Input Config-file ================= A config-file describes subsets of PLOs that are to be generated. The PLOs are defined in terms of `shells` determined uniquely by an orbital number `l` and a set of ions (nomrmally, of the same sort). The shells are further combined into `groups` such that PLO in each group are orthogonalized together. This allows to create several mutually orthogonal subsets of PLOs. A group is characterized by a single projection energy window. A config-file contains three types of sections: - **[General]** : providing information applicable to all projected shells (e.g. Fermi level) - **[Shell ]** : each section like this describes a PLO shell, with the index `Ns` used for referencing - **[Group ]** : describes shell groups .. It must contain at least one group defined by a section `[PLO Group 1]`. There is also an optional section `[General]` containing options that concern all PLO groups (e.g. `k`-mesh properties). The format requirements are relatively flexible. A config-file must contain at least one `[Shell]` section. If there is only one shell defined, it is possible to specify the energy window by providing parameters `EMIN`, `EMAX` (see below) right in this section, in which case a group will be created automatically and the `[Group]` section can be omitted. If, nevertheless, a group referencing the single shell is explicitly given the energy window parameters provided in the `[Group]` have higher priority and in case of conflict with `[Shell]` section a warning is issued. An example of a config-file: .. literalinclude:: adv_example.cfg A config file must contain at least on group of PLOs. Each group is described by a set of ions to which the projectors are applied, an atomic shell number (:math:`l = 0,1,2,3` for `s,p,d,f`, respectively), and an energy window defining the subset of bands from which the projectors are constructed. In addition, one can define a real or complex transformation, which allows one to produce projectors in a basis set different from the original one. Below, the format of config-file is described. All option names are case-insensitive. Required parameters ------------------- - **IONS**: ion indices as defined in POSCAR files - **LSHELL**: atomic shell (values 0, 1, 2, 3 for `s,p,d,f` orbitals, respectively) - **EMIN**, **EMAX**: the bottom and top of the energy window with respect to the Fermi level Optional parameters ------------------- - **RTRANSFORM**, **CTRANSFORM**: real or complex transformation matrix used to produce projectors in a different basis; the number of columns is determined by the size of the atomic shell