# This file allows other CMake Projects to find us # We provide general project information # and reestablish the exported CMake Targets # Multiple inclusion guard if(NOT @PROJECT_NAME@_FOUND) set(@PROJECT_NAME@_FOUND TRUE) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY @PROJECT_NAME@_FOUND TRUE) # version set(@PROJECT_NAME@_VERSION @PROJECT_VERSION@ CACHE STRING "@PROJECT_NAME@ version") set(@PROJECT_NAME@_GIT_HASH @PROJECT_GIT_HASH@ CACHE STRING "@PROJECT_NAME@ git hash") # Root of the installation set(@PROJECT_NAME@_ROOT @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@ CACHE STRING "@PROJECT_NAME@ root directory") ## Find the target dependencies #function(find_dep) # get_property(${ARGV0}_FOUND GLOBAL PROPERTY ${ARGV0}_FOUND) # if(NOT ${ARGV0}_FOUND) # find_package(${ARGN} REQUIRED HINTS @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@) # endif() #endfunction() #find_dep(depname 1.0) # Include the exported targets of this project include(@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@/cmake/@PROJECT_NAME@/@PROJECT_NAME@-targets.cmake) message(STATUS "Found @PROJECT_NAME@-config.cmake with version @PROJECT_VERSION@, hash = @PROJECT_GIT_HASH@, root = @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@") # Was the Project built with Documentation? set(@PROJECT_NAME@_WITH_DOCUMENTATION @Build_Documentation@ CACHE BOOL "Was @PROJECT_NAME@ build with documentation?") # Was the Project built with PythonSupport? set(@PROJECT_NAME@_WITH_PYTHON_SUPPORT @PythonSupport@ CACHE BOOL "Was @PROJECT_NAME@ build with python support?") if(@PythonSupport@) set(@PROJECT_NAME@_MODULE_DIR @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/@CPP2PY_PYTHON_LIB_DEST_ROOT@ CACHE BOOL "The @PROJECT_NAME@ python module directory") endif() endif()