#!/usr/bin/env python import unittest from app4triqs import Toto, chain from h5 import * from triqs.utility import mpi class test_toto(unittest.TestCase): def test_add(self): a=Toto(0) b=Toto(2) c=a+b self.assertEqual(c, b) def test_h5(self): a=Toto(0) with HDFArchive("f.h5",'w') as A: A["a"] = a with HDFArchive("f.h5",'r') as A: a_read = A["a"] self.assertEqual(a, a_read) def test_mpi(self): a=Toto(0) if mpi.is_master_node(): a=Toto(1) mpi.bcast(a) self.assertEqual(a, Toto(1)) class test_chain(unittest.TestCase): def test_chain(self): i = 111 j = 222 ij = chain(i,j) self.assertEqual(ij, 111222) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()