# Version number set(APP4TRIQS_VERSION "1.5") # Start configuration cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) project(app4triqs CXX) # Default to Release build type if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Type of build" FORCE) endif() message( STATUS "-------- BUILD-TYPE: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} --------") # Build static libraries set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) # Enable compiler warnings for the whole project add_definitions(-Wall) # Load Dependencies find_package(TRIQS ${APP4TRIQS_VERSION} EXACT REQUIRED) find_package(Cpp2Py ${APP4TRIQS_VERSION} EXACT REQUIRED) # Default Install directory to TRIQS_ROOT if not given or invalid. if(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT OR (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX})) message(STATUS "No install prefix given (or invalid). Defaulting to TRIQS_ROOT") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${TRIQS_ROOT} CACHE PATH "default install path" FORCE) endif() message(STATUS "-------- INSTALL_PREFIX: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} --------") # Fetch the git hash of app4triqs triqs_get_git_hash_of_source_dir(APP4TRIQS_GIT_HASH) message(STATUS "app4triqs git hash: ${APP4TRIQS_GIT_HASH}") # Build and install the app4triqs library add_subdirectory(c++/app4triqs) # Build and install the app4triqs python module if(${TRIQS_WITH_PYTHON_SUPPORT}) add_subdirectory(python/app4triqs) endif() # Tests enable_testing() add_subdirectory(test) # Additional configuration files add_subdirectory(share) option(Build_Documentation "Build documentation" OFF) if(${Build_Documentation}) if(NOT ${TRIQS_WITH_DOCUMENTATION}) message("Error: TRIQS library has not been compiled with its documentation") else() add_subdirectory(doc) endif() endif()