cdef extern from "triqs/gf/refreq.hpp" namespace "triqs::gf" : cdef cppclass refreq_domain : refreq_domain() #cdef cppclass mesh_refreq "triqs::gf::linear_mesh" : cdef cppclass mesh_refreq "triqs::gf::linear_mesh" : mesh_refreq () mesh_refreq (mesh_refreq &) refreq_domain & domain() double x_min() double x_max() long size() double kind() bint operator ==( mesh_refreq &) cdef mesh_refreq make_mesh_refreq "triqs::gf::make_gf_mesh" (double omega_min, double omega_max, size_t n_freq, mesh_enum mk) #cdef mesh_refreq make_mesh_refreq "triqs::gf::gf_factories::make_mesh" (double omega_min, double omega_max, size_t n_freq, mesh_enum mk) cdef cppclass gf_refreq "triqs::python_tools::cython_proxy>" : gf_refreq() gf_refreq(gf_refreq &) # The constructor must be no_except, or the cython code won't be correct... gf_refreq(mesh_refreq, array_view[dcomplex, THREE], tail, nothing) #except + void operator << (gf_refreq &) mesh_refreq mesh() array_view[dcomplex, THREE] data() tail singularity() cdef extern from "triqs/gf/refreq.hpp" : cdef void h5_write (h5_group, char *, gf_refreq &) cdef extern from "triqs/utility/serialization.hpp" : cdef std_string boost_serialize "triqs::serialize" (gf_refreq &) cdef void boost_unserialize_into "triqs::deserialize_into_view" (std_string, gf_refreq &) # Python -> C cdef gf_refreq as_gf_refreq (g) except + # C -> Python cdef make_GfReFreq (gf_refreq x, indices_pack=*, name=*) ############### Blocks of Im Time ######################### cdef extern from "triqs/gf/block.hpp" namespace "triqs::gf" : cdef cppclass gf_block_refreq "triqs::python_tools::cython_proxy>>" : gf_block_refreq() gf_refreq & operator [](int) discrete_mesh & mesh() cdef gf_block_refreq make_gf_block_refreq "triqs::gf::make_gf_view>" ( vector[gf_refreq] &) cdef gf_block_refreq as_gf_block_refreq (G) except + cdef make_BlockGfReFreq (gf_block_refreq G, block_indices_pack=*, name=*)