.. highlight:: bash .. _install: Compiling AP4TRIQS from source ============================== Prerequisite ------------------- #. The :ref:`TRIQS ` library, see :ref:`TRIQS installation instruction `. In the following, we assume that Triqs is installed in the ``path_to_triqs`` directory. Installation steps ------------------ #. Download the source code of the latest stable version by cloning the ``TRIQS/app4triqs`` repository from GitHub:: $ git clone https://github.com/TRIQS/app4triqs app4triqs.src #. Create and move to a new directory where you will compile the code:: $ mkdir app4triqs.build && cd app4triqs.build #. Ensure that your shell contains the TRIQS environment variables by sourcing the ``triqsvars.sh`` file from your TRIQS installation:: $ source path_to_triqs/share/triqsvarsh.sh #. In the build directory call cmake, including any additional custom CMake options, see below:: $ cmake ../app4triqs.src #. Compile the code, run the tests and install the application:: $ make $ make test $ make install Version compatibility --------------------- Be careful that the version of the TRIQS library and of the application must be compatible (more information on the :ref:`TRIQS website `). In particular you should make sure that the Major and Minor Version number of the application and TRIQS agree. If you want to use a particular version of the application, go into the directory with the sources and look at all available versions:: $ cd app4triqs.src && git tag Checkout the version of the code that you want:: $ git checkout 2.1.0 Then follow the steps 2 to 4 described above to compile the code. Custom CMake options -------------------- Functionality of ``app4triqs`` can be tweaked using extra compile-time options passed to CMake:: cmake ../app4triqs.src -DOPTION1=value1 -DOPTION2=value2 ... ../app4triqs.src +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Options | Syntax | +=================================================================+===============================================+ | Specify an installation path other than path_to_triqs | -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_app4triqs | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Build in Debugging Mode | -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Disable testing (not recommended) | -DBuild_Tests=OFF | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Build the documentation | -DBuild_Documentation=ON | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+