################################################################################ # # TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems # # Copyright (C) 2011 by M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola # # TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # TRIQS. If not, see . # ################################################################################ from types import * import numpy from pytriqs.archive import * from pytriqs.applications.dft.converters.converter_tools import * import os.path try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json #from plotools import ProjectorGroup, ProjectorShell class VaspConverter(ConverterTools): """ Conversion from VASP output to an hdf5 file that can be used as input for the SumkDFT class. """ def __init__(self, filename, hdf_filename = None, dft_subgrp = 'dft_input', symmcorr_subgrp = 'dft_symmcorr_input', parproj_subgrp='dft_parproj_input', symmpar_subgrp='dft_symmpar_input', bands_subgrp = 'dft_bands_input', misc_subgrp = 'dft_misc_input', transp_subgrp = 'dft_transp_input', repacking = False): """ Init of the class. Variable filename gives the root of all filenames, e.g. case.ctqmcout, case.h5, and so on. """ assert type(filename)==StringType, "Please provide the DFT files' base name as a string." if hdf_filename is None: hdf_filename = filename+'.h5' self.hdf_file = hdf_filename self.basename = filename self.ctrl_file = filename+'.ctrl' # self.pmat_file = filename+'.pmat' self.dft_subgrp = dft_subgrp self.symmcorr_subgrp = symmcorr_subgrp self.parproj_subgrp = parproj_subgrp self.symmpar_subgrp = symmpar_subgrp self.bands_subgrp = bands_subgrp self.misc_subgrp = misc_subgrp self.transp_subgrp = transp_subgrp # Checks if h5 file is there and repacks it if wanted: if (os.path.exists(self.hdf_file) and repacking): ConverterTools.repack(self) def read_data(self, fh): """ Generator for reading plain data. """ for line in fh: line_ = line.strip() if not line or (line_ == '' or line_[0] == '#'): continue for val in map(float, line.split()): yield val def read_header_and_data(self, filename): """ Opens a file and returns a JSON-header and the generator for the plain data. """ fh = open(filename, 'rt') header = "" for line in fh: if not "#END" in line: header += line else: break f_gen = self.read_data(fh) return header, f_gen def convert_dft_input(self): """ Reads the input files, and stores the data in the HDFfile """ energy_unit = 1.0 # VASP interface always uses eV k_dep_projection = 1 # Symmetries are switched off for the moment # TODO: implement symmetries symm_op = 0 # Use symmetry groups for the k-sum # Read and write only on the master node if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%self.ctrl_file) # R is a generator : each R.Next() will return the next number in the file jheader, rf = self.read_header_and_data(self.ctrl_file) print jheader ctrl_head = json.loads(jheader) ng = ctrl_head['ngroups'] n_k = ctrl_head['nk'] # Note the difference in name conventions! SP = ctrl_head['ns'] - 1 SO = ctrl_head['nc_flag'] kpts = numpy.zeros((n_k, 3)) bz_weights = numpy.zeros(n_k) try: for ik in xrange(n_k): kx, ky, kz = rf.next(), rf.next(), rf.next() kpts[ik, :] = kx, ky, kz bz_weights[ik] = rf.next() except StopIteration: raise "VaspConverter: error reading %s"%self.ctrl_file # if nc_flag: ## TODO: check this # n_spin_blocs = 1 # else: # n_spin_blocs = ns n_spin_blocs = SP + 1 - SO # Read PLO groups # First, we read everything into a temporary data structure # TODO: think about multiple shell groups and how to map them on h5 structures assert ng == 1, "Only one group is allowed at the moment" try: for ig in xrange(ng): gr_file = self.basename + '.pg%i'%(ig + 1) jheader, rf = self.read_header_and_data(gr_file) gr_head = json.loads(jheader) e_win = gr_head['ewindow'] nb_max = gr_head['nb_max'] p_shells = gr_head['shells'] density_required = gr_head['nelect'] charge_below = 0.0 # This is not defined in VASP interface # Note that in the DftTools convention each site gives a separate correlated shell! n_corr_shells = sum([len(sh['ion_list']) for sh in p_shells]) corr_shells = [] shion_to_corr_shell = [[] for ish in xrange(len(p_shells))] icsh = 0 for ish, sh in enumerate(p_shells): ion_list = sh['ion_list'] for i, ion in enumerate(ion_list): pars = {} pars['atom'] = ion pars['sort'] = sh['ion_sort'] pars['l'] = sh['lorb'] pars['dim'] = sh['ndim'] pars['SO'] = SO # TODO: check what 'irep' entry does (it seems to be very specific to dmftproj) pars['irep'] = 0 corr_shells.append(pars) shion_to_corr_shell[ish].append(i) # TODO: generalize this to the case of multiple shell groups n_shells = n_corr_shells # No non-correlated shells at the moment shells = corr_shells # FIXME: atomic sorts in Wien2K are not the same as in VASP. # A symmetry analysis from OUTCAR or symmetry file should be used # to define equivalence classes of sites. n_inequiv_shells, corr_to_inequiv, inequiv_to_corr = ConverterTools.det_shell_equivalence(self, corr_shells) # NB!: these rotation matrices are specific to Wien2K! Set to identity in VASP use_rotations = 1 rot_mat = [numpy.identity(corr_shells[icrsh]['dim'],numpy.complex_) for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells)] rot_mat_time_inv = [0 for i in range(n_corr_shells)] # TODO: implement transformation matrices n_reps = [1 for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] dim_reps = [0 for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] T = [] for ish in range(n_inequiv_shells): n_reps[ish] = 1 # Always 1 in VASP ineq_first = inequiv_to_corr[ish] dim_reps[ish] = [corr_shells[ineq_first]['dim']] # Just the dimension of the shell # The transformation matrix: # is of dimension 2l+1 without SO, and 2*(2l+1) with SO! ll = 2 * corr_shells[inequiv_to_corr[ish]]['l']+1 lmax = ll * (corr_shells[inequiv_to_corr[ish]]['SO'] + 1) # TODO: at the moment put T-matrices to identities T.append(numpy.identity(lmax, numpy.complex_)) # if nc_flag: ## TODO: implement the noncollinear part # raise NotImplementedError("Noncollinear calculations are not implemented") # else: hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k, n_spin_blocs, nb_max, nb_max], numpy.complex_) band_window = [numpy.zeros((n_k, 2), dtype=int) for isp in xrange(n_spin_blocs)] n_orbitals = numpy.zeros([n_k, n_spin_blocs], numpy.int) for isp in xrange(n_spin_blocs): for ik in xrange(n_k): ib1, ib2 = int(rf.next()), int(rf.next()) band_window[isp][ik, :2] = ib1, ib2 nb = ib2 - ib1 + 1 n_orbitals[ik, isp] = nb for ib in xrange(nb): hopping[ik, isp, ib, ib] = rf.next() # Projectors # print n_orbitals # print [crsh['dim'] for crsh in corr_shells] proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k, n_spin_blocs, n_corr_shells, max([crsh['dim'] for crsh in corr_shells]), max(n_orbitals)], numpy.complex_) # TODO: implement reading from more than one projector group # In 'dmftproj' each ion represents a separate correlated shell. # In my interface a 'projected shell' includes sets of ions. # How to reconcile this? Two options: # # 1. Redefine 'projected shell' in my interface to make it correspond to one site only. # In this case the list of ions must be defined at the level of the projector group. # # 2. Split my 'projected shell' to several 'correlated shells' here in the converter. # # At the moment I choose i.2 for its simplicity. But one should consider possible # use cases and decide which solution is to be made permanent. # for ish, sh in enumerate(p_shells): for isp in xrange(n_spin_blocs): for ik in xrange(n_k): for ion in xrange(len(sh['ion_list'])): icsh = shion_to_corr_shell[ish][ion] for ilm in xrange(sh['ndim']): for ib in xrange(n_orbitals[ik, isp]): # This is to avoid confusion with the order of arguments pr = rf.next() pi = rf.next() proj_mat[ik, isp, icsh, ilm, ib] = complex(pr, pi) things_to_set = ['n_shells','shells','n_corr_shells','corr_shells','n_spin_blocs','n_orbitals','n_k','SO','SP','energy_unit'] for it in things_to_set: # print "%s:"%(it), locals()[it] setattr(self,it,locals()[it]) except StopIteration: raise "VaspConverter: error reading %s"%self.gr_file rf.close() # # try: # energy_unit = R.next() # read the energy convertion factor # n_k = int(R.next()) # read the number of k points # k_dep_projection = 1 # SP = int(R.next()) # flag for spin-polarised calculation # SO = int(R.next()) # flag for spin-orbit calculation # charge_below = R.next() # total charge below energy window # density_required = R.next() # total density required, for setting the chemical potential # symm_op = 1 # Use symmetry groups for the k-sum # # # the information on the non-correlated shells is not important here, maybe skip: # n_shells = int(R.next()) # number of shells (e.g. Fe d, As p, O p) in the unit cell, # # corresponds to index R in formulas # # now read the information about the shells (atom, sort, l, dim): # shell_entries = ['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim'] # shells = [ {name: int(val) for name, val in zip(shell_entries, R)} for ish in range(n_shells) ] # # n_corr_shells = int(R.next()) # number of corr. shells (e.g. Fe d, Ce f) in the unit cell, # # corresponds to index R in formulas # # now read the information about the shells (atom, sort, l, dim, SO flag, irep): # corr_shell_entries = ['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim', 'SO', 'irep'] # corr_shells = [ {name: int(val) for name, val in zip(corr_shell_entries, R)} for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells) ] # # # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells and maps, needed for further reading # n_inequiv_shells, corr_to_inequiv, inequiv_to_corr = ConverterTools.det_shell_equivalence(self,corr_shells) # # use_rotations = 1 # rot_mat = [numpy.identity(corr_shells[icrsh]['dim'],numpy.complex_) for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells)] # # # read the matrices # rot_mat_time_inv = [0 for i in range(n_corr_shells)] # # for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells): # for i in range(corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']): # read real part: # for j in range(corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']): # rot_mat[icrsh][i,j] = R.next() # for i in range(corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']): # read imaginary part: # for j in range(corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']): # rot_mat[icrsh][i,j] += 1j * R.next() # # if (SP==1): # read time inversion flag: # rot_mat_time_inv[icrsh] = int(R.next()) # # # Read here the info for the transformation of the basis: # n_reps = [1 for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] # dim_reps = [0 for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] # T = [] # for ish in range(n_inequiv_shells): # n_reps[ish] = int(R.next()) # number of representatives ("subsets"), e.g. t2g and eg # dim_reps[ish] = [int(R.next()) for i in range(n_reps[ish])] # dimensions of the subsets # # # The transformation matrix: # # is of dimension 2l+1 without SO, and 2*(2l+1) with SO! # ll = 2*corr_shells[inequiv_to_corr[ish]]['l']+1 # lmax = ll * (corr_shells[inequiv_to_corr[ish]]['SO'] + 1) # T.append(numpy.zeros([lmax,lmax],numpy.complex_)) # # # now read it from file: # for i in range(lmax): # for j in range(lmax): # T[ish][i,j] = R.next() # for i in range(lmax): # for j in range(lmax): # T[ish][i,j] += 1j * R.next() # # # Spin blocks to be read: # n_spin_blocs = SP + 1 - SO # # # read the list of n_orbitals for all k points # n_orbitals = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs],numpy.int) # for isp in range(n_spin_blocs): # for ik in range(n_k): # n_orbitals[ik,isp] = int(R.next()) # # # Initialise the projectors: # proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs,n_corr_shells,max([crsh['dim'] for crsh in corr_shells]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) # # # Read the projectors from the file: # for ik in range(n_k): # for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells): # n_orb = corr_shells[icrsh]['dim'] # # first Real part for BOTH spins, due to conventions in dmftproj: # for isp in range(n_spin_blocs): # for i in range(n_orb): # for j in range(n_orbitals[ik][isp]): # proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,i,j] = R.next() # # now Imag part: # for isp in range(n_spin_blocs): # for i in range(n_orb): # for j in range(n_orbitals[ik][isp]): # proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,i,j] += 1j * R.next() # # # now define the arrays for weights and hopping ... # bz_weights = numpy.ones([n_k],numpy.float_)/ float(n_k) # w(k_index), default normalisation # hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) # # # weights in the file # for ik in range(n_k) : bz_weights[ik] = R.next() # # # if the sum over spins is in the weights, take it out again!! # sm = sum(bz_weights) # bz_weights[:] /= sm # # # Grab the H # # we use now the convention of a DIAGONAL Hamiltonian -- convention for Wien2K. # for isp in range(n_spin_blocs): # for ik in range(n_k) : # n_orb = n_orbitals[ik,isp] # for i in range(n_orb): # hopping[ik,isp,i,i] = R.next() * energy_unit # # # keep some things that we need for reading parproj: # things_to_set = ['n_shells','shells','n_corr_shells','corr_shells','n_spin_blocs','n_orbitals','n_k','SO','SP','energy_unit'] # for it in things_to_set: setattr(self,it,locals()[it]) # except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. # raise "Wien2k_converter : reading file %s failed!"%filename # # R.close() # # Reading done! # Save it to the HDF: ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a') if not (self.dft_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.dft_subgrp) # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created. If it exists, the data is overwritten! things_to_save = ['energy_unit','n_k','k_dep_projection','SP','SO','charge_below','density_required', 'symm_op','n_shells','shells','n_corr_shells','corr_shells','use_rotations','rot_mat', 'rot_mat_time_inv','n_reps','dim_reps','T','n_orbitals','proj_mat','bz_weights','hopping', 'n_inequiv_shells', 'corr_to_inequiv', 'inequiv_to_corr'] for it in things_to_save: ar[self.dft_subgrp][it] = locals()[it] del ar # Symmetries are used, so now convert symmetry information for *correlated* orbitals: self.convert_symmetry_input(ctrl_head, orbits=self.corr_shells, symm_subgrp=self.symmcorr_subgrp) # TODO: Implement misc_input # self.convert_misc_input(bandwin_file=self.bandwin_file,struct_file=self.struct_file,outputs_file=self.outputs_file, # misc_subgrp=self.misc_subgrp,SO=self.SO,SP=self.SP,n_k=self.n_k) def convert_parproj_input(self): """ Reads the input for the partial charges projectors from case.parproj, and stores it in the symmpar_subgrp group in the HDF5. """ if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%self.parproj_file) dens_mat_below = [ [numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish]['dim'],self.shells[ish]['dim']],numpy.complex_) for ish in range(self.n_shells)] for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs) ] R = ConverterTools.read_fortran_file(self,self.parproj_file,self.fortran_to_replace) n_parproj = [int(R.next()) for i in range(self.n_shells)] n_parproj = numpy.array(n_parproj) # Initialise P, here a double list of matrices: proj_mat_all = numpy.zeros([self.n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,self.n_shells,max(n_parproj),max([sh['dim'] for sh in self.shells]),max(self.n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) rot_mat_all = [numpy.identity(self.shells[ish]['dim'],numpy.complex_) for ish in range(self.n_shells)] rot_mat_all_time_inv = [0 for i in range(self.n_shells)] for ish in range(self.n_shells): # read first the projectors for this orbital: for ik in range(self.n_k): for ir in range(n_parproj[ish]): for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read real part: for j in range(self.n_orbitals[ik][isp]): proj_mat_all[ik,isp,ish,ir,i,j] = R.next() for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read imaginary part: for j in range(self.n_orbitals[ik][isp]): proj_mat_all[ik,isp,ish,ir,i,j] += 1j * R.next() # now read the Density Matrix for this orbital below the energy window: for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read real part: for j in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): dens_mat_below[isp][ish][i,j] = R.next() for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read imaginary part: for j in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): dens_mat_below[isp][ish][i,j] += 1j * R.next() if (self.SP==0): dens_mat_below[isp][ish] /= 2.0 # Global -> local rotation matrix for this shell: for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read real part: for j in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): rot_mat_all[ish][i,j] = R.next() for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read imaginary part: for j in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): rot_mat_all[ish][i,j] += 1j * R.next() if (self.SP): rot_mat_all_time_inv[ish] = int(R.next()) R.close() # Reading done! # Save it to the HDF: ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a') if not (self.parproj_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.parproj_subgrp) # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created. If it exists, the data is overwritten! things_to_save = ['dens_mat_below','n_parproj','proj_mat_all','rot_mat_all','rot_mat_all_time_inv'] for it in things_to_save: ar[self.parproj_subgrp][it] = locals()[it] del ar # Symmetries are used, so now convert symmetry information for *all* orbitals: self.convert_symmetry_input(orbits=self.shells,symm_file=self.symmpar_file,symm_subgrp=self.symmpar_subgrp,SO=self.SO,SP=self.SP) def convert_bands_input(self): """ Converts the input for momentum resolved spectral functions, and stores it in bands_subgrp in the HDF5. """ if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return mpi.report("Reading bands input from %s..."%self.band_file) R = ConverterTools.read_fortran_file(self,self.band_file,self.fortran_to_replace) try: n_k = int(R.next()) # read the list of n_orbitals for all k points n_orbitals = numpy.zeros([n_k,self.n_spin_blocs],numpy.int) for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for ik in range(n_k): n_orbitals[ik,isp] = int(R.next()) # Initialise the projectors: proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,self.n_corr_shells,max([crsh['dim'] for crsh in self.corr_shells]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) # Read the projectors from the file: for ik in range(n_k): for icrsh in range(self.n_corr_shells): n_orb = self.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim'] # first Real part for BOTH spins, due to conventions in dmftproj: for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for i in range(n_orb): for j in range(n_orbitals[ik,isp]): proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,i,j] = R.next() # now Imag part: for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for i in range(n_orb): for j in range(n_orbitals[ik,isp]): proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,i,j] += 1j * R.next() hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) # Grab the H # we use now the convention of a DIAGONAL Hamiltonian!!!! for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for ik in range(n_k) : n_orb = n_orbitals[ik,isp] for i in range(n_orb): hopping[ik,isp,i,i] = R.next() * self.energy_unit # now read the partial projectors: n_parproj = [int(R.next()) for i in range(self.n_shells)] n_parproj = numpy.array(n_parproj) # Initialise P, here a double list of matrices: proj_mat_all = numpy.zeros([n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,self.n_shells,max(n_parproj),max([sh['dim'] for sh in self.shells]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) for ish in range(self.n_shells): for ik in range(n_k): for ir in range(n_parproj[ish]): for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs): for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read real part: for j in range(n_orbitals[ik,isp]): proj_mat_all[ik,isp,ish,ir,i,j] = R.next() for i in range(self.shells[ish]['dim']): # read imaginary part: for j in range(n_orbitals[ik,isp]): proj_mat_all[ik,isp,ish,ir,i,j] += 1j * R.next() except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise "Wien2k_converter : reading file band_file failed!" R.close() # Reading done! # Save it to the HDF: ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a') if not (self.bands_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.bands_subgrp) # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created. If it exists, the data is overwritten! things_to_save = ['n_k','n_orbitals','proj_mat','hopping','n_parproj','proj_mat_all'] for it in things_to_save: ar[self.bands_subgrp][it] = locals()[it] del ar def convert_misc_input(self, bandwin_file, struct_file, outputs_file, misc_subgrp, SO, SP, n_k): """ Reads input for the band window from bandwin_file, which is case.oubwin, structure from struct_file, which is case.struct, symmetries from outputs_file, which is case.outputs. """ if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return things_to_save = [] # Read relevant data from .oubwin/up/dn files ############################################# # band_window: Contains the index of the lowest and highest band within the # projected subspace (used by dmftproj) for each k-point. if (SP == 0 or SO == 1): files = [self.bandwin_file] elif SP == 1: files = [self.bandwin_file+'up', self.bandwin_file+'dn'] else: # SO and SP can't both be 1 assert 0, "convert_transport_input: Reding oubwin error! Check SP and SO!" band_window = [numpy.zeros((n_k, 2), dtype=int) for isp in range(SP + 1 - SO)] for isp, f in enumerate(files): if os.path.exists(f): mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%f) R = ConverterTools.read_fortran_file(self, f, self.fortran_to_replace) assert int(R.next()) == n_k, "convert_misc_input: Number of k-points is inconsistent in oubwin file!" assert int(R.next()) == SO, "convert_misc_input: SO is inconsistent in oubwin file!" for ik in xrange(n_k): R.next() band_window[isp][ik,0] = R.next() # lowest band band_window[isp][ik,1] = R.next() # highest band R.next() things_to_save.append('band_window') R.close() # Reading done! # Read relevant data from .struct file ###################################### # lattice_type: bravais lattice type as defined by Wien2k # lattice_constants: unit cell parameters in a. u. # lattice_angles: unit cell angles in rad if (os.path.exists(self.struct_file)): mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%self.struct_file) with open(self.struct_file) as R: try: R.readline() lattice_type = R.readline().split()[0] R.readline() temp = R.readline() # print temp lattice_constants = numpy.array([float(temp[0+10*i:10+10*i].strip()) for i in range(3)]) lattice_angles = numpy.array([float(temp[30+10*i:40+10*i].strip()) for i in range(3)]) * numpy.pi / 180.0 things_to_save.extend(['lattice_type', 'lattice_constants', 'lattice_angles']) except IOError: raise "convert_misc_input: reading file %s failed" %self.struct_file # Read relevant data from .outputs file ####################################### # rot_symmetries: matrix representation of all (space group) symmetry operations if (os.path.exists(self.outputs_file)): mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%self.outputs_file) rot_symmetries = [] with open(self.outputs_file) as R: try: while 1: temp = R.readline().strip(' ').split() if (temp[0] =='PGBSYM:'): n_symmetries = int(temp[-1]) break for i in range(n_symmetries): while 1: if (R.readline().strip().split()[0] == 'Symmetry'): break sym_i = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype = float) for ir in range(3): temp = R.readline().strip().split() for ic in range(3): sym_i[ir, ic] = float(temp[ic]) R.readline() rot_symmetries.append(sym_i) things_to_save.extend(['n_symmetries', 'rot_symmetries']) things_to_save.append('rot_symmetries') except IOError: raise "convert_misc_input: reading file %s failed" %self.outputs_file # Save it to the HDF: ar=HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a') if not (misc_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(misc_subgrp) for it in things_to_save: ar[misc_subgrp][it] = locals()[it] del ar def convert_transport_input(self): """ Reads the input files necessary for transport calculations and stores the data in the HDFfile """ if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return # Check if SP, SO and n_k are already in h5 ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file, 'a') if not (self.dft_subgrp in ar): raise IOError, "convert_transport_input: No %s subgroup in hdf file found! Call convert_dmft_input first." %self.dft_subgrp SP = ar[self.dft_subgrp]['SP'] SO = ar[self.dft_subgrp]['SO'] n_k = ar[self.dft_subgrp]['n_k'] del ar # Read relevant data from .pmat/up/dn files ########################################### # band_window_optics: Contains the index of the lowest and highest band within the # band window (used by optics) for each k-point. # velocities_k: velocity (momentum) matrix elements between all bands in band_window_optics # and each k-point. if (SP == 0 or SO == 1): files = [self.pmat_file] elif SP == 1: files = [self.pmat_file+'up', self.pmat_file+'dn'] else: # SO and SP can't both be 1 assert 0, "convert_transport_input: Reading velocity file error! Check SP and SO!" velocities_k = [[] for f in files] band_window_optics = [] for isp, f in enumerate(files): if not os.path.exists(f) : raise IOError, "convert_transport_input: File %s does not exist" %f mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%f) R = ConverterTools.read_fortran_file(self, f, {'D':'E','(':'',')':'',',':' '}) band_window_optics_isp = [] for ik in xrange(n_k): R.next() nu1 = int(R.next()) nu2 = int(R.next()) band_window_optics_isp.append((nu1, nu2)) n_bands = nu2 - nu1 + 1 for _ in range(4): R.next() if n_bands <= 0: velocity_xyz = numpy.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype = complex) else: velocity_xyz = numpy.zeros((n_bands, n_bands, 3), dtype = complex) for nu_i in range(n_bands): for nu_j in range(nu_i, n_bands): for i in range(3): velocity_xyz[nu_i][nu_j][i] = R.next() + R.next()*1j if (nu_i != nu_j): velocity_xyz[nu_j][nu_i][i] = velocity_xyz[nu_i][nu_j][i].conjugate() velocities_k[isp].append(velocity_xyz) band_window_optics.append(numpy.array(band_window_optics_isp)) R.close() # Reading done! # Put data to HDF5 file ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file, 'a') if not (self.transp_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.transp_subgrp) # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created. If it exists, the data is overwritten!!! things_to_save = ['band_window_optics', 'velocities_k'] for it in things_to_save: ar[self.transp_subgrp][it] = locals()[it] del ar def convert_symmetry_input(self, ctrl_head, orbits, symm_subgrp): """ Reads input for the symmetrisations from symm_file, which is case.sympar or case.symqmc. """ # In VASP interface the symmetries are read directly from *.ctrl file # For the moment the symmetry parameters are just stubs n_symm = 0 n_atoms = 1 perm = [0] n_orbits = len(orbits) SP = ctrl_head['ns'] SO = ctrl_head['nc_flag'] time_inv = [0] mat = [numpy.identity(1)] mat_tinv = [numpy.identity(1)] # if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return # mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%symm_file) # # n_orbits = len(orbits) # # R = ConverterTools.read_fortran_file(self,symm_file,self.fortran_to_replace) # # try: # n_symm = int(R.next()) # Number of symmetry operations # n_atoms = int(R.next()) # number of atoms involved # perm = [ [int(R.next()) for i in range(n_atoms)] for j in range(n_symm) ] # list of permutations of the atoms # if SP: # time_inv = [ int(R.next()) for j in range(n_symm) ] # time inversion for SO coupling # else: # time_inv = [ 0 for j in range(n_symm) ] # # # Now read matrices: # mat = [] # for i_symm in range(n_symm): # # mat.append( [ numpy.zeros([orbits[orb]['dim'], orbits[orb]['dim']],numpy.complex_) for orb in range(n_orbits) ] ) # for orb in range(n_orbits): # for i in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # for j in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # mat[i_symm][orb][i,j] = R.next() # real part # for i in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # for j in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # mat[i_symm][orb][i,j] += 1j * R.next() # imaginary part # # mat_tinv = [numpy.identity(orbits[orb]['dim'],numpy.complex_) # for orb in range(n_orbits)] # # if ((SO==0) and (SP==0)): # # here we need an additional time inversion operation, so read it: # for orb in range(n_orbits): # for i in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # for j in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # mat_tinv[orb][i,j] = R.next() # real part # for i in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # for j in range(orbits[orb]['dim']): # mat_tinv[orb][i,j] += 1j * R.next() # imaginary part # Save it to the HDF: ar=HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a') if not (symm_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(symm_subgrp) things_to_save = ['n_symm','n_atoms','perm','orbits','SO','SP','time_inv','mat','mat_tinv'] for it in things_to_save: # print "%s:"%(it), locals()[it] ar[symm_subgrp][it] = locals()[it] del ar