.. _Sr2MgOsO6_noSOC: Here we will discuss a calculation where off-diagonal matrix elements show up, and will discuss step-by-step how this calculation can be set up. The full script for this calculation is also provided here (:download:`Sr2MgOsO6_noSOC.py `). Note that we do not include spin-orbit coupling here for pedagogical reasons. For the real material it is necessary to include also SOC. DFT (Wien2k) and Wannier orbitals ================================= DFT setup --------- First, we do a DFT calculation, using the Wien2k package. As main input file we have to provide the so-called struct file :file:`Sr2MgOs6_noSOC.struct`. We use the following: .. literalinclude:: images_scripts/Sr2MgOsO6_noSOC.struct The DFT calculation is done as usual, for instance you can use for the initialisation init -b -vxc 5 -numk 2000 This is setting up a non-magnetic calculation, using the LDA and 2000 k-points in the full Brillouin zone. As usual, we start the DFT self consistent cycle by the Wien2k script :: run Wannier orbitals ---------------- As a next step, we calculate localised orbitals for the t2g orbitals. We use the same input file for :program:`dmftproj` as it was used in the :ref:`documentation`: .. literalinclude:: images_scripts/Sr2MgOsO6_noSOC.indmftpr Note that, due to the distortions in the crystal structure, we need to include all five d orbitals in the calculation (line 8 in the input file above). To prepare the input data for :program:`dmftproj` we execute lapw2 with the `-almd` option :: x lapw2 -almd Then :program:`dmftproj` is executed in its default mode (i.e. without spin-polarization or spin-orbit included) :: dmftproj This program produces the necessary files for the conversion to the hdf5 file structure. This is done using the python module :class:`Wien2kConverter `. A simple python script that initialises the converter is:: from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k_converter import * Converter = Wien2kConverter(filename = "Sr2MgOsO6_noSOC") After initializing the interface module, we can now convert the input text files to the hdf5 archive by:: Converter.convert_dft_input() This reads all the data, and stores everything that is necessary for the DMFT calculation in the file :file:`Sr2MgOsO6_noSOC.h5`. [CONTINUE HERE] The DMFT calculation ====================