# Build the python module add_cpp2py_module(toto_module) target_link_libraries(toto_module app4triqs_c) # We need to include the convertes.hxx files target_include_directories(toto_module PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) # Configure the version configure_file(version.py.in version.py) # All Python files. Copy them in the build dir to have a complete package for the tests. set(PYTHON_SOURCES __init__.py) foreach(f ${PYTHON_SOURCES}) configure_file(${f} ${f} COPYONLY) endforeach() # Install python module to proper location set(PYTHON_LIB_DEST ${CPP2PY_PYTHON_LIB_DEST_ROOT}/app4triqs) install(TARGETS toto_module DESTINATION ${PYTHON_LIB_DEST}) install(FILES ${PYTHON_SOURCES} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version.py DESTINATION ${PYTHON_LIB_DEST})