################################################################################ # # TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems # # Copyright (C) 2011 by M. Aichhorn # # TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # TRIQS. If not, see . # ################################################################################ from types import * import numpy from pytriqs.archive import * import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi import string from math import sqrt def Read_Fortran_File (filename): """ Returns a generator that yields all numbers in the Fortran file as float, one by one""" import os.path if not(os.path.exists(filename)) : raise IOError, "File %s does not exists"%filename for line in open(filename,'r') : for x in line.replace('D','E').replace('(',' ').replace(')',' ').replace(',',' ').split() : yield string.atof(x) class HkConverter: """ Conversion from general H(k) file to an hdf5 file, that can be used as input for the SumK_LDA class. """ def __init__(self, hk_file, hdf_file, lda_subgrp = 'SumK_LDA', symm_subgrp = 'SymmCorr', repacking = False): """ Init of the class. Variable Filename gives the root of all filenames, e.g. case.ctqmcout, case.h5, and so on. """ assert type(hk_file)==StringType,"hk_file must be a filename" self.hdf_file = hdf_file self.lda_file = hk_file #self.Symm_file = Filename+'.symqmc' #self.Parproj_file = Filename+'.parproj' #self.Symmpar_file = Filename+'.sympar' #self.Band_file = Filename+'.outband' self.lda_subgrp = lda_subgrp self.symm_subgrp = symm_subgrp # Checks if h5 file is there and repacks it if wanted: import os.path if (os.path.exists(self.hdf_file) and repacking): self.__repack() def convert_dmft_input(self, first_real_part_matrix = True, only_upper_triangle = False, weights_in_file = False): """ Reads the input files, and stores the data in the HDFfile """ if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return # do it only on master: mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%self.lda_file) # Read and write only on Master!!! # R is a generator : each R.Next() will return the next number in the file R = Read_Fortran_File(self.lda_file) try: energy_unit = 1.0 # the energy conversion factor is 1.0, we assume eV in files n_k = int(R.next()) # read the number of k points k_dep_projection = 0 SP = 0 # no spin-polarision SO = 0 # no spin-orbit charge_below = 0.0 # total charge below energy window is set to 0 density_required = R.next() # density required, for setting the chemical potential symm_op = 0 # No symmetry groups for the k-sum # the information on the non-correlated shells is needed for defining dimension of matrices: n_shells = int(R.next()) # number of shells considered in the Wanniers # corresponds to index R in formulas # now read the information about the shells: shells = [ [ int(R.next()) for i in range(4) ] for icrsh in range(n_shells) ] # reads iatom, sort, l, dim n_corr_shells = int(R.next()) # number of corr. shells (e.g. Fe d, Ce f) in the unit cell, # corresponds to index R in formulas # now read the information about the shells: corr_shells = [ [ int(R.next()) for i in range(6) ] for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells) ] # reads iatom, sort, l, dim, SO flag, irep self.inequiv_shells(corr_shells) # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells, has to be known for further reading... use_rotations = 0 rot_mat = [numpy.identity(corr_shells[icrsh][3],numpy.complex_) for icrsh in xrange(n_corr_shells)] rot_mat_time_inv = [0 for i in range(n_corr_shells)] # Representative representations are read from file n_reps = [1 for i in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)] dim_reps = [0 for i in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)] for icrsh in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells): n_reps[icrsh] = int(R.next()) # number of representatives ("subsets"), e.g. t2g and eg dim_reps[icrsh] = [int(R.next()) for i in range(n_reps[icrsh])] # dimensions of the subsets # The transformation matrix: # it is of dimension 2l+1, it is taken to be standard d (as in Wien2k) T = [] for icrsh in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells): #for ish in xrange(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells): ll = 2*corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][2]+1 lmax = ll * (corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][4] + 1) T.append(numpy.zeros([lmax,lmax],numpy.complex_)) T[icrsh] = numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0/sqrt(2.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0/sqrt(2.0)], [-1.0/sqrt(2.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0/sqrt(2.0)], [0.0, 1.0/sqrt(2.0), 0.0, -1.0/sqrt(2.0), 0.0], [0.0, 1.0/sqrt(2.0), 0.0, 1.0/sqrt(2.0), 0.0]]) # Spin blocks to be read: n_spin_blocks = SP + 1 - SO # number of spins to read for Norbs and Ham, NOT Projectors # define the number of N_Orbitals for all k points: it is the number of total bands and independent of k! n_orb = sum([ shells[ish][3] for ish in range(n_shells)]) #n_orbitals = [ [n_orb for isp in range(n_spin_blocks)] for ik in xrange(n_k)] n_orbitals = numpy.ones([n_k,n_spin_blocks],numpy.int) * n_orb #print N_Orbitals # Initialise the projectors: #proj_mat = [ [ [numpy.zeros([corr_shells[icrsh][3], n_orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_) # for icrsh in range (n_corr_shells)] # for isp in range(n_spin_blocks)] # for ik in range(n_k) ] proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocks,n_corr_shells,max(numpy.array(corr_shells)[:,3]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) # Read the projectors from the file: for ik in xrange(n_k): for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells): for isp in range(n_spin_blocks): # calculate the offset: offset = 0 no = 0 for i in range(n_shells): if (no==0): if ((shells[i][0]==corr_shells[icrsh][0]) and (shells[i][1]==corr_shells[icrsh][1])): no = corr_shells[icrsh][3] else: offset += shells[i][3] proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,0:no,offset:offset+no] = numpy.identity(no) # now define the arrays for weights and hopping ... bz_weights = numpy.ones([n_k],numpy.float_)/ float(n_k) # w(k_index), default normalisation #hopping = [ [numpy.zeros([n_orbitals[ik][isp],n_orbitals[ik][isp]],numpy.complex_) # for isp in range(n_spin_blocks)] for ik in xrange(n_k) ] hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocks,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_) if (weights_in_file): # weights in the file for ik in xrange(n_k) : bz_weights[ik] = R.next() # if the sum over spins is in the weights, take it out again!! sm = sum(bz_weights) bz_weights[:] /= sm # Grab the H for ik in xrange(n_k) : for isp in range(n_spin_blocks): no = n_orbitals[ik,isp] if (first_real_part_matrix): for i in xrange(no): if (only_upper_triangle): istart = i else: istart = 0 for j in xrange(istart,no): hopping[ik,isp,i,j] = R.next() for i in xrange(no): if (only_upper_triangle): istart = i else: istart = 0 for j in xrange(istart,no): hopping[ik,isp,i,j] += R.next() * 1j if ((only_upper_triangle)and(i!=j)): hopping[ik,isp,j,i] = hopping[ik,isp,i,j].conjugate() else: for i in xrange(no): if (only_upper_triangle): istart = i else: istart = 0 for j in xrange(istart,no): hopping[ik,isp,i,j] = R.next() hopping[ik,isp,i,j] += R.next() * 1j if ((only_upper_triangle)and(i!=j)): hopping[ik,isp,j,i] = hopping[ik,isp,i,j].conjugate() #keep some things that we need for reading parproj: self.n_shells = n_shells self.shells = shells self.n_corr_shells = n_corr_shells self.corr_shells = corr_shells self.n_spin_blocks = n_spin_blocks self.n_orbitals = n_orbitals self.n_k = n_k self.SO = SO self.SP = SP self.energy_unit = energy_unit except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise "SumK_LDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!" R.close() #print Proj_Mat[0] #----------------------------------------- # Store the input into HDF5: ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a') if not (self.lda_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.lda_subgrp) # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created. # If it exists, the data is overwritten!!! ar[self.lda_subgrp]['energy_unit'] = energy_unit ar[self.lda_subgrp]['n_k'] = n_k ar[self.lda_subgrp]['k_dep_projection'] = k_dep_projection ar[self.lda_subgrp]['SP'] = SP ar[self.lda_subgrp]['SO'] = SO ar[self.lda_subgrp]['charge_below'] = charge_below ar[self.lda_subgrp]['density_required'] = density_required ar[self.lda_subgrp]['symm_op'] = symm_op ar[self.lda_subgrp]['n_shells'] = n_shells ar[self.lda_subgrp]['shells'] = shells ar[self.lda_subgrp]['n_corr_shells'] = n_corr_shells ar[self.lda_subgrp]['corr_shells'] = corr_shells ar[self.lda_subgrp]['use_rotations'] = use_rotations ar[self.lda_subgrp]['rot_mat'] = rot_mat ar[self.lda_subgrp]['rot_mat_time_inv'] = rot_mat_time_inv ar[self.lda_subgrp]['n_reps'] = n_reps ar[self.lda_subgrp]['dim_reps'] = dim_reps ar[self.lda_subgrp]['T'] = T ar[self.lda_subgrp]['n_orbitals'] = n_orbitals ar[self.lda_subgrp]['proj_mat'] = proj_mat ar[self.lda_subgrp]['bz_weights'] = bz_weights ar[self.lda_subgrp]['hopping'] = hopping del ar def __repack(self): """Calls the h5repack routine, in order to reduce the file size of the hdf5 archive. Should only be used BEFORE the first invokation of HDF_Archive in the program, otherwise the hdf5 linking is broken!!!""" import subprocess if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return mpi.report("Repacking the file %s"%self.hdf_file) retcode = subprocess.call(["h5repack","-i%s"%self.hdf_file, "-otemphgfrt.h5"]) if (retcode!=0): mpi.report("h5repack failed!") else: subprocess.call(["mv","-f","temphgfrt.h5","%s"%self.hdf_file]) def inequiv_shells(self,lst): """ The number of inequivalent shells is calculated from lst, and a mapping is given as map(i_corr_shells) = i_inequiv_corr_shells invmap(i_inequiv_corr_shells) = i_corr_shells in order to put the Self energies to all equivalent shells, and for extracting Gloc """ tmp = [] self.shellmap = [0 for i in range(len(lst))] self.invshellmap = [0] self.n_inequiv_corr_shells = 1 tmp.append( lst[0][1:3] ) if (len(lst)>1): for i in range(len(lst)-1): fnd = False for j in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells): if (tmp[j]==lst[i+1][1:3]): fnd = True self.shellmap[i+1] = j if (fnd==False): self.shellmap[i+1] = self.n_inequiv_corr_shells self.n_inequiv_corr_shells += 1 tmp.append( lst[i+1][1:3] ) self.invshellmap.append(i+1)