.. index:: Green's functions .. module:: pytriqs.gf.local .. _green: Python documentation ===================== Green's functions are among the most important objects when dealing with many-body problems. TRIQS makes it easy for you to manipulate them. Before starting with some example, let us readily emphasize the essential notion that Green's functions have a **block** structure: .. math:: G^a_{\alpha_a \beta_a} (\tau) = - \mathcal{T} Here, :math:`a` labels a block, while :math:`\alpha_a, \beta_a` are indices **within** the block :math:`a`. In other words, there can be off-diagonal elements within a block but not between blocks. Whenever possible, one should take advantage of the symmetries of the problem under consideration and define blocks for the Green's functions. In this documentation, we will start with the block Green's function, and then proceed with the general Green's function and its block structure. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 tutorial block transforms full tail