mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-12-26 14:23:38 +01:00
Olivier Parcollet 5105e04ac7 Add new wrapper generator
- with pytriqs.wrap_test as an example.
2014-05-11 21:47:46 +02:00

554 lines
21 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Python.h>
#include "structmember.h"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-writable-strings"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-writable-strings"
// I can use the trace in triqs::exception
catch(triqs::exception const & e) {\
auto err = std::string("Error " MESS "\nC++ error was : \n") + e.what();\
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, err.c_str());\
return RET; }\
catch(std::exception const & e) {\
auto err = std::string("Error " MESS "\nC++ error was : \n") + e.what();\
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, err.c_str());\
return RET; }\
catch(...) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,"Unknown error " MESS ); return RET; }\
namespace triqs { namespace py_tools {
//--------------------- pyref -----------------------------
// a little class to hold an owned ref, make sure it is decref at desctruction
// with some useful factories.
class pyref {
PyObject * ob = NULL;
pyref() = default;
pyref(PyObject *new_ref) : ob(new_ref){}
~pyref() { Py_XDECREF(ob);}
operator PyObject *() const { return ob;}
PyObject * new_ref() const { Py_XINCREF(ob); return ob;}
explicit operator bool() const { return (ob!=NULL);}
bool is_null() const { return ob==NULL;}
bool is_None() const { return ob==Py_None;}
pyref attr(const char * s) { return (ob ? PyObject_GetAttrString(ob,s) : NULL);} // NULL : pass the error in chain call x.attr().attr()....
pyref operator()(PyObject * a1) { return (ob ? PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(ob,a1,NULL) : NULL);} // NULL : pass the error in chain call x.attr().attr()....
pyref operator()(PyObject * a1,PyObject * a2) { return (ob ? PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(ob,a1,a2,NULL) : NULL);} // NULL : pass the error in chain call x.attr().attr()....
pyref(pyref const&p) {ob = p.ob; Py_XINCREF(ob);}
pyref(pyref && p){ ob = p.ob; p.ob=NULL;}
pyref& operator =(pyref const&) = delete;
pyref& operator =(pyref &&p) {ob = p.ob; p.ob=NULL; return *this;}
// factories. No public constructor.
// The point is that PyObject is borrowed or new, depending on the function that produced it
// Need to check in the API doc for each case.
static pyref module(std::string const &module_name) { return PyImport_ImportModule(module_name.c_str()); }
static pyref string(std::string const &s) { return PyString_FromString(s.c_str());}
pyref borrowed(PyObject * ob) { Py_XINCREF(ob); return {ob};}
//--------------------- py_converters -----------------------------
template<typename T> struct py_converter {
static PyObject * c2py(T const & x);
static T py2c(PyObject * ob);
static bool is_convertible(PyObject * ob, bool raise_exception);
// We only use these functions in the code, not converter
// TODO : Does c2py return NULL in failure ? Or is it undefined...
template <typename T> PyObject *convert_to_python(T &&x) {
return py_converter<typename std::decay<T>::type>::c2py(std::forward<T>(x));
// can convert_from_python raise a triqs exception ? NO
template<typename T> auto convert_from_python(PyObject * ob) DECL_AND_RETURN(py_converter<T>::py2c(ob));
template <typename T> bool convertible_from_python(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
return py_converter<T>::is_convertible(ob, raise_exception);
// details
template <bool B> struct _bool {};
template <typename T> struct _is_pointer : _bool<false> {};
template <typename T> struct _is_pointer<T *> : _bool<true> {};
template <> struct _is_pointer<PyObject *> : _bool<false> {}; // yes, false, it is a special case...
// adapter needed for parsing with PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords later in the functions
template <typename T> static int converter_for_parser_(PyObject *ob, T *p, _bool<false>) {
if (!py_converter<T>::is_convertible(ob, true)) return 0;
*p = std::move(convert_from_python<T>(ob)); // non wrapped types are converted to values, they can be moved !
return 1;
template <typename T> static int converter_for_parser_(PyObject *ob, T **p, _bool<true>) {
if (!convertible_from_python<T>(ob)) return 0;
*p = &(convert_from_python<T>(ob));
return 1;
template <typename T> static int converter_for_parser(PyObject *ob, T *p) {
return converter_for_parser_(ob, p, _is_pointer<T>());
// -----------------------------------
// Tools for the implementation of reduce (V2)
// -----------------------------------
// auxiliary object to reduce the object into a tuple
class reductor {
std::vector<PyObject *> elem;
PyObject *as_tuple() {
int l = elem.size();
PyObject *tup = PyTuple_New(l);
for (int pos = 0; pos < l; ++pos) PyTuple_SetItem(tup, pos, elem[pos]);
return tup;
template <typename T> reductor & operator&(T &x) { elem.push_back(convert_to_python(x)); return *this;}
template<typename T>
PyObject * apply_to(T & x) { x.serialize(*this,0); return as_tuple();}
// inverse : auxiliary object to reconstruct the object from the tuple ...
class reconstructor {
PyObject * tup; // borrowed ref
int pos=0, pos_max = 0;
reconstructor(PyObject *borrowed_ref) : tup(borrowed_ref) { pos_max = PyTuple_Size(tup)-1;}
template <typename T> reconstructor &operator&(T &x) {
if (pos > pos_max) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << " Tuple too short in reconstruction";
x = convert_from_python<T>(PyTuple_GetItem(tup, pos++));
return *this;
// no protection for convertion !
template <typename T> struct py_converter_from_reductor {
template<typename U> static PyObject *c2py(U && x) { return reductor{}.apply_to(x); }
static T py2c(PyObject *ob) {
T res;
auto r = reconstructor{ob};
res.serialize(r, 0);
return res;
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) { return true;}
// -----------------------------------
// basic types
// -----------------------------------
// PyObject *
template <> struct py_converter<PyObject *> {
static PyObject *c2py(PyObject *ob) { return ob; }
static PyObject *py2c(PyObject *ob) { return ob; }
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) { return true;}
// --- bool
template <> struct py_converter<bool> {
static PyObject *c2py(bool b) {
if (b)
static bool py2c(PyObject *ob) { return ob == Py_True; }
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (PyBool_Check(ob)) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to bool");}
return false;
// --- long
template <> struct py_converter<long> {
static PyObject *c2py(long i) { return PyInt_FromLong(i); }
static long py2c(PyObject *ob) { return PyInt_AsLong(ob); }
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (PyInt_Check(ob)) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to long");}
return false;
template <> struct py_converter<int> : py_converter<long> {};
template <> struct py_converter<size_t> : py_converter<long> {};
// --- double
template <> struct py_converter<double> {
static PyObject *c2py(double x) { return PyFloat_FromDouble(x); }
static double py2c(PyObject *ob) { return PyFloat_AsDouble(ob); }
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (PyFloat_Check(ob) || PyInt_Check(ob)) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to double");}
return false;
// --- complex
template <> struct py_converter<std::complex<double>> {
static PyObject *c2py(std::complex<double> x) { return PyComplex_FromDoubles(x.real(), x.imag()); }
static std::complex<double> py2c(PyObject *ob) {
auto r = PyComplex_AsCComplex(ob);
return {r.real, r.imag};
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (PyComplex_Check(ob)) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to complex");}
return false;
// --- string
template <> struct py_converter<std::string> {
static PyObject *c2py(std::string const &x) { return PyString_FromString(x.c_str()); }
static std::string py2c(PyObject *ob) { return PyString_AsString(ob); }
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (PyString_Check(ob)) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to string");}
return false;
// --- h5 group of h5py into a triqs::h5 group
template <> struct py_converter<triqs::h5::group> {
static PyObject *c2py(std::string const &x) =delete;
static pyref group_type;
static triqs::h5::group py2c (PyObject * ob) {
int id = PyInt_AsLong(borrowed(ob).attr("id").attr("id"));
int cmp = PyObject_RichCompareBool((PyObject *)ob->ob_type, group_type, Py_EQ);
return triqs::h5::group (id, (cmp==1));
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (group_type.is_null()) {
group_type = pyref::module("h5py").attr("highlevel").attr("Group");
if (PyErr_Occurred()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Can not load h5py module and find the group in it";
int cmp = PyObject_RichCompareBool((PyObject *)ob->ob_type, group_type, Py_EQ);
if (cmp<0) {
if (raise_exception) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "hd5 : internal : comparison to group type has failed !!");
return false;
pyref id_py = borrowed(ob).attr("id").attr("id");
if ((!id_py) ||(!PyInt_Check((PyObject*)id_py))) {
if (raise_exception) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "hd5 : INTERNAL : group id.id is not an int !!");
return false;
return true;
// --- vector ---
template <typename T> struct py_converter<std::vector<T>> {
static PyObject * c2py(std::vector<T> const &v) {
PyObject * list = PyList_New(0);
for (auto const & x : v) if (PyList_Append(list, py_converter<T>::c2py(x)) == -1) { Py_DECREF(list); return NULL;} // error
return list;
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (!PySequence_Check(ob)) goto _false;
pyref seq = PySequence_Fast(ob, "expected a sequence");
int len = PySequence_Size(ob);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!py_converter<T>::is_convertible(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM((PyObject*)seq, i),raise_exception)) goto _false; //borrowed ref
return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to std::vector");}
return false;
static std::vector<T> py2c(PyObject * ob) {
pyref seq = PySequence_Fast(ob, "expected a sequence");
std::vector<T> res;
int len = PySequence_Size(ob);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) res.push_back(py_converter<T>::py2c(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM((PyObject*)seq, i))); //borrowed ref
return res;
// in CPP file ?
pyref py_converter<triqs::h5::group>::group_type;
// --- mini_vector<T,N>---
// via std::vector
template <typename T, int N> struct py_converter<triqs::utility::mini_vector<T,N>> {
using conv = py_converter<std::vector<T>>;
static PyObject * c2py(triqs::utility::mini_vector<T,N> const &v) {
return conv::c2py( v.to_vector());
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
return conv::is_convertible(ob,raise_exception);
static triqs::utility::mini_vector<T,N> py2c(PyObject * ob) {
return conv::py2c(ob);
// --- array
template <typename ArrayType> struct py_converter_array {
static PyObject *c2py(ArrayType const &x) { return x.to_python(); }
static ArrayType py2c(PyObject *ob) {
return ArrayType {ob};
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
try {
return true;
catch (...) {
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to array/matrix/vector");}
return false;
template <typename T, int R> struct py_converter<triqs::arrays::array_view<T, R>> : py_converter_array<triqs::arrays::array_view<T, R>> {};
template <typename T> struct py_converter<triqs::arrays::matrix_view<T>> : py_converter_array<triqs::arrays::matrix_view<T>> {};
template <typename T> struct py_converter<triqs::arrays::vector_view<T>> : py_converter_array<triqs::arrays::vector_view<T>> {};
template <typename T, int R> struct py_converter<triqs::arrays::array<T, R>> : py_converter_array<triqs::arrays::array<T, R>> {};
template <typename T> struct py_converter<triqs::arrays::matrix<T>> : py_converter_array<triqs::arrays::matrix<T>> {};
template <typename T> struct py_converter<triqs::arrays::vector<T>> : py_converter_array<triqs::arrays::vector<T>> {};
// --- range
// convert from python slice and int (interpreted are slice(i,i+1,1))
template <> struct py_converter<triqs::arrays::range> {
static PyObject *c2py(triqs::arrays::range const &r) {
return PySlice_New(convert_to_python(r.first()), convert_to_python(r.last()), convert_to_python(r.step()));
static triqs::arrays::range py2c(PyObject *ob) {
if (PyInt_Check(ob)) {
int i = PyInt_AsLong(ob);
return {i,i+1,1};
int len = 4; // no clue what this len is ??
Py_ssize_t start, stop, step, slicelength;
if (PySlice_GetIndicesEx((PySliceObject *)ob, len, &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength) < 0) return {};
return {start, stop, step};
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (PySlice_Check(ob) || PyInt_Check(ob)) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to python slice");}
return false;
// --- gf<U...> ----
/*template <typename ...U > struct py_converter<triqs::gfs::gf<U...>> {
using conv = py_converter<triqs::gfs::gf_view<U...>>;
static PyObject *c2py(triqs::gfs::gf<U...> &g) { return conv::c2py(g); }
static PyObject *c2py(triqs::gfs::gf<U...> &&g) { return conv::c2py(g); }
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
return conv::is_convertible(ob,raise_exception);
static triqs::gfs::gf<U...> py2c(PyObject *ob) { return conv::py2c(ob); }
// --- nothing <--> None ----
template<> struct py_converter<triqs::gfs::nothing> {
static PyObject *c2py(triqs::gfs::nothing g) { Py_RETURN_NONE;}
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (ob ==Py_None) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to triqs::gfs::nothing : can only convert None");}
return false;
static triqs::gfs::nothing py2c(PyObject *ob) { return {}; }
template<> struct py_converter<triqs::gfs::indices_2> : py_converter_from_reductor<triqs::gfs::indices_2>{};
template<bool B> struct py_converter<triqs::gfs::matsubara_domain<B>> : py_converter_from_reductor<triqs::gfs::matsubara_domain<B>>{};
template<> struct py_converter<triqs::gfs::R_domain> : py_converter_from_reductor<triqs::gfs::R_domain>{};
// ---- function ----
// a few useful meta tricks
template <int N> struct _int {};
template <int... N> struct index_seq {};
template <typename U> struct nop {};
template <int N> struct _make_index_seq;
template <int N> using make_index_seq = typename _make_index_seq<N>::type;
template <> struct _make_index_seq<0> { using type = index_seq<>; };
template <> struct _make_index_seq<1> { using type = index_seq<0>; };
template <> struct _make_index_seq<2> { using type = index_seq<0, 1>; };
template <> struct _make_index_seq<3> { using type = index_seq<0, 1, 2>; };
template <> struct _make_index_seq<4> { using type = index_seq<0, 1, 2, 3>; };
template <> struct _make_index_seq<5> { using type = index_seq<0, 1, 2, 3, 4>; };
template <int N> struct make_format { static const char * value;};
template <> const char * make_format<0>::value = "";
template <> const char * make_format<1>::value = "O&";
template <> const char * make_format<2>::value = "O&O&";
template <> const char * make_format<3>::value = "O&O&O&";
template <> const char * make_format<4>::value = "O&O&O&O&";
template <> const char * make_format<5>::value = "O&O&O&O&O&";
template <typename R, typename... T> struct py_converter<std::function<R(T...)>> {
static_assert(sizeof...(T) < 5, "More than 5 variables not implemented");
typedef struct {
std::function<R(T...)> *_c;
} std_function;
static PyObject* std_function_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
std_function *self;
self = (std_function *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (self != NULL) {
self->_c = new std::function<R(T...)>{};
return (PyObject *)self;
static void std_function_dealloc(std_function* self) {
delete self->_c;
// technical details to implement the __call function of the wrapping python object, cf below
// we are using the unpack trick of the apply proposal for the C++ standard : cf XXXX
// specialise the convertion of the return type in the void case
template <typename RR, typename TU, int... Is>
static PyObject *_call_and_treat_return(nop<RR>, std_function *pyf, TU const &tu, index_seq<Is...>) {
return py_converter<RR>::c2py(pyf->_c->operator()(std::get<Is>(tu)...));
template <typename TU, int... Is>
static PyObject *_call_and_treat_return(nop<void>, std_function *pyf, TU const &tu, index_seq<Is...>) {
using arg_tuple_t = std::tuple<T...>;
using _int_max = _int<sizeof...(T) - 1>;
template <typename... U> static int _parse(_int<-1>, PyObject *args, arg_tuple_t &tu, U... u) {
return PyArg_ParseTuple(args, make_format<sizeof...(T)>::value, u...);
template <int N, typename... U> static int _parse(_int<N>, PyObject *args, arg_tuple_t &tu, U... u) {
return _parse(_int<N - 1>(), args, tu,
converter_for_parser<typename std::tuple_element<N, typename std::decay<arg_tuple_t>::type>::type>,
&std::get<N>(tu), u...);
// the call function object ...
static PyObject *std_function_call(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
arg_tuple_t x;
if (!_parse(_int_max(), args, x)) return NULL;
try {
return _call_and_treat_return(nop<R>(), (std_function *)self, x, make_index_seq<sizeof...(T)>());
CATCH_AND_RETURN("calling C++ std::function ", NULL);
static PyTypeObject get_type() { return {
0, /*ob_size*/
"std_function", /*tp_name*/
sizeof(std_function), /*tp_basicsize*/
0, /*tp_itemsize*/
(destructor)std_function_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
0, /*tp_print*/
0, /*tp_getattr*/
0, /*tp_setattr*/
0, /*tp_compare*/
0, /*tp_repr*/
0, /*tp_as_number*/
0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
0, /*tp_hash */
std_function_call, /*tp_call*/
0, /*tp_str*/
0, /*tp_getattro*/
0, /*tp_setattro*/
0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT , /*tp_flags*/
"Internal wrapper of std::function", /* tp_doc */
0, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
0, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
0, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
0, /* tp_base */
0, /* tp_dict */
0, /* tp_descr_get */
0, /* tp_descr_set */
0, /* tp_dictoffset */
0, /* tp_init */
0, /* tp_alloc */
std_function_new, /* tp_new */
static void ensure_type_ready(PyTypeObject &Type, bool &ready) {
if (!ready) {
Type = get_type();
if (PyType_Ready(&Type) < 0) std::cout << " aie ie " << std::endl;
ready = true;
// U can be anything, typically a lambda
template <typename U> static PyObject *c2py(U &&x) {
std_function *self;
static PyTypeObject Type;
static bool ready = false;
ensure_type_ready(Type, ready);
self = (std_function *)Type.tp_alloc(&Type, 0);
if (self != NULL) {
self->_c = new std::function<R(T...)>{ std::forward<U>(x) };
return (PyObject *)self;
static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) {
if (PyCallable_Check(ob)) return true;
if (raise_exception) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Can not convert to std::function a non callable object");}
return false;
static std::function<R(T...)> py2c(PyObject * ob) {
static PyTypeObject Type;
static bool ready = false;
ensure_type_ready(Type, ready);
// If we convert a wrapped std::function, just extract it.
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(ob, &Type)) { return *(((std_function *)ob)->_c);}
// otherwise, we build a new std::function around the python function
pyref py_fnt = borrowed(ob);
auto l = [py_fnt](T... x) mutable -> R { // py_fnt is a pyref, it will keep the ref and manage the ref counting...
pyref ret = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(py_fnt, (PyObject*)pyref(convert_to_python(x))...,NULL);
return py_converter<R>::py2c(ret);
return l;