import itertools as it import numpy as np from proj_group import ProjectorGroup from proj_shell import ProjectorShell np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # 'simplejson' is supposed to be faster than 'json' in stdlib. try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json def issue_warning(message): """ Issues a warning. """ print print " !!! WARNING !!!: " + message print ################################################################################ # check_data_consistency() ################################################################################ def check_data_consistency(pars, el_struct): """ Check the consistency of the VASP data. """ # Check that ions inside each shell are of the same sort for sh in pars.shells: assert max(sh['ion_list']) <= el_struct.natom, "Site index in the projected shell exceeds the number of ions in the structure" sorts = set([el_struct.type_of_ion[io] for io in sh['ion_list']]) assert len(sorts) == 1, "Each projected shell must contain only ions of the same sort" # Check that ion and orbital lists in shells match those of projectors ion_list = sh['ion_list'] lshell = sh['lshell'] for ion in ion_list: for par in el_struct.proj_params: if par['isite'] - 1 == ion and par['l'] == lshell: break else: errmsg = "Projector for isite = %s, l = %s does not match PROJCAR"%(ion + 1, lshell) raise Exception(errmsg) ################################################################################ # # generate_plo() # ################################################################################ def generate_plo(conf_pars, el_struct): """ Parameters ---------- conf_pars (dict) : dictionary of input parameters (from conf-file) el_struct : ElectronicStructure object """ check_data_consistency(conf_pars, el_struct) proj_raw = el_struct.proj_raw try: efermi = conf_pars.general['efermi'] except (KeyError, AttributeError): efermi = el_struct.efermi # eigvals(nktot, nband, ispin) are defined with respect to the Fermi level eigvals = el_struct.eigvals - efermi nshell = len(conf_pars.shells) print print " Generating %i shell%s..."%(nshell, '' if nshell == 1 else 's') pshells = [] for sh_par in conf_pars.shells: pshell = ProjectorShell(sh_par, proj_raw, el_struct.proj_params, el_struct.nc_flag) print print " Shell : %s"%(pshell.user_index) print " Orbital l : %i"%(pshell.lorb) print " Number of ions: %i"%(len(pshell.ion_list)) print " Dimension : %i"%(pshell.ndim) pshells.append(pshell) pgroups = [] for gr_par in conf_pars.groups: pgroup = ProjectorGroup(gr_par, pshells, eigvals, el_struct.ferw) pgroup.orthogonalize() print "Density matrix:" dm, ov = pshells[pgroup.ishells[0]].density_matrix(el_struct) print dm print print "Overlap:" print ov if 'dosmesh' in conf_pars.general: print print "Evaluating DOS..." mesh_pars = conf_pars.general['dosmesh'] if np.isnan(mesh_pars['emin']): dos_emin = pgroup.emin dos_emax = pgroup.emax else: dos_emin = mesh_pars['emin'] dos_emax = mesh_pars['emax'] n_points = mesh_pars['n_points'] emesh = np.linspace(dos_emin, dos_emax, n_points) dos = pshells[pgroup.ishells[0]].density_of_states(el_struct, emesh) de = emesh[1] - emesh[0] ntot = (dos[1:,...] + dos[:-1,...]).sum(0) / 2 * de print " Total number of states:", ntot for io in xrange(dos.shape[2]): np.savetxt('pdos_%i.dat'%(io), np.vstack((emesh.T, dos[:, 0, io, :].T)).T) pgroups.append(pgroup) return pshells, pgroups # TODO: k-points with weights should be stored once and for all ################################################################################ # # kpoints_output # ################################################################################ def kpoints_output(basename, el_struct): """ Outputs k-point data into a text file. """ kmesh = el_struct.kmesh fname = basename + '.kpoints' with open(fname, 'wt') as f: f.write("# Number of k-points: nktot\n") nktot = kmesh['nktot'] f.write("%i\n"%(nktot)) # TODO: add the output of reciprocal lattice vectors f.write("# List of k-points with weights\n") for ik in xrange(nktot): kx, ky, kz = kmesh['kpoints'][ik, :] kwght = kmesh['kweights'][ik] f.write("%15.10f%15.10f%15.10f%20.10f\n"%(kx, ky, kz, kwght)) # Check if there are tetrahedra defined and if they are, output them try: ntet = kmesh['ntet'] volt = kmesh['volt'] f.write("\n# Number of tetrahedra and volume: ntet, volt\n") f.write("%i %s\n"%(ntet, volt)) f.write("# List of tetrahedra: imult, ik1, ..., ik4\n") for it in xrange(ntet): f.write(' '.join(map("{0:d}".format, *kmesh['itet'][it, :])) + '\n') except KeyError: pass ################################################################################ # # ctrl_output # ################################################################################ def ctrl_output(conf_pars, el_struct, ng): """ Outputs a ctrl-file. """ ctrl_fname = conf_pars.general['basename'] + '.ctrl' head_dict = {} # TODO: Add output of tetrahedra # Construct the header dictionary head_dict['ngroups'] = ng head_dict['nk'] = el_struct.kmesh['nktot'] head_dict['ns'] = el_struct.nspin head_dict['nc_flag'] = 1 if el_struct.nc_flag else 0 # head_dict['efermi'] = conf_pars.general['efermi'] # We probably don't need Efermi header = json.dumps(head_dict, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) print " Storing ctrl-file..." with open(ctrl_fname, 'wt') as f: f.write(header + "\n") f.write("#END OF HEADER\n") f.write("# k-points and weights\n") labels = ['kx', 'ky', 'kz', 'kweight'] out = "".join(map(lambda s:, labels)) f.write("#" + out + "\n") for ik, kp in enumerate(el_struct.kmesh['kpoints']): tmp1 = "".join(map("{0:15.10f}".format, kp)) out = tmp1 + "{0:16.10f}".format(el_struct.kmesh['kweights'][ik]) f.write(out + "\n") ################################################################################ # # plo_output # ################################################################################ def plo_output(conf_pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups): """ Outputs PLO groups into text files. Filenames are defined by that is passed from config-file. All necessary general parameters are stored in a file '.ctrl'. Each group is stored in a '.plog' file. The format is the following: # Energy window: emin, emax ib_min, ib_max nelect # Eigenvalues isp, ik1, kx, ky, kz, kweight ib1, ib2 eig1 eig2 ... eigN ik2, kx, ky, kz, kweight ... # Projected shells Nshells # Shells: # Shell <1> Shell 1 ndim # complex arrays: plo(ns, nion, ndim, nb) ... # Shells: # Shell <2> Shell 2 ... """ for ig, pgroup in enumerate(pgroups): plo_fname = conf_pars.general['basename'] + '.pg%i'%(ig + 1) print " Storing PLO-group file '%s'..."%(plo_fname) head_dict = {} head_dict['ewindow'] = (pgroup.emin, pgroup.emax) head_dict['nb_max'] = pgroup.nb_max # Number of electrons within the window head_dict['nelect'] = pgroup.nelect_window(el_struct) print " Density within window:", head_dict['nelect'] head_shells = [] for ish in pgroup.ishells: shell = pgroup.shells[ish] sh_dict = {} sh_dict['shell_index'] = ish sh_dict['lorb'] = shell.lorb sh_dict['ndim'] = shell.ndim # Convert ion indices from the internal representation (starting from 0) # to conventional VASP representation (starting from 1) ion_output = [io + 1 for io in shell.ion_list] sh_dict['ion_list'] = ion_output sh_dict['ion_sort'] = el_struct.type_of_ion[shell.ion_list[0]] # TODO: add the output of transformation matrices head_shells.append(sh_dict) head_dict['shells'] = head_shells header = json.dumps(head_dict, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) with open(plo_fname, 'wt') as f: f.write(header + "\n") f.write("#END OF HEADER\n") # Eigenvalues within the window f.write("# Eigenvalues within the energy window: %s, %s\n"%(pgroup.emin, pgroup.emax)) nk, nband, ns_band = el_struct.eigvals.shape for isp in xrange(ns_band): f.write("# is = %i\n"%(isp + 1)) for ik in xrange(nk): ib1, ib2 = pgroup.ib_win[ik, isp, 0], pgroup.ib_win[ik, isp, 1] f.write(" %i %i\n"%(ib1, ib2)) for ib in xrange(ib1, ib2 + 1): eigv_ef = el_struct.eigvals[ik, ib, isp] - el_struct.efermi f.write("%15.7f\n"%(eigv_ef)) # Projected shells f.write("# Projected shells\n") f.write("# Shells: %s\n"%(pgroup.ishells)) for ish in pgroup.ishells: shell = pgroup.shells[ish] f.write("# Shell %i\n"%(ish)) nion, ns, nk, nlm, nb = shell.proj_win.shape for isp in xrange(ns): f.write("# is = %i\n"%(isp + 1)) for ik in xrange(nk): f.write("# ik = %i\n"%(ik + 1)) for ion in xrange(nion): for ilm in xrange(nlm): ib1, ib2 = pgroup.ib_win[ik, isp, 0], pgroup.ib_win[ik, isp, 1] ib_win = ib2 - ib1 + 1 for ib in xrange(ib_win): p = shell.proj_win[ion, isp, ik, ilm, ib] f.write("{0:16.10f}{1:16.10f}\n".format(p.real, p.imag)) f.write("\n") ################################################################################ # # output_as_text # ################################################################################ def output_as_text(pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups): """ Output all information necessary for the converter as text files. """ ctrl_output(pars, el_struct, len(pgroups)) plo_output(pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups)