from import * from pytriqs.plot.mpl_interface import * from numpy import * import os class IPTSolver: def __init__(self, **params): self.U = params['U'] self.beta = params['beta'] # Matsubara frequency self.g = GfImFreq(indices=[0], beta=self.beta) self.g0 = self.g.copy() self.sigma = self.g.copy() # Imaginary time self.g0t = GfImTime(indices=[0], beta = self.beta) self.sigmat = self.g0t.copy() def solve(self): self.g0t <<= InverseFourier(self.g0) self.sigmat <<= (self.U**2) * self.g0t * self.g0t * self.g0t self.sigma <<= Fourier(self.sigmat) # Dyson equation to get G self.g <<= inverse(inverse(self.g0) - self.sigma) # Parameters t = 0.5 beta = 40 n_loops = 20 dos_files = [] # Prepare the plot plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) plt.title("Local DOS, IPT, Bethe lattice, $\\beta=%.2f$"%(beta)) # Main loop over U Umax=4.05 Umin=0.0 for U in arange(Umin, Umax, 0.51): # Construct the IPT solver and set initial G S = IPTSolver(U = U, beta = beta) S.g <<= SemiCircular(2*t) # Do the DMFT loop for i in range(n_loops): S.g0 <<= inverse( iOmega_n - t**2 * S.g ) S.solve() # Get the real-axis with Pade approximants greal = GfReFreq(indices = [1], window = (-4.0,4.0), n_points = 400) greal.set_from_pade(S.g, 201, 0.0) r=(U-Umin)/(Umax-Umin) #for color oplot((-1/pi*greal).imag, lw=3,RI='S', color=(r,1.-r,1.-r), label = "U=%1.1f"%U) plt.xlim(-4,4) plt.ylim(0,0.7) plt.ylabel("$A(\omega)$");