// The goal of this program is to give an example of the use of the probability for proposing a move (here, pl and pr) // The walker try to go towards its left with probability 2*pl/(pl+pr) (pl is given to the move_left constructor), // or towards the right with probability 2*pr/(pl+pr) (pr is given to the move_right constructor). // The left move is accepted with probability proba=pr/pl and the right move with probability proba=pl/pr (in reality, each time with probability min(1,proba) ). // A python notebook is associated to this example, with the comparison to the theoretical gaussian histogram. #define TRIQS_ARRAYS_ENFORCE_BOUNDCHECK #include #include triqs::arrays::array,1> make_array( std::complex c){return {c}; }; struct configuration { int x; //position of the walker configuration():x(0){} //constructor }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // MOVES //------------------------------------------------------------ struct move_left { configuration *config; double proba; triqs::mc_tools::random_generator &RND; move_left(configuration &config_, double pl, double pr, triqs::mc_tools::random_generator &RND_):config(&config_), proba(pr/pl), RND(RND_){} //constructor double attempt() {return proba; } double accept() {config->x += -1; return 1; } void reject() {} }; struct move_right { configuration *config; double proba; triqs::mc_tools::random_generator &RND; move_right( configuration &config_, double pl, double pr, triqs::mc_tools::random_generator &RND_):config(&config_), proba(pl/pr), RND(RND_){} //constructor double attempt() {return proba; } double accept() {config->x += 1; return 1; } void reject() {} }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // MEASUREMENTS //------------------------------------------------------------ struct compute_histo{ configuration *config; triqs::arrays::array H; // an histogram int tot, xmax; compute_histo(configuration &config_, triqs::arrays::array &H_, int xmax_) : config(&config_), H(H_), xmax(xmax_), tot(0) {} void accumulate(double sign) { if( config->x+xmax>=0 && config->x-xmax<0){ H( floor( (config->x+xmax) ) ) += 1; tot += 1; } config->x=0; } void collect_results(boost::mpi::communicator const &c) { H/=tot; H5::H5File file("histo.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC); h5_write(file,"H",H); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // MAIN //------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // initialize mpi boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv); boost::mpi::communicator world; // greeting if (world.rank() == 0) std::cout << "Random walk calculation" << std::endl; // prepare the MC parameters int N_Cycles = 100000; int Length_Cycle = 100; int N_Warmup_Cycles = 0; std::string Random_Name = ""; int Random_Seed = 374982 + world.rank() * 273894; int Verbosity = (world.rank() == 0 ? 3 : 0); int xmax=floor(4*sqrt(Length_Cycle) ); //max of the position registered in the histogram double pl=1.5, pr=1; //non normalized probabilities for proposing a left or right move H5::H5File file("params.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC); h5_write(file,"pr",make_array(pr)); h5_write(file,"pl",make_array(pl)); h5_write(file,"xmax",make_array(xmax)); h5_write(file,"N_Cycles",make_array(N_Cycles)); h5_write(file,"Length_Cycle",make_array(Length_Cycle)); // construct a Monte Carlo loop triqs::mc_tools::mc_generic IntMC(N_Cycles, Length_Cycle, N_Warmup_Cycles, Random_Name, Random_Seed, Verbosity); // construct configuration configuration config; triqs::arrays::array H(2*xmax); H()=0; // add moves and measures IntMC.add_move(move_left (config, pl, pr, IntMC.rng() ), "left move", pl); IntMC.add_move(move_right(config, pl, pr, IntMC.rng() ), "right move", pr); IntMC.add_measure(compute_histo(config, H, xmax), "histogramn measure"); // Run and collect results IntMC.start(1.0, triqs::utility::clock_callback(600)); IntMC.collect_results(world); return 0; }