;
template <typename G>
arrays::matrix_const_view<std::complex<double>> _call_impl(G const *g, matsubara_freq const &f, matrix_valued,
std::false_type) const {
if ((f.n >= 0) && (f.n < g->mesh().size())) return (*g)[f.n]();
if ((f.n < 0) && (-f.n < g->mesh().size()))
return arrays::matrix<std::complex<double>>{conj((*g)[-f.n]())};
return g->singularity().evaluate(f);
template <typename G>
arrays::matrix_const_view<std::complex<double>> _call_impl(G const *g, matsubara_freq const &f, matrix_valued,
std::true_type) const {
if ((f.n >= 0) && (f.n < g->mesh().size())) return (*g)[f.n]();
if ((f.n < 0) && (-f.n < g->mesh().size())) return arrays::matrix<std::complex<double>>{conj((*g)[-f.n]())};
auto r = arrays::matrix<std::complex<double>>{get_target_shape(*g)};
r() = 0;
return r;
// does not work on gcc 4.8.1 ???
/* template <typename G>
auto operator()(G const *g, matsubara_freq const &f) const
DECL_AND_RETURN(_call_impl(g, f, Target{}, std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<Opt, no_tail>::value>{}));
template <typename G>
typename std::conditional<std::is_same<Target, matrix_valued>::value, arrays::matrix_const_view<std::complex<double>>,
operator()(G const *g, matsubara_freq const &f) const {
return _call_impl(g, f, Target{}, std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<Opt, no_tail>::value>{});
#ifdef __clang__
// to generate a clearer error message ? . Only ok on clang ?
template<int n> struct error { static_assert(n>0, "Green function can not be evaluated on a complex number !");};
template <typename G>
error<0> operator()(G const *g, std::complex<double>) const { return {};}
template <typename G> typename G::singularity_t const &operator()(G const *g, freq_infty const &) const {
return g->singularity();
/// --------------------------- data access ---------------------------------
template <typename Opt> struct data_proxy<imfreq, matrix_valued, Opt> : data_proxy_array<std::complex<double>, 3> {};
template <typename Opt> struct data_proxy<imfreq, scalar_valued, Opt> : data_proxy_array<std::complex<double>, 1> {};
} // gfs_implementation