.. _Shape: Shape, resize ================================== Lengths ---------- Shape -------------------- * array, matrix and vector have a method shape() that returns a `shape_type` object i.e. a mini_vector. DOCUMENT THIS ? * Example:: array A(2,3); A.shape()[0] == 2; A.shape()[1] == 3; Resize -------- * The value classes array, matrix and vector can be resized. * **Synopsis**: .. cpp:function:: void resize(size_t, ..., size_t) * **Examples** :: array A(2,3); A.resize ( make_shape (5,5) ) matrix M; M.resize( 3,3); vector V; V.resize(10); * Views can not be resized. resize_or_check_if_view ---------------------------- .. cpp:function:: void resize_or_check_if_view(ArrayType const & A, shape_t) * If A is a value : resize A * If A is a view : check that the shape if the shape_t and throw an exception if not.