.. highlight:: c h5::array_proxy: a simple proxy to the array in file =========================================================== .. warning:: NOT operational any more ... : development needed The principle is that `array_proxy` is a proxy to an array, possibly big, in the h5 file. It has a domain, and can be assigned from/to an array and sliced. This allows to read/write only parts of a large array using the same slicing syntax as for the array class itself (which is then translated into the hyperslab technique of the HDF5 library). Tutorial ----------- * Write a "big" array in the h5 file and write it slice by slice:: #include using namespace triqs::arrays; h5::H5File file( "ess.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC ); // first create a 'big' array in the file (no temporary is made in memory, it uses directly the HDF5 API). const size_t N = 100; h5::array_proxy Pn( file, "Z", make_shape(N,2,2) ); // a slice... array the_slice (2,2); the_slice() = 1; // write the large array slice by slice for (int u = 0; u using namespace triqs::arrays; h5::H5File file ("ess.h5", H5F_ACC_RDONLY ); h5::array_proxy P(file, "A"); array a_slice ; for (int u = 0; u` for this class.