Learning Python : recommended reading and references
* A good set of lectures is the `Scipy lecture notes `_.
* A good starting point to learn about scientific computing with Python and related ideas is
`Software carpentry `_, which provides nice video/slides `lectures on Python `_
* To learn the Python language itself the recommended starting point is the standard `python tutorial `_.
* Python has a large number of libraries, which can be used in combination with TRIQS. For example,
* The Python's `standard library `_ is already very rich.
* `Numpy `_ allows to manipulate multidimensionnal arrays (cf also the `tutorial `_).
* `Scipy `_ includes many packages for scientific computing.
* `Matplotlib `_ offers very nice plotting possibilities.
* `SymPy `_ provides some formal computing capabilities.
* `Cython `_ is a quick way to build simple `C` modules in computationally intense case. For more complex situations we use boost.python tools.