.. index:: Linux .. _Linux: .. highlight:: bash Installation on a generic Linux distribution ####################################################### TRIQS has been installed successfully on several distributions. #. Download the code (this is for the current development version) :: git clone git://github.com/TRIQS/TRIQS.git path_to_triqs_sources #. Download the `sources of boost `_ and untar them into ``path_to_boost_sources``. **Don't compile boost**. #. Create a build directory (different from the TRIQS source directory nor a subdirectory thereof) :: mkdir triqs_build && cd triqs_build #. Configure :: cmake path_to_triqs_sources -DBOOST_SOURCE_DIR=path_to_boost_sources \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_install_directory [NB : the install directory is optional, the default value is `triqs_build/INSTALL_DIR`] Successful run of cmake will finish with :: -- Build files have been written to: *path_to_triqs_build* #. Build TRIQS, test it and install it with (N being the number of cores of your machine) :: make -jN && make test && make -jN install [NB : the tests SingleSite and CDMFT-v2 take longer than the other ones (30s to 1 min) ]. #. If you use Wien2TRIQS, please complete the installation as described :ref:`here `. #. You can now :ref:`start ... ` #. Optionally, you can be interested in : * How to *simply* upgrade the ipython notebook with :ref:`virtualenv ` to the latest version ? * How to use the nice :ref:`clang ` C++ compiler ? * How to use :ref:`Intel ` C++ compiler ?