.. index:: Ubuntu .. _Ubuntu : .. highlight:: bash Installation on Ubuntu (12.04 LTS) #################################################### TRIQS can be installed on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. NB : Ubuntu 12.10: there is a bug in Ubuntu 12.10 (hdf5 compiled without hdf5 support). On Ubuntu 12.10, you have to recompile hdf5. The problem has been reported and will be fixed in 13.04. #. Install the following packages which are necessary to build TRIQS and use it:: sudo apt-get install cmake git g++ libgfortran3 gfortran openmpi-bin openmpi-common \ openmpi-checkpoint libopenmpi-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev libgmp-dev \ hdf5-tools libhdf5-serial-dev python-h5py libboost1.48-all-dev python-dev \ python-numpy python-scipy python-virtualenv python-matplotlib doxygen\ python-tornado python-zmq #. Download the code:: git clone git://github.com/TRIQS/TRIQS.git path_to_triqs_sources #. Create a build directory (different from the TRIQS source directory nor a subdirectory thereof) :: mkdir triqs_build && cd triqs_build #. Configure :: cmake path_to_triqs_sources -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_install_directory NB: the install directory is optional and defaults to `triqs_build/INSTALL_DIR`. It is however usually a good idea to have an install directory outside `triqs_build` (after a successful installation `triqs_build` can be deleted). The cmake call should end with:: -- Build files have been written to: *path_to_triqs_build* OPTIONAL: To install the documentation, install Sphinx and doxygen: :: sudo easy_install -U Sphinx sudo apt-get install doxygen and add:: -DBuild_Documentation=ON to the above cmake command. #. Build TRIQS, test it and install it with (N being the number of cores of your machine) :: make -jN && make test && make -jN install NB: the tests SingleSite and CDMFT-v2 take longer than the other ones (30s to 1 min). #. If you use Wien2TRIQS, please complete the installation as described :ref:`here `. #. You can now :ref:`start ... ` #. Optionally, you may be interested in: * How to *simply* upgrade the ipython notebook with :ref:`virtualenv ` to the latest version? * How to use the nice :ref:`clang ` C++ compiler? * How to use :ref:`Intel ` C++ compiler? .. warning:: For the branch 1.0, you need the latest version of Cython (>=.17, downloadable on Cython.org). If Cython is not found, specify the location of the executable with the option -DCYTHON_EXECUTABLE.