from pytriqs.operators.operators2 import * from itertools import product # Define commonly-used Hamiltonians here: Slater, Kanamori, density-density def h_loc_slater(spin_names,orb_names,orb_hyb,U_matrix,H_dump=None): if H_dump: H_dump_file = open(H_dump,'w') H = Operator() mkind = get_mkind(orb_hyb) for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names): for a1, a2, a3, a4 in product(orb_names,orb_names,orb_names,orb_names): U_val = U_matrix[orb_names.index(a1),orb_names.index(a2),orb_names.index(a3),orb_names.index(a4)] if abs(U_val.imag) > 1e-10: raise RuntimeError("Matrix elements of U are not real. Are you using a cubic basis?") H_term = 0.5 * U_val.real * c_dag(*mkind(s1,a1)) * c_dag(*mkind(s2,a2)) * c(*mkind(s2,a4)) * c(*mkind(s1,a3)) H += H_term # Dump terms of H if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero(): H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a1)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a2)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a3)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a4)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(str(U_val.real) + '\n') return H def h_loc_kanamori(spin_names,orb_names,orb_hyb,U,Uprime,J_hund,H_dump=None): if H_dump: H_dump_file = open(H_dump,'w') H = Operator() mkind = get_mkind(orb_hyb) # density terms: for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names): for a1, a2 in product(orb_names,orb_names): if (s1==s2): U_val = U[orb_names.index(a1),orb_names.index(a2)] else: U_val = Uprime[orb_names.index(a1),orb_names.index(a2)] H_term = 0.5 * U_val * n(*mkind(s1,a1)) * n(*mkind(s2,a2)) H += H_term # Dump terms of H if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero(): H_dump_file.write("Density-density terms" + '\n') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a1)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a2)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(str(U_val) + '\n') # spin-flip terms: for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names): if (s1==s2): continue for a1, a2 in product(orb_names,orb_names): if (a1==a2): continue H_term = -0.5 * J_hund * c_dag(*mkind(s1,a1)) * c(*mkind(s2,a1)) * c_dag(*mkind(s2,a2)) * c(*mkind(s1,a2)) H += H_term # Dump terms of H if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero(): H_dump_file.write("Spin-flip terms" + '\n') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a1)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a2)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a3)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a4)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(str(-J_hund) + '\n') # pair-hopping terms: for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names): if (s1==s2): continue for a1, a2 in product(orb_names,orb_names): if (a1==a2): continue H_term = 0.5 * J_hund * c_dag(*mkind(s1,a1)) * c_dag(*mkind(s2,a1)) * c(*mkind(s2,a2)) * c(*mkind(s1,a2)) H += H_term # Dump terms of H if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero(): H_dump_file.write("Pair-hopping terms" + '\n') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a1)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a2)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a3)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a4)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(str(-J_hund) + '\n') return H def h_loc_density(spin_names,orb_names,orb_hyb,U,Uprime,H_dump=None): if H_dump: H_dump_file = open(H_dump,'w') H = Operator() mkind = get_mkind(orb_hyb) for s1, s2 in product(spin_names,spin_names): for a1, a2 in product(orb_names,orb_names): if (s1==s2): U_val = U[orb_names.index(a1),orb_names.index(a2)] else: U_val = Uprime[orb_names.index(a1),orb_names.index(a2)] H_term = 0.5 * U_val * n(*mkind(s1,a1)) * n(*mkind(s2,a2)) H += H_term # Dump terms of H if H_dump and not H_term.is_zero(): H_dump_file.write(mkind(s1,a1)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(mkind(s2,a2)[0] + '\t') H_dump_file.write(str(U_val) + '\n') return H # Set function to make index for GF blocks given spin sn and orbital name on def get_mkind(orb_hyb): if orb_hyb: mkind = lambda sn, on: (sn, on) else: mkind = lambda sn, on: (sn+'_'+on, 0) return mkind