########################################################################## # # TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems # # Copyright (C) 2011 by M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola # # TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # TRIQS. If not, see . # ########################################################################## ### # Wannier90 to HDF5 converter for the SumkDFT class of dfttools/TRIQS; # # written by Gabriele Sclauzero (Materials Theory, ETH Zurich), Dec 2015 -- Jan 2016, # updated by Maximilian Merkel (Materials Theory, ETH Zurich), Aug 2020 -- Jan 2021, # and by Sophie Beck (Materials Theory, ETH Zurich), Sep 2020 -- Apr 2021, # under the supervision of Claude Ederer (Materials Theory). # Partially based on previous work by K. Dymkovski and the DFT_tools/TRIQS team. # # Limitations of the current implementation: # - the T rotation matrices are not used in this implementation # - in bloch_basis mode, the number of wannier functions per shell has to be equal # to the dim of the shell # # Things to be improved/checked: # - the case with SP=1 might work, but was never tested (do we need to define # rot_mat_time_inv also if symm_op = 0?) # - the calculation of rot_mat in find_rot_mat() relies on the eigenvalues of H(0); # this might fail in presence of degenerate eigenvalues (now just prints warning) # - make the code more MPI safe (error handling): if we run with more than one process # and an error occurs on the masternode, the calculation does not abort # - in case of disentanglement, the outer window being close to Kohn-Sham energies # can cause a problem in creating the udis_mat in read_wannier90data ### import numpy import os.path from itertools import product from h5 import HDFArchive from .converter_tools import ConverterTools import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi class Wannier90Converter(ConverterTools): """ Conversion from Wannier90 output to an hdf5 file that can be used as input for the SumkDFT class. """ def __init__(self, seedname, hdf_filename=None, dft_subgrp='dft_input', symmcorr_subgrp='dft_symmcorr_input', misc_subgrp='dft_misc_input', repacking=False, rot_mat_type='hloc_diag', bloch_basis=False, add_lambda=None, w90zero=2.e-6): """ Initialise the class. Parameters ---------- seedname : string Base name of Wannier90 files hdf_filename : string, optional Name of hdf5 archive to be created dft_subgrp : string, optional Name of subgroup storing necessary DFT data symmcorr_subgrp : string, optional Name of subgroup storing correlated-shell symmetry data misc_subgrp : string, optional Name of subgroup storing miscellaneous DFT data. repacking : boolean, optional Does the hdf5 archive need to be repacked to save space? rot_mat_type : string, optional Type of rot_mat used Can be 'hloc_diag', 'wannier', 'none' bloch_basis : boolean, optional Should the Hamiltonian be written in Bloch rather than Wannier basis? add_lambda : list of floats, optional add local spin-orbit term w90zero : float, optional threshold on symmetry checks of Hamiltonian and rot_mat """ self._name = "Wannier90Converter" assert isinstance(seedname, str), self._name + \ ": Please provide the DFT files' base name as a string." if hdf_filename is None: hdf_filename = seedname + '.h5' self.hdf_file = hdf_filename # if the w90 output is seedname_hr.dat, the input file for the # converter must be called seedname.inp self.inp_file = seedname + '.inp' self.w90_seed = seedname self.dft_subgrp = dft_subgrp self.symmcorr_subgrp = symmcorr_subgrp self.misc_subgrp = misc_subgrp self.fortran_to_replace = {'D': 'E'} # threshold below which matrix elements from wannier90 should be # considered equal self._w90zero = w90zero self.rot_mat_type = rot_mat_type self.bloch_basis = bloch_basis self.add_lambda = add_lambda if self.rot_mat_type not in ('hloc_diag', 'wannier', 'none'): raise ValueError('Parameter rot_mat_type invalid, should be one of' + '"hloc_diag", "wannier", "none"') # Checks if h5 file is there and repacks it if wanted: if (os.path.exists(self.hdf_file) and repacking): ConverterTools.repack(self) def convert_dft_input(self): """ Reads the appropriate files and stores the data for the - dft_subgrp - symmcorr_subgrp in the hdf5 archive. """ mpi.report("\nReading input from %s..." % self.inp_file) # R is a generator : each R.Next() will return the next number in the # file R = ConverterTools.read_fortran_file( self, self.inp_file, self.fortran_to_replace) shell_entries = ['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim'] corr_shell_entries = ['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim', 'SO', 'irep'] # First, let's read the input file with the parameters needed for the # conversion try: # read k - point mesh generation option kmesh_mode = int(next(R)) if kmesh_mode >= 0: # read k-point mesh size from input nki = [int(next(R)) for idir in range(3)] else: # some default grid, if everything else fails... nki = [8, 8, 8] # read the total number of electrons per cell if not in bloch basis # in bloch basis, this is later calculated from the partial occupations density_required = float(next(R)) # we do not read shells, because we have no additional shells beyond correlated ones, # and the data will be copied from corr_shells into shells (see below) # number of corr. shells (e.g. Fe d, Ce f) in the unit cell, n_corr_shells = int(next(R)) # now read the information about the correlated shells (atom, sort, # l, dim, SO flag, irep): corr_shells = [{name: int(val) for name, val in zip( corr_shell_entries, R)} for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells)] try: self.fermi_energy = float(next(R)) except: self.fermi_energy = 0. except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. mpi.report(self._name + ": reading input file %s failed!" % self.inp_file) # close the input file R.close() # Set or derive some quantities # Wannier90 does not use symmetries to reduce the k-points # the following might change in future versions symm_op = 0 # copy corr_shells into shells (see above) n_shells = n_corr_shells shells = [] for ish in range(n_shells): shells.append({key: corr_shells[ish].get( key, None) for key in shell_entries}) # Determine if any shell requires SO if any([corr_shell['SO']==1 for corr_shell in corr_shells]): SO = 1 SP = 1 mpi.report('Spin-orbit interaction turned on') else: SO = 0 SP = 0 # Only one block supported - either non-spin-polarized or spin-orbit coupled assert SP == SO, 'Spin-polarized calculations not implemented' if self.add_lambda: assert [sh['dim'] for sh in corr_shells] == [3 for sh in corr_shells], 'Add_lambda only implemented for t2g shell' assert SO == SP == 0, 'Add_lambda not implemented for SO = SP = 1' assert self.bloch_basis == False, 'Add_lambda not implemented for bloch_basis = True' # now setting SO and SP to 1 SO = SP = 1 charge_below = 0 # total charge below energy window NOT used for now energy_unit = 1.0 # should be understood as eV units # this is more general n_spin_blocs = SP + 1 - SO assert n_spin_blocs > 0, 'Input error, if SO=1, SP must be 1.' if SO == 1: for shell_list in [shells, corr_shells]: for entry in shell_list: entry['dim'] *= 2 if 'SO' in entry.keys() and self.add_lambda: entry['SO'] = 1 dim_corr_shells = sum([sh['dim'] for sh in corr_shells]) mpi.report('Total number of WFs expected in the correlated shells: {0:d}'.format(dim_corr_shells)) # build the k-point mesh, if its size was given on input (kmesh_mode >= 0), # otherwise it is built according to the data in the hr file (see below) # If output is in bloch_basis, we use k mesh from seedname_u.mat for consistency if kmesh_mode >= 0 and not self.bloch_basis: n_k, kpts, kpt_weights = self.kmesh_build(nki, kmesh_mode) self.n_k = n_k self.kpts = kpts # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells and maps, # needed for further processing n_inequiv_shells, corr_to_inequiv, inequiv_to_corr = ConverterTools.det_shell_equivalence( self, corr_shells) mpi.report("Number of inequivalent shells: %d" % n_inequiv_shells) mpi.report("Shell representatives: " + format(inequiv_to_corr)) shells_map = [inequiv_to_corr[corr_to_inequiv[ish]] for ish in range(n_corr_shells)] mpi.report("Mapping: " + format(shells_map)) # not used in this version: reset to dummy values? n_reps = [1 for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] dim_reps = [0 for i in range(n_inequiv_shells)] T = [] for ish in range(n_inequiv_shells): ll = 2 * corr_shells[inequiv_to_corr[ish]]['l'] + 1 lmax = ll * (corr_shells[inequiv_to_corr[ish]]['SO'] + 1) T.append(numpy.zeros([lmax, lmax], dtype=complex)) spin_w90name = ['_up', '_down'] hamr_full = [] umat_full = [] udismat_full = [] bandmat_full = [] # TODO: generalise to SP=1 (only partially done) rot_mat_time_inv = [0 for i in range(n_corr_shells)] # Second, let's read the file containing the Hamiltonian in WF basis # produced by Wannier90 for isp in range(n_spin_blocs): # begin loop on isp # build filename according to wannier90 conventions if SP == 1 and SO == 0: mpi.report( "Reading information for spin component n. %d" % isp) file_seed = self.w90_seed + spin_w90name[isp] else: file_seed = self.w90_seed # now grab the data from the H(R) file mpi.report( "\nThe Hamiltonian in MLWF basis is extracted from %s files..." % file_seed) nr = rvec = rdeg = nw = hamr = u_mat = udis_mat = band_mat = k_mesh_from_umat = None if (mpi.is_master_node()): (nr, rvec, rdeg, nw, hamr, u_mat, udis_mat, band_mat, k_mesh_from_umat) = self.read_wannier90data(file_seed, kmesh_mode) mpi.barrier() nr = mpi.bcast(nr) rvec = mpi.bcast(rvec) rdeg = mpi.bcast(rdeg) nw = mpi.bcast(nw) hamr = mpi.bcast(hamr) u_mat = mpi.bcast(u_mat) udis_mat = mpi.bcast(udis_mat) band_mat = mpi.bcast(band_mat) k_mesh_from_umat = mpi.bcast(k_mesh_from_umat) # number of R vectors, their indices, their degeneracy, number of WFs, H(R), # U matrices, U(dis) matrices, band energies, k_mesh of U matrices mpi.report('\n... done: {} R vectors, {} WFs found'.format(nr, nw)) if self.add_lambda: mpi.report('Adding local spin-orbit term to Hamiltonian (assuming dxz, dyz, dxy as orbital order)') # upscaling quantities nw *= 2 hamr = [numpy.kron(numpy.eye(2), hamr[ir]) for ir in range(nr)] hamr[nr//2] += self.lambda_matrix_w90_t2g() with numpy.printoptions(linewidth=100, formatter={'complexfloat': '{:+.3f}'.format}): mpi.report('Local Hamiltonian including spin-orbit coupling:') mpi.report(hamr[nr//2]) if isp == 0: # set or check some quantities that must be the same for both # spins self.nrpt = nr # k-point grid: (if not defined before) if self.bloch_basis: mpi.report('Reading k mesh from seedname_u.mat file') kpts = k_mesh_from_umat n_k = len(kpts) kpt_weights = numpy.full(n_k, 1/n_k) self.n_k = n_k self.kpts = kpts elif kmesh_mode == -1: # the size of the k-point mesh is determined from the # largest R vector nki = [2 * rvec[:, idir].max() + 1 for idir in range(3)] # it will be the same as in the win only when nki is odd, because of the # wannier90 convention: if we have nki k-points along the i-th direction, # then we should get 2*(nki/2)+nki%2 R points along that # direction n_k, kpts, kpt_weights = self.kmesh_build(nki) self.n_k = n_k self.kpts = kpts # set the R vectors and their degeneracy self.rvec = rvec self.rdeg = rdeg self.nwfs = nw # check that the total number of WFs makes sense if self.nwfs < dim_corr_shells: mpi.report( "ERROR: number of WFs in the file smaller than number of correlated orbitals!") elif self.nwfs > dim_corr_shells: # NOTE: correlated shells must appear before uncorrelated # ones inside the file mpi.report("Number of WFs larger than correlated orbitals:\n" + "WFs from %d to %d treated as uncorrelated" % (dim_corr_shells + 1, self.nwfs)) else: mpi.report( "Number of WFs equal to number of correlated orbitals") # we assume spin up and spin down always have same total number # of WFs # get second dimension of udis_mat which corresponds to number of bands in window # n_bands_max corresponds to numpy.max(n_orbitals) n_bands_max = udis_mat.shape[1] if not self.add_lambda else 2*udis_mat.shape[1] n_orbitals = numpy.full([self.n_k, n_spin_blocs], n_bands_max) else: # consistency check between the _up and _down file contents if nr != self.nrpt: mpi.report( "Different number of R vectors for spin-up/spin-down!") if nw != self.nwfs: mpi.report( "Different number of WFs for spin-up/spin-down!") hamr_full.append(hamr) umat_full.append(u_mat) udismat_full.append(udis_mat) bandmat_full.append(band_mat) for ir in range(nr): # checks if the Hamiltonian is real (it should, if # wannierisation worked fine) if numpy.abs((hamr[ir].imag.max()).max()) > self._w90zero: mpi.report( "H(R) has large complex components at R %d" % ir) # copy the R=0 block corresponding to the correlated shells # into another variable (needed later for finding rot_mat) if rvec[ir, 0] == 0 and rvec[ir, 1] == 0 and rvec[ir, 2] == 0: ham_corr0 = hamr[ir][0:dim_corr_shells, 0:dim_corr_shells] # checks if ham0 is Hermitian if not numpy.allclose(ham_corr0.transpose().conjugate(), ham_corr0, atol=self._w90zero, rtol=0): raise ValueError("H(R=0) matrix is not Hermitian!") # find rot_mat symmetries by diagonalising the on-site Hamiltonian # of the first spin if isp == 0: use_rotations, rot_mat = self.find_rot_mat( n_corr_shells, corr_shells, shells_map, ham_corr0) else: # consistency check use_rotations_, rot_mat_ = self.find_rot_mat( n_corr_shells, corr_shells, shells_map, ham_corr0) if (use_rotations and not use_rotations_): mpi.report( "Rotations cannot be used for spin component n. %d" % isp) for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells): if not numpy.allclose(rot_mat_[icrsh], rot_mat[icrsh], atol=self._w90zero, rtol=0): mpi.report( "Rotations for spin component n. %d do not match!" % isp) # end loop on isp # Reads misc input needed for CSC calculations if self.bloch_basis: if os.path.isfile(self.w90_seed + '.nscf.out'): fermi_weight_file = self.w90_seed + '.nscf.out' mpi.report('Reading DFT band occupations from Quantum Espresso output {}'.format(fermi_weight_file)) elif os.path.isfile('LOCPROJ'): assert os.path.isfile('OUTCAR') fermi_weight_file = 'LOCPROJ' mpi.report('Reading DFT band occupations from Vasp output {}'.format(fermi_weight_file)) else: raise IOError('seedname.nscf.out or LOCPROJ required in bloch_basis mode') f_weights = band_window = self.fermi_energy = kpt_basis = None if (mpi.is_master_node()): f_weights, band_window, self.fermi_energy, kpt_basis = self.convert_misc_input(fermi_weight_file, self.w90_seed + '.nnkp', n_spin_blocs) mpi.barrier() f_weights = mpi.bcast(f_weights) band_window = mpi.bcast(band_window) self.fermi_energy = mpi.bcast(self.fermi_energy) kpt_basis = mpi.bcast(kpt_basis) # Get density from k-point weighted average and sum over all spins and bands density_required = numpy.sum(f_weights.T * kpt_weights) * (2 - SP) mpi.report('Overwriting required density with DFT result {:.5f}'.format(density_required)) mpi.report('and using the DFT Fermi energy {:.5f} eV\n'.format(self.fermi_energy)) if not self.bloch_basis: mpi.report("The k-point grid has dimensions: %d, %d, %d" % tuple(nki)) # if calculations are spin-polarized, then renormalize k-point weights if SP == 1 and SO == 0: kpt_weights *= 0.5 # Third, initialise the projectors k_dep_projection = 0 # at the moment not really used, but might get important proj_mat = numpy.zeros([self.n_k, n_spin_blocs, n_corr_shells, max( [crsh['dim'] for crsh in corr_shells]), numpy.max(n_orbitals)], dtype=complex) iorb = 0 # Projectors are either identity matrix blocks to use with Wannier basis # OR correspond to the overlap between Kohn-Sham and Wannier orbitals as # P_{nu,alpha](k) = # NOTE: we assume that the correlated orbitals appear at the beginning of the H(R) # file and that the ordering of MLWFs matches the corr_shell info from # the input. for isp in range(n_spin_blocs): # now combine udismat and umat u_total = numpy.einsum('abc,acd->abd',udismat_full[isp],umat_full[isp]) # transpose and write into proj_mat u_temp = numpy.transpose(u_total.conj(),(0,2,1)) for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells): dim = corr_shells[icrsh]['dim'] proj_mat[:, isp, icrsh, 0:dim, :] = u_temp[:,iorb:iorb+dim,:] if not self.add_lambda else numpy.kron(numpy.eye(2), u_temp[:,iorb:iorb+dim,:]) iorb += dim # Then, compute the hoppings in reciprocal space hopping = numpy.zeros([self.n_k, n_spin_blocs, numpy.max(n_orbitals), numpy.max(n_orbitals)], dtype=complex) for isp in range(n_spin_blocs): # if bloch_basis is True, use Kohn-Sham eigenvalues as hamk # this ensures that the calculation of the band-correlation energy # is consistent with SumkDFT's calc_density_correction if self.bloch_basis: # diagonal Kohn-Sham bands # TODO: test for system with self.nwfs > dim_corr_shells hamk = [numpy.diag(bandmat_full[isp][ik]) for ik in range(self.n_k)] # Sanity check if the local Hamiltonian with the projector method # corresponds to W90 result wannier_ham = self.fourier_ham(hamr_full[isp]) for ik in range(self.n_k): proj_mat_flattened = numpy.zeros((numpy.max(n_orbitals), numpy.max(n_orbitals)), dtype=complex) iorb = 0 for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells): dim = corr_shells[icrsh]['dim'] proj_mat_flattened[iorb:iorb+dim,:] = proj_mat[ik, isp][icrsh,0:dim,:].reshape(dim, numpy.max(n_orbitals)) iorb += dim downfolded_ham = proj_mat_flattened.dot(hamk[ik].dot(proj_mat_flattened.conj().T)) if dim_corr_shells < numpy.max(n_orbitals): downfolded_ham = downfolded_ham[:dim_corr_shells,:dim_corr_shells] wannier_ham[ik] = wannier_ham[ik][:dim_corr_shells,:dim_corr_shells] if not numpy.allclose(downfolded_ham, wannier_ham[ik], atol=1e-4, rtol=0): mpi.report('WARNING: mismatch between downfolded Hamiltonian and ' + f'Fourier transformed H(R). First occurred at kpt {ik}:') with numpy.printoptions(formatter={'complexfloat': '{:+.4f}'.format}): mpi.report('Downfolded Hamiltonian, P H_eig P') mpi.report(downfolded_ham) mpi.report('\nWannier Hamiltonian, Fourier(H(r))') mpi.report(wannier_ham[ik]) break # else for an isolated set of bands use fourier transform of H(R) else: # make Fourier transform H(R) -> H(k) : it can be done one spin at a time hamk = self.fourier_ham(hamr_full[isp]) # Sanity check if imaginary diagonal elements are zero, otherwise instabilties in lattice Gf! diag_iterator = range(0,dim_corr_shells) for ik in range(self.n_k): if not numpy.allclose(hamk[ik][diag_iterator, diag_iterator].imag, 0, atol=1e-10): mpi.report('ERROR: Wannier Hamiltonian has complex diagonal entries. ' + f'First occurred at kpt {ik}:') with numpy.printoptions(formatter={'float': '{:+.10f}'.format}): mpi.report('\nWannier Hamiltonian diagonal, Fourier(H(r)), imaginary') mpi.report(hamk[ik][diag_iterator, diag_iterator].imag) mpi.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort(1) # set imaginary part to zero hamk[ik][diag_iterator, diag_iterator] = hamk[ik][diag_iterator, diag_iterator].real + 0*1j # finally write hamk into hoppings for ik in range(self.n_k): hopping[ik, isp] = hamk[ik] - numpy.identity(numpy.max(n_orbitals)) * self.fermi_energy hopping *= energy_unit mpi.report("Subtracting {:.5f} eV from the Fermi level.".format(self.fermi_energy)) # bz_weights required by triqs h5 standard but soon to be replaced by kpt_weights bz_weights = kpt_weights # Finally, save all required data into the HDF archive: # use_rotations is supposed to be an int = 0, 1, no bool use_rotations = int(use_rotations) if mpi.is_master_node(): with HDFArchive(self.hdf_file, 'a') as ar: if not (self.dft_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.dft_subgrp) # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is # created. If it exists, the data is overwritten! things_to_save = ['energy_unit', 'n_k', 'k_dep_projection', 'SP', 'SO', 'charge_below', 'density_required', 'symm_op', 'n_shells', 'shells', 'n_corr_shells', 'corr_shells', 'use_rotations', 'rot_mat', 'rot_mat_time_inv', 'n_reps', 'dim_reps', 'T', 'n_orbitals', 'proj_mat', 'bz_weights', 'hopping', 'n_inequiv_shells', 'corr_to_inequiv', 'inequiv_to_corr', 'kpt_weights', 'kpts'] if self.bloch_basis: numpy.append(things_to_save, 'kpt_basis') for it in things_to_save: ar[self.dft_subgrp][it] = locals()[it] # Store Fermi weights to 'dft_misc_input' if not (self.misc_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.misc_subgrp) ar[self.misc_subgrp]['dft_fermi_energy'] = self.fermi_energy if self.bloch_basis: ar[self.misc_subgrp]['dft_fermi_weights'] = f_weights ar[self.misc_subgrp]['band_window'] = band_window+1 # Change to 1-based index ar[self.misc_subgrp]['kpts_cart'] = numpy.dot(kpts, kpt_basis.T) mpi.barrier() def read_wannier90data(self, wannier_seed="wannier", kmesh_mode=0): """ Method for reading the seedname_hr.dat file produced by Wannier90 (http://wannier.org) Parameters ---------- wannier_seed : string seedname to read H(R) file produced by Wannier90 (usually seedname_hr.dat) Returns ------- nrpt : integer number of R vectors found in the file rvec_idx : numpy.array of integers Miller indices of the R vectors rvec_deg : numpy.array of floats weight of the R vectors num_wf : integer number of Wannier functions found h_of_r : list of numpy.array = Hamilonian matrix elements in the Wannier basis u_mat : numpy.array U_mn^k = unitary matrix elements which mix the Kohn-Sham states udis_mat : numpy.array U^dis(k) = rectangular matrix for entangled bands band_mat : numpy.array \epsilon_nk = Kohn-Sham eigenvalues (in eV) needed for entangled bands If not self.bloch_basis unused and therefore None k_mesh : numpy.array The k mesh read from the seedname_u.mat file to ensure consistency If not self.bloch_basis unused and therefore None """ hr_filename = wannier_seed + '_hr.dat' try: with open(hr_filename, 'r') as hr_filedesc: hr_data = hr_filedesc.readlines() except IOError: mpi.report("The file %s could not be read!" % hr_filename) mpi.report('reading {:20}...{}'.format(hr_filename,hr_data[0].strip('\n'))) try: # reads number of Wannier functions per spin num_wf = int(hr_data[1]) nrpt = int(hr_data[2]) except ValueError: mpi.report("Could not read number of WFs or R vectors") k_mesh = None if not self.bloch_basis: # For kmesh_mode == -1, size of automatic k mesh known when rvec_idx # have been read. For kmesh_mode >= 0, kpts have been determined already if kmesh_mode >= 0: n_k = self.n_k else: # first, read u matrices from 'seedname_u.mat' u_filename = wannier_seed + '_u.mat' with open(u_filename,'r') as u_file: u_data = u_file.readlines() # reads number of kpoints and number of wannier functions n_k, num_wf_u, _ = map(int, u_data[1].split()) assert num_wf_u == num_wf, '#WFs must be identical for *_u.mat and *_hr.dat' mpi.report('reading {:20}...{}'.format(u_filename,u_data[0].strip('\n'))) # Reads k mesh from all lines with 3 floats k_mesh = numpy.loadtxt((line for line in u_data if line.count('.') == 3)) assert k_mesh.shape == (n_k, 3) # Reads u matrices from all lines with 2 floats u_mat = numpy.loadtxt((line for line in u_data if line.count('.') == 2)) assert u_mat.shape == (n_k*num_wf*num_wf, 2) mpi.report('Writing h5 archive in projector formalism: H(k) defined in KS Bloch basis') try: # read 'seedname_u_dis.mat' udis_filename = wannier_seed + '_u_dis.mat' # if it exists the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and the window are needed band_filename = wannier_seed + '.eig' wout_filename = wannier_seed + '.wout' with open(udis_filename,'r') as udis_file: udis_data = udis_file.readlines() disentangle = True except IOError: disentangle = False mpi.report('WARNING: File {} missing.'.format(udis_filename)) mpi.report('Assuming an isolated set of bands. Check if this is what you want!') # read Kohn-Sham eigenvalues from 'seedname.eig' mpi.report('Reading {}'.format(band_filename)) band_data = numpy.loadtxt(band_filename, usecols=2) if disentangle: # reads number of kpoints, number of wannier functions and bands num_k_udis, num_wf_udis, num_ks_bands = map(int, udis_data[1].split()) assert num_k_udis == n_k, '#k points must be identical for *.inp and *_u_dis.mat' assert num_wf_udis == num_wf, '#WFs must be identical for *_u.mat and *_hr.dat' mpi.report('Found {:22}...{}, '.format(udis_filename,udis_data[0].strip('\n'))) udis_data = numpy.loadtxt(udis_data, usecols=(0, 1), skiprows=2) # read disentanglement window from 'seedname.wout' with open(wout_filename) as wout_file: for line in wout_file: if 'Outer:' in line: content = line.split() index = content.index('Outer:') + 1 dis_window_min = float(content[index]) dis_window_max = float(content[index+2]) break mpi.report('and {} for disentanglement energy window.'.format(wout_filename)) else: num_ks_bands = num_wf # allocate arrays to save the R vector indexes and degeneracies and the # Hamiltonian rvec_idx = numpy.zeros((nrpt, 3), dtype=int) rvec_deg = numpy.zeros(nrpt, dtype=int) h_of_r = [numpy.zeros((num_wf, num_wf), dtype=complex) for n in range(nrpt)] # variable currpos points to the current line in the file currpos = 2 try: ir = 0 # read the degeneracy of the R vectors (needed for the Fourier # transform) while ir < nrpt: currpos += 1 for x in hr_data[currpos].split(): if ir >= nrpt: raise IndexError("wrong number of R vectors??") rvec_deg[ir] = int(x) ir += 1 # for each direct lattice vector R read the block of the # Hamiltonian H(R) for ir, jj, ii in product(range(nrpt), range(num_wf), range(num_wf)): # advance one line, split the line into tokens currpos += 1 cline = hr_data[currpos].split() # check if the orbital indexes in the file make sense if int(cline[3]) != ii + 1 or int(cline[4]) != jj + 1: mpi.report( "Inconsistent indices at %s%s of R n. %s" % (ii, jj, ir)) rcurr = numpy.array([int(cline[0]), int(cline[1]), int(cline[2])]) if ii == 0 and jj == 0: rvec_idx[ir] = rcurr rprec = rcurr else: # check if the vector indices are consistent if not numpy.array_equal(rcurr, rprec): mpi.report( "Inconsistent indices for R vector n. %s" % ir) # fill h_of_r with the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian h_of_r[ir][ii, jj] = complex(float(cline[5]), float(cline[6])) except ValueError: mpi.report("Wrong data or structure in file %s" % hr_filename) # first, get the input for u_mat if self.bloch_basis: u_mat = u_mat[:, 0] + 1j * u_mat[:, 1] u_mat = u_mat.reshape((n_k, num_wf, num_wf)).transpose((0, 2, 1)) else: if kmesh_mode == -1: n_k = numpy.prod([2 * rvec_idx[:, idir].max() + 1 for idir in range(3)]) # Wannier basis; fill u_mat with identity u_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k, num_wf, num_wf], dtype=complex) for ik in range(n_k): u_mat[ik,:,:] = numpy.identity(num_wf,dtype=complex) # now, check what is needed in the case of disentanglement: # The file seedname_u_dis.mat contains only the bands inside the window # and then fills the rest up with zeros. Therefore, we need to put the # entries from udis_data in the correct position in udis_mat, i.e. # shifting by the number of bands below dis_window_min if self.bloch_basis: # reshape band_data band_mat = band_data.reshape(n_k, num_ks_bands) else: # Not used in wannier basis band_mat = None if self.bloch_basis and disentangle: # Determine which bands are inside the band window inside_window = numpy.logical_and(band_mat >= dis_window_min, band_mat <= dis_window_max) n_inside_per_k = numpy.sum(inside_window, axis=1) # Reformats udis_data as complex, without header udis_data = udis_data[:, 0] + 1j * udis_data[:, 1] udis_data = udis_data.reshape((n_k, num_wf*num_ks_bands+1))[:, 1:] udis_data = udis_data.reshape((n_k, num_wf, num_ks_bands)) #initiate U disentanglement matrices and fill from file "seedname_u_dis.mat" udis_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k, num_ks_bands, num_wf], dtype=complex) for ik in range(n_k): udis_mat[ik, inside_window[ik]] = udis_data[ik, :, :n_inside_per_k[ik]].T if not numpy.allclose(udis_data[ik, :, n_inside_per_k[ik]:], 0): raise ValueError('This error could come from rounding of the band window in the seedname.wout. ' + 'Never use default outer window but something wider and ' + 'check that your outer window is not close to any band energy.') else: # no disentanglement; fill udis_mat with identity udis_mat = numpy.array([numpy.identity(num_wf,dtype=complex)] * n_k) # return the data into variables return nrpt, rvec_idx, rvec_deg, num_wf, h_of_r, u_mat, udis_mat, band_mat, k_mesh def find_rot_mat(self, n_sh, sh_lst, sh_map, ham0): """ Method for finding the matrices that bring from local to global coordinate systems (and viceversa), based on the eigenvalues of H(R=0) Parameters ---------- n_sh : integer number of shells sh_lst : list of shells-type dictionaries contains the shells (could be correlated or not) sh_map : list of integers mapping between shells ham0 : numpy.array of floats local Hamiltonian matrix elements Returns ------- succeeded : integer if 0, something failed in the construction of the matrices rot_mat : list of numpy.array rotation matrix for each of the shell """ # initialize the rotation matrices to identities rot_mat = [numpy.identity(sh_lst[ish]['dim'], dtype=complex) for ish in range(n_sh)] succeeded = True hs = ham0.shape if hs[0] != hs[1] or hs[0] != sum([sh['dim'] for sh in sh_lst]): mpi.report( "find_rot_mat: wrong block structure of input Hamiltonian!") # this error will lead into troubles later... early return succeeded = False return succeeded, rot_mat # Method none as physically unsound option for testing # Returns identity matrices as rotation matrices if self.rot_mat_type == 'none': mpi.report('WARNING: using the method "none" leads to physically wrong results. ' + 'Only use for testing if other methods fail.') succeeded = True return succeeded, rot_mat # TODO: better handling of degenerate eigenvalue case eigval_lst = [None] * n_sh eigvec_lst = [None] * n_sh ham0_lst = [None] * n_sh iwf = 0 # loop over shells for ish in range(n_sh): # nw = number of orbitals in this shell nw = sh_lst[ish]["dim"] # save the sub-block of H(0) corresponding to this shell ham0_lst[ish] = ham0[iwf:iwf+nw, iwf:iwf+nw] # diagonalize the sub-block for this shell eigval, eigvec = numpy.linalg.eigh(ham0_lst[ish]) eigval_lst[ish] = eigval eigvec_lst[ish] = eigvec iwf += nw # TODO: better handling of degenerate eigenvalue case if sh_map[ish] != ish: # issue warning only when there are equivalent shells for i in range(nw): for j in range(i + 1, nw): if abs(eigval[j] - eigval[i]) < self._w90zero: mpi.report("WARNING: degenerate eigenvalue of H(0) detected for shell %d: " % (ish) + "global-to-local transformation might not work!") for ish in range(n_sh): try: # build rotation matrices either... if self.rot_mat_type == 'hloc_diag': # using the unitary transformations that diagonalize H(0) rot_mat[ish] = eigvec_lst[ish] elif self.rot_mat_type == 'wannier': # or by combining those transformations (i.e. for each group, # the representative site is chosen as the global frame of reference) rot_mat[ish] = numpy.dot(eigvec_lst[ish], eigvec_lst[sh_map[ish]].conjugate().transpose()) except ValueError: mpi.report( "Global-to-local rotation matrices cannot be constructed!") # check that eigenvalues are the same (within accuracy) for # equivalent shells if not numpy.allclose(eigval_lst[ish], eigval_lst[sh_map[ish]], atol=self._w90zero, rtol=0): mpi.report(f'ERROR: eigenvalue mismatch between equivalent shells! {ish:d}') eigval_diff = eigval_lst[ish] - eigval_lst[sh_map[ish]] mpi.report(f'Eigenvalue difference {eigval_diff}, but threshold set to {self._w90zero:.1e}.') mpi.report('Consider lowering threshold if you are certain the mapping is correct.') succeeded = False # check that rotation matrices are unitary # nw = number of orbitals in this shell nw = sh_lst[ish]["dim"] tmp_mat = numpy.dot(rot_mat[ish],rot_mat[ish].conjugate().transpose()) if not numpy.allclose(tmp_mat, numpy.identity(nw), atol=self._w90zero, rtol=0): mpi.report(f'ERROR: rot_mat for shell {ish:d} is not unitary!') succeeded = False # check that rotation matrices map equivalent H(0) blocks as they should # (assuming representative shell as global frame of reference) if self.rot_mat_type == 'hloc_diag': tmp_mat = numpy.dot( rot_mat[ish], rot_mat[sh_map[ish]].conjugate().transpose() ) elif self.rot_mat_type == 'wannier': tmp_mat = rot_mat[ish] tmp_mat = numpy.dot(tmp_mat.conjugate().transpose(), numpy.dot(ham0_lst[ish],tmp_mat)) if not numpy.allclose(tmp_mat, ham0_lst[sh_map[ish]], atol=self._w90zero, rtol=0): mpi.report(f'ERROR: rot_mat does not map H(0) correctly! {ish:d}') succeeded = False # abort in case the rot_mat was not found correctly to avoid the user to ignore ERRORS if not succeeded: mpi.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort(1) return succeeded, rot_mat def kmesh_build(self, msize, mmode=0): """ Method for the generation of the k-point mesh. Right now it only supports the option for generating a full grid containing k=0,0,0. Parameters ---------- msize : list of 3 integers the dimensions of the mesh mmode : integer mesh generation mode (right now, only full grid available) Returns ------- nkpt : integer total number of k-points in the mesh kpts : numpy.array[nkpt,3] of floats the coordinates of all k-points wk : numpy.array[nkpt] of floats the weight of each k-point """ if mmode != 0: raise ValueError("Mesh generation mode not supported: %s" % mmode) assert len(msize) == 3 # a regular mesh including Gamma point # total number of k-points nkpt = numpy.prod(msize) kpts = numpy.array(list(product(range(msize[0]), range(msize[1]), range(msize[2])))) kpts = kpts / numpy.array(msize) # weight is equal for all k-points because wannier90 uses uniform grid on whole BZ # (normalization is always 1 and takes into account spin degeneracy) wk = numpy.full(nkpt, 1/nkpt) return nkpt, kpts, wk def fourier_ham(self, h_of_r): """ Method for obtaining H(k) from H(R) via Fourier transform The R vectors and k-point mesh are read from global module variables Parameters ---------- h_of_r : list of numpy.array[norb,norb] Hamiltonian H(R) in Wannier basis Returns ------- h_of_k : list of numpy.array[norb,norb] transformed Hamiltonian H(k) in Wannier basis """ h_of_k = [numpy.zeros((self.nwfs, self.nwfs), dtype=complex) for ik in range(self.n_k)] h_of_k_array = numpy.array(h_of_k, dtype=complex) ridx = numpy.array(list(range(self.nrpt))) for ir in mpi.slice_array(ridx): for ik in list(range(self.n_k)): rdotk = numpy.dot(self.kpts[ik], self.rvec[ir]) factor = numpy.exp(2j * numpy.pi * rdotk) / self.rdeg[ir] h_of_k_array[ik, :, :] += factor * h_of_r[ir][:, :] h_of_k_array = mpi.all_reduce(mpi.world, h_of_k_array, lambda x, y: x + y) mpi.barrier() h_of_k = list(h_of_k_array[:]) return h_of_k def convert_misc_input(self, out_filename, nnkp_filename, n_spin_blocs): """ Reads input from DFT code calculations to get occupations Parameters ---------- out_filename : string filename of DFT output file containing occupation data nnkp_file : string filename of Wannier postproc_setup run n_spin_blocs : int SP + 1 - SO Returns ------- fermi_weights : numpy.array[self.n_k, n_spin_blocs ,n_orbitals] occupations from DFT calculation band_window : numpy.array[self.n_k, n_spin_blocs ,n_orbitals] band indices of correlated subspace fermi_energy : float the DFT Kohn-Sham Fermi energy kpt_basis: numpy.array[3, 3] the basis vectors in reciprocal space """ assert n_spin_blocs == 1, 'spin-polarized not implemented' assert 'nscf.out' in out_filename or out_filename == 'LOCPROJ' occupations = [] reading_kpt_basis = False lines_read_kpt_basis = 0 kpt_basis = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) if 'nscf.out' in out_filename: occupations = [] with open(out_filename,'r') as out_file: out_data = out_file.readlines() # Reads number of Kohn-Sham states and Fermi energy for line in out_data: if 'number of Kohn-Sham states' in line: n_ks = int(line.split()[-1]) elif 'Fermi energy' in line: fermi_energy = float(line.split()[-2]) elif 'reciprocal axes' in line: reading_kpt_basis = True continue elif reading_kpt_basis and lines_read_kpt_basis < 3: kpt_basis[lines_read_kpt_basis, :] = line.split()[3:6] lines_read_kpt_basis +=1 # get occupations for ct, line in enumerate(out_data): if line.strip() == 'End of band structure calculation': break assert 'k = ' in out_data[ct + 2], 'Cannot read occupations. Set verbosity = "high" in {}'.format(out_filename) out_data = out_data[ct+2:] # block size of eigenvalues + occupations per k-point n_block = int(2*numpy.ceil(n_ks/8)+5) for ik in range(self.n_k): # get data k_block = [line.split() for line in out_data[ik*n_block+2:ik*n_block+n_block-1]] # second half corresponds to occupations occs = k_block[int(len(k_block)/2)+1:] flattened_occs = [float(item) for sublist in occs for item in sublist] occupations.append(flattened_occs) else: # Reads LOCPROJ with open(out_filename, 'r') as file: header = file.readline() n_ks = int(header.split()[2]) fermi_energy = float(header.split()[4]) occupations = numpy.loadtxt((line for line in file if 'orbital' in line), usecols=5) occupations = occupations.reshape((self.n_k, n_ks)) # Read reciprocal vectors from OUTCAR with open('OUTCAR', 'r') as file: for line in file: if 'reciprocal lattice vectors' in line: reading_kpt_basis = True elif reading_kpt_basis: kpt_basis[lines_read_kpt_basis, :] = line.split()[3:6] lines_read_kpt_basis += 1 if lines_read_kpt_basis == 3: break # assume that all bands contribute, then remove from exclude_bands; python indexing corr_bands = list(range(n_ks)) # read exclude_bands from "seedname.nnkp" file with open(nnkp_filename, 'r') as nnkp_file: read = False skip = False for line in nnkp_file: if line.strip() == 'begin exclude_bands': read = True # skip one more line that contains total number of excluded bands skip = True continue elif line.strip() == 'end exclude_bands': read = False continue elif skip: skip = False continue elif read: # wannier index -1 corr_bands.remove(int(line)-1) # For now, it is only supported to exclude the lowest and highest bands # If bands in the middle are supposed to be excluded, this doesn't work with the band_window # We'd need to manually add rows of zeros to the projectors if numpy.any(numpy.diff(corr_bands) != 1): raise NotImplementedError('Can only exclude the lowest or highest bands') band_window = numpy.array([[(min(corr_bands), max(corr_bands))]*self.n_k]*n_spin_blocs) included_occupations = numpy.array(occupations)[:, corr_bands] # Adds spin dimension without changing the array f_weights = included_occupations.reshape(included_occupations.shape[0], 1, included_occupations.shape[1]) return f_weights, band_window, fermi_energy, kpt_basis def lambda_matrix_w90_t2g(self): """ Adds local spin-orbit interaction term to the t2g subspace. Orbital order is assumed to be xz_up, yz_up, xy_up, xz_dn, yz_dn, xy_dn as given by Wannier90 per default. Parameters are defined as self.add_lambda = [lambda_x, lambda_y, lambda_z], representative of the orbital coupling terms perpendicular to [x, y, z] i.e. [d_yz, d_xz, d_xy], respectively. Returns ------- lambda_matrix : numpy.array[6, 6] local spin-orbit term to be added to H(0) """ lambda_x, lambda_y, lambda_z = self.add_lambda lambda_matrix = numpy.zeros((6,6), dtype=complex) lambda_matrix[0,1] = -1j*lambda_z/2.0 lambda_matrix[0,5] = 1j*lambda_x/2.0 lambda_matrix[1,5] = -lambda_y/2.0 lambda_matrix[2,3] = -1j*lambda_x/2.0 lambda_matrix[2,4] = lambda_y/2.0 lambda_matrix[3,4] = 1j*lambda_z/2.0 lambda_matrix += numpy.transpose(numpy.conjugate(lambda_matrix)) return lambda_matrix