########################################################################## # # TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems # # Copyright (C) 2019 by A. D. N. James, M. Zingl and M. Aichhorn # # TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # TRIQS. If not, see . # ########################################################################## from types import * import numpy import os.path from locale import atof class ElkConverterTools: """ Conversion Tools required to help covert Elk outputs into the TRIQS format. """ def __init__(self): pass def rotaxang(self,rot): """ This routine determines the axis of rotation vector (v) and the angle of rotation (th). If R corresponds to an improper rotation then only the proper part is used and the determinant is set to -1. The rotation convention follows the "right-hand rule". See Elk's rotaxang routine. """ eps=1E-8 v=numpy.zeros([3], float) # find the determinant det=numpy.linalg.det(rot) if (abs(det-1.0)eps): # theta not equal to 0 or pi th=-numpy.arctan2(t1,t2) v[:]=v[:]/t1 else: # special case of sin(th)=0 if(t2>eps): # zero angle: axis arbitrary th=0.0 v[:]=1.0/numpy.sqrt(3.0) else: # rotation by pi th=numpy.pi if((rotp[0,0]>=rotp[1,1])&(rotp[0,0]>=rotp[2,2])): if(rotp[0,0]<(-1.0+eps)): mpi.report(rotp[0,0],-1.0+eps) raise "sym_converter : Invalid rotation matrix!" v[0]=numpy.sqrt(abs(rotp[0,0]+1.0)/2.0) v[1]=(rotp[1,0]+rotp[0,1])/(4.0*v[0]) v[2]=(rotp[2,0]+rotp[0,2])/(4.0*v[0]) elif((rotp[1,1]>=rotp[0,0])&(rotp[1,1]>=rotp[2,2])): if(rotp[1,1]<(-1.0+eps)): mpi.report(rotp[1,1],-1.0+eps) raise "sym_converter : Invalid rotation matrix!" v[1]=numpy.sqrt(abs(rotp[1,1]+1.0)/2.0) v[2]=(rotp[2,1]+rotp[1,2])/(4.0*v[1]) v[0]=(rotp[0,1]+rotp[1,0])/(4.0*v[1]) else: if(rotp[2,2]<(-1.0+eps)): mpi.report(rotp[2,2],-1.0+eps) raise "sym_converter : Invalid rotation matrix!" v[2]=numpy.sqrt(abs(rotp[2,2]+1.0)/2.0) v[0]=(rotp[0,2]+rotp[2,0])/(4.0*v[2]) v[1]=(rotp[1,2]+rotp[2,1])/(4.0*v[2]) # return -theta and v. -theta is returned as TRIQS does not rotate # the observable (such as the density matrix) which is done in Elk return v,-th def axangsu2(self,v,th): """ Calculate the rotation SU(2) matrix - see Elk's axangsu2 routine. """ su2=numpy.zeros([2,2], complex) t1=numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(v,v)) if(t1<1E-8): raise "sym_converter : zero length axis vector!" # normalise the vector t1=1.0/t1 x=v[0]*t1; y=v[1]*t1; z=v[2]*t1 #calculate the SU(2) matrix cs=numpy.cos(0.5*th) sn=numpy.sin(0.5*th) su2[0,0]=cs-z*sn*1j su2[0,1]=-y*sn-x*sn*1j su2[1,0]=y*sn-x*sn*1j su2[1,1]=cs+z*sn*1j #return the SU(2) matrix return su2 def v3frac(self,v,eps): """ This finds the fractional part of 3-vector v components. This uses the same method as in Elk (version 6.2.8) r3fac subroutine. """ v[0]=v[0]-numpy.floor(v[0]) if(v[0] < 0): v[0]+=1 if((1-v[0]) < eps): v[0]=0 if(v[0] < eps): v[0]=0 v[1]=v[1]-numpy.floor(v[1]) if(v[1] < 0): v[1]+=1 if((1-v[1]) < eps): v[1]=0 if(v[1] < eps): v[1]=0 v[2]=v[2]-numpy.floor(v[2]) if(v[2] < 0): v[2]+=1 if((1-v[2]) < eps): v[2]=0 if(v[2] < eps): v[2]=0 return v def gen_perm(self,nsym,ns,na,natmtot,symmat,tr,atpos,epslat=1E-6): """ Generate the atom permutations per symmetry. """ perm=[] iea=[] for isym in range(nsym): iea.append(numpy.zeros([natmtot,ns], int)) #loop over species for js in range(ns): #loop over species atoms v=numpy.zeros([3,na[js]], float) v2=numpy.zeros(3, float) for ia in range(na[js]): v[:,ia]=self.v3frac(atpos[js][ia][0:3],epslat) for ia in range(na[js]): v2[:]=numpy.matmul(symmat[isym][:,:],(atpos[js][ia][0:3]+tr[isym])) v2[:]=self.v3frac(v2,epslat) for ja in range(na[js]): t1=sum(abs(v[:,ja]-v2[:])) #check if(t1 < epslat): iea[isym][ja,js]=ia break #put iea into perm format for isym in range(nsym): perm.append([]) ja=0 prv_atms=0 for js in range(ns): for ia in range(na[js]): perm[isym].append(iea[isym][ia,js]+prv_atms+1) ja+=1 prv_atms+=na[js] #output perm return perm def symlat_to_complex_harmonics(self,nsym,n_shells,symlat,shells): """ This calculates the Elk (crystal) symmetries in complex spherical harmonics This follows the methodology used in Elk's rotzflm, ylmrot and ylmroty routines. """ #need SciPy routines to get Euler angles - need version 1.4+ #from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R symmat=[] rot=numpy.identity(3, float) angi=numpy.zeros(3, float) #loop over symmetries for isym in range(nsym): symmat.append([]) for ish in range(n_shells): l=shells[ish]['l'] symmat[isym].append(numpy.zeros([2*l+1, 2*l+1], complex)) #get determinant det=numpy.linalg.det(symlat[isym]) p=1 #p is -1 for improper symmetries if(det<0.0): p=-1 rot[:,:]=p*symlat[isym][:,:] #r=R.from_matrix(rot) #get the y-convention Euler angles as used by Elk. #ang=r.as_euler('zyz') ang=self.zyz_euler(rot) #Elk uses inverse rotations, i.e. the function is being rotated, not the spherical harmonics #TRIQS rotates the spherical harmonics instead angi[0]=ang[0] angi[1]=ang[1] angi[2]=ang[2] #calculate the symmetry in the complex spherical harmonic basis. d = self.ylmrot(p,angi,l) symmat[isym][ish][:,:] = d[:,:] #return the complex spherical harmonic return symmat def zyz_euler(self,rot): """ This calculates the Euler angles of matrix rot in the y-convention. See Elk's roteuler routine. This will be made redundent when TRIQS uses scipy version 1.4+ """ eps=1E-8 pi=numpy.pi ang=numpy.zeros(3, float) #get the Euler angles if((abs(rot[2,0])>eps) or (abs(rot[2,1])>eps)): ang[0]=numpy.arctan2(rot[2,1],rot[2,0]) if(abs(rot[2,0])>abs(rot[2,1])): ang[1]=numpy.arctan2(rot[2,0]/numpy.cos(ang[0]),rot[2,2]) else: ang[1]=numpy.arctan2(rot[2,1]/numpy.sin(ang[0]),rot[2,2]) ang[2]=numpy.arctan2(rot[1,2],-rot[0,2]) else: ang[0]=numpy.arctan2(rot[0,1],rot[0,0]) if(rot[2,2]>0.0): ang[1]=0.0 ang[2]=0.0 else: ang[1]=pi ang[2]=pi #return Euler angles return ang def ylmrot(self,p,angi,l): """ calculates the rotation matrix in complex spherical harmonics for l. THIS HAS ONLY BEEN TESTED FOR l=2. """ d=numpy.identity(2*l+1, complex) # generate the rotation matrix about the y-axis dy=self.ylmroty(angi[1],l) # apply inversion to odd l values if required if(p==-1): if(l % 2.0 != 0): dy*=-1 # rotation by alpha and gamma for m1 in range(-l,l+1,1): lm1=l+m1 for m2 in range(-l,l+1,1): lm2=l+m2 t1=-m1*angi[0]-m2*angi[2] d[lm1,lm2]=dy[lm1,lm2]*(numpy.cos(t1)+1j*numpy.sin(t1)) #return the rotation matrix return d def ylmroty(self,beta,l): """ returns the rotation matrix around the y-axis with angle beta. This uses the same real matrix formual as in Elk - see Elk's manual for ylmroty description """ #import the factorial function - needed for later versions of scipy (needs testing) from scipy import special as spec #calculates the rotation matrix in complex spherical harmonics for l dy=numpy.identity(2*l+1, float) #sine and cosine of beta cb=numpy.cos(beta/2.0) sb=numpy.sin(beta/2.0) # generate the rotaion operator for m-components of input l for m1 in range(-l,l+1,1): for m2 in range(-l,l+1,1): sm=0.0 minlm=numpy.amin([l+m1, l-m2]) + 1 for k in range(minlm): if(((l+m1-k)>=0) and ((l-m2-k)>=0) and ((m2-m1+k)>=0)): j=2*(l-k)+m1-m2 if(j==0): t1=1.0 else: t1=cb**j j=2*k+m2-m1 if(j!=0): t1=t1*sb**j t2=t1/(spec.factorial(k)*spec.factorial(l+m1-k)*spec.factorial(l-m2-k)*spec.factorial(m2-m1+k)) if(k % 2.0 != 0): t2=-t2 sm+=t2 t1=numpy.sqrt(spec.factorial(l+m1)*spec.factorial(l-m1)*spec.factorial(l+m2)*spec.factorial(l-m2)) dy[m1+l,m2+l]=t1*sm #return y-rotation matrix return dy def plotpt3d(self,n_k,vkl,n_symm,symlat,grid3d,ngrid): import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi #import time #st = time.time() #default vector tolerance used in Elk. This should not be altered. epslat=1E-6 tol=int(numpy.log10(1/epslat)) b = numpy.zeros([3,3], float) b = grid3d[1:4,:] - grid3d[0,:] nk = ngrid[0]*ngrid[1]*ngrid[2] BZvkl = numpy.zeros([nk,3], float) BZvkl[:,:] = None #array which maps the new vkl to the symmetrically equivalent interface vkl iknr = numpy.zeros([nk], int) nk_ = 0 vklIBZ = [self.v3frac(vkl[ik,:],epslat) for ik in range(n_k)] vklIBZ = numpy.array(vklIBZ) #generate mesh grid i0, i1, i2 = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(ngrid[0]), numpy.arange(ngrid[1]), numpy.arange(ngrid[2]), indexing='ij') #convert to floats t0 = i0.astype(float)/ngrid[0] t1 = i1.astype(float)/ngrid[1] t2 = i2.astype(float)/ngrid[2] #Calculate Brillouin zone lattice vectors BZvkl[:, 0] = (t0*b[0,0]+t1*b[1, 0]+t2*b[2, 0]+grid3d[0, 0]).flatten() BZvkl[:, 1] = (t0*b[0,1]+t1*b[1, 1]+t2*b[2, 1]+grid3d[0, 1]).flatten() BZvkl[:, 2] = (t0*b[0,2]+t1*b[1, 2]+t2*b[2, 2]+grid3d[0, 2]).flatten() #check k-point has equivalent point dft-interfaced k-point list (this is a bottle neck for performance) for ik in range(nk): br = None v1 = self.v3frac(BZvkl[ik,:], epslat) #see if v1 is symmetrically equivalent to a vector in IBZvkl for isym in range(n_symm): v_symm=numpy.matmul(symlat[isym][:,:].transpose(),v1) v_symm=self.v3frac(v_symm,epslat) if v_symm.round(tol).tolist() in vklIBZ.round(tol).tolist(): iknr[ik] = vkl.round(tol).tolist().index(v_symm.round(tol).tolist()) #if identity symmetry operation was used, this v1 must be in the IBZ vector set if numpy.allclose(symlat[isym][:,:],numpy.eye(3)): nk_+=1 br = 1 break if br == 1: continue #if v1 is not symmetrically equivalent, then wrong input mesh. mpi.report('No identity symmetry operator or symmetrically equivalent vector in interface vkl set') assert 0, "input grid does not generate interfaced reciprocal vectors" #check that all the vectors from the interface are in this list of vectors if(nk_!=n_k): mpi.report('Incorrect number of irreducible vectors with respect to vkl ') mpi.report('%s!=%s'%(nk_,n_k)) assert 0, "input grid does not generate interfaced reciprocal vectors" #et = time.time() #mpi.report(et-st,nk) return BZvkl, iknr, nk def bzfoldout(self,n_k,vkl,n_symm,symlat): #import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi epslat=1E-6 tol=int(numpy.log10(1/epslat)) #new temporary arrays for expanding irreducible Brillouin zone iknr = numpy.arange(n_k) BZvkl = vkl.copy() vkl2 = numpy.zeros([n_symm,n_k,3], float) iknr2 = numpy.zeros([n_symm,n_k], int) vkl2[0,:,:] = vkl[:,:].copy() iknr2[0,:] = iknr[:].copy() #expand irreducible Brillouin zone for ik in range(n_k): for isym in range(n_symm): #find point in BZ by symmetry operation v=numpy.matmul(symlat[isym][:,:].transpose(),vkl[ik,:]) #alter temporary arrays vkl2[isym,ik,:] = v[:] iknr2[isym,ik] = ik #flatten arrays BZvkl = vkl2.reshape(n_k*n_symm,3) iknr = iknr2.reshape(n_k*n_symm) #remove duplicates with eplats tolerance [BZvkl,ind]=numpy.unique(BZvkl.round(tol),return_index=True,axis=0) iknr=iknr[ind] #new number of k-points nk=BZvkl.shape[0] #sort the indices for output in decending order iksrt=numpy.lexsort(([BZvkl[:,i] for i in range(0,BZvkl.shape[1], 1)])) #rearrange the vkc and iknr arrays BZvkl=BZvkl[iksrt] iknr=iknr[iksrt] #return new set of lattice vectors, number of vectors and index array which #maps to original irreducible vector set. return BZvkl, iknr, nk