.. index:: install_on_osx_lion .. _install_on_osx_lion: .. highlight:: bash Installing required libraries on Mac OS X ========================================= This installation guide has been tried on Mountain Lion. It may work for older versions of Mac OS X but previous versions of Mac OS X are not supported. NB: The installation of TRIQS under previous versions of OS X requires installing clang (via Xcode). (On Mountain Lion, clang (llvm) replaces gcc 4.2 as the default C++ compiler). We strongly recommend the following installation procedure, which provides a clean way to set up all dependencies, so that all of them are compatible with each other. Only the installation via homebrew is supported for the Mac. Installation of the dependencies -------------------------------- 1. Install `homebrew `_. Run ``brew doctor`` and resolve potential conflicts before continuing. 2. Install XCode (directly from the Mac store). In Preferences/Downloads, install "Command Line tools". 3. Install several packages which are needed: :: brew install cmake brew install gfortran brew install --enable-cxx hdf5 brew install gsl brew install fftw brew install open-mpi brew install zmq brew install python brew install doxygen #AFTER THE FIX IN BOOST AND BREW : IN PROGRESS #brew install boost --without-single --with-mpi --with-c++11 4. Now install virtualenv: :: pip install virtualenv virtualenv mypython Using virtualenv provides a clean way to set up a different python environment for each user. The first line in the instructions above installs the package and the second creates the virtual environment, which is created in ``$HOME/mypython``. Make sure to permanently add (prepend) ``$HOME/mypython/bin`` to your path by adding :: export PATH = $HOME/mypython/bin:$PATH to your ``.bashrc file`` (assuming bash). Within a new shell, check that which python which pip which easy_install yield the ones located in ``$HOME/mypython``. 5. Install the required python packages: :: pip install numpy pip install h5py pip install scipy pip install mpi4py pip install matplotlib #pip install git+https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib.git#egg=matplotlib-dev pip install tornado pip install pyzmq pip install jinja2 pip install ipython pip install cython 6. If you wish to compile the documentation locally, install sphinx, its dependencies and mathjax: :: pip install sphinx easy_install pyparsing==1.5.7 git clone git://github.com/mathjax/MathJax.git MathJax NB : you need pyparsing <=1.5.7 since apparently v.2.0 works only for python 3. 7. Download the latest `sources of boost `_ and untar them into a directory ``BOOST_SRC``. Possible issues --------------- If you encounter the following error: :: /usr/local/include/ft2build.h:56:38: error: freetype/config/ftheader.h: No such file or directory in the installation of matplotlib, you need to pass the proper include path. Locate the freetype directory with the header file and pass the include path through ``CPPFLAGS``: :: CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/X11/include/freetype2/ pip install git+https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib.git#egg=matplotlib-dev