#define TRIQS_ARRAYS_ENFORCE_BOUNDCHECK #include using namespace triqs::gfs; using namespace triqs::arrays; namespace h5 = triqs::h5; #define TEST(X) std::cout << BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE((X)) << " ---> " << (X) << std::endl << std::endl; #include int main() { try { double beta = 1, a = 1; // construct auto gw_n = gf{{beta, Fermion}, {2, 2}}; auto gt_n = gf{{beta, Fermion, 100}, {2, 2}}; // make a view from a g with a tail auto gw = gf{{beta, Fermion}, {2, 2}}; auto gt = gf{gf_mesh{beta, Fermion, 100}, {2, 2}}; auto vw = make_gf_view_without_tail(gw); auto vt = make_gf_view_without_tail(gt); triqs::clef::placeholder<0> tau_; // should not and does not compile : improve error message ??? // gt(tau_) << exp(-a * tau_) / (1 + exp(-beta * a)); vt(tau_) << exp(-a * tau_) / (1 + exp(-beta * a)); // test hdf5 h5::file file("ess_g_notail.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC); h5_write(file, "g", vt); // rebuilding a new gf... auto g3 = make_gf_from_g_and_tail(vw, gw.singularity()); // need to test all this.... //test antiperiodicity auto Gt = gf{ { beta, Fermion, 1000 }, { } }; Gt(tau_) << exp(-tau_); TEST(Gt(0.01)); TEST(Gt(.5)); TEST(Gt(.9)); TEST(Gt(-.1));//should be equal to line above //fourier gw_n (tau_) << 1/(tau_-1.); auto gt_with_full_tail = make_gf_from_inverse_fourier(make_gf_from_g_and_tail(gw_n, gw.singularity())); TEST(gt_with_full_tail(.5)); triqs::gfs::local::tail t(2,2); t(1)=1; TEST(t); auto gt_tail_with_one_term = make_gf_from_inverse_fourier(make_gf_from_g_and_tail(gw_n, t)); TEST(gt_tail_with_one_term(.5)); } TRIQS_CATCH_AND_ABORT; }