r""" Module for parsing and checking an input config-file. """ import ConfigParser import numpy as np import re import sys import itertools as it import vaspio def issue_warning(message): """ Issues a warning. """ print print " !!! WARNING !!!: " + message print ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # class ConfigParameters # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ class ConfigParameters: r""" Class responsible for parsing of the input config-file. Parameters: - *sh_required*, *sh_optional* : required and optional parameters of shells - *gr_required*, *gr_optional* : required and optional parameters of groups The dictionary contains a mapping of conf-file keywords to a pair of objects: 1. internal name of a parameter 2. function used to convert an input string into data for a given parameter """ ################################################################################ # # __init__() # ################################################################################ def __init__(self, input_filename, verbosity=1): self.verbosity = verbosity self.cp = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() self.cp.readfp(open(input_filename, 'r')) self.parameters = {} self.sh_required = { 'ions': ('ion_list', self.parse_string_ion_list), 'lshell': ('lshell', int)} self.sh_optional = { 'rtransform': ('tmatrix', lambda s: self.parse_string_tmatrix(s, real=True)), 'ctransform': ('tmatrix', lambda s: self.parse_string_tmatrix(s, real=False))} self.gr_required = { 'shells': ('shells', lambda s: map(int, s.split())), 'emin': ('emin', float), 'emax': ('emax', float)} self.gr_optional = { 'normalize' : ('normalize', self.parse_string_logical), 'normion' : ('normion', self.parse_string_logical)} # # Special parsers # ################################################################################ # # parse_string_ion_list() # ################################################################################ def parse_string_ion_list(self, par_str): """ The ion list accepts two formats: 1). A list of ion indices according to POSCAR. The list can be defined as a range '9..20'. 2). An element name, in which case all ions with this name are included. The second option requires an input from POSCAR file. """ # First check if a range is given patt = '([0-9]+)\.\.([0-9]+)' match = re.match(patt, par_str) if match: i1, i2 = tuple(map(int, match.groups()[:2])) mess = "First index of the range must be smaller or equal to the second" assert i1 <= i2, mess ion_list = np.array(range(i1 - 1, i2)) else: # Check if a set of indices is given try: l_tmp = map(int, par_str.split()) l_tmp.sort() # Subtract 1 so that VASP indices (starting with 1) are converted # to Python indices (starting with 0) ion_list = np.array(l_tmp) - 1 except ValueError: err_msg = "Only an option with a list of ion indices is implemented" raise NotImplementedError(err_msg) err_mess = "Lowest ion index is smaller than 1 in '%s'"%(par_str) assert np.all(ion_list >= 0), err_mess return ion_list ################################################################################ # # parse_string_logical() # ################################################################################ def parse_string_logical(self, par_str): """ Logical parameters are given by string 'True' or 'False' (case does not matter). In fact, only the first symbol matters so that one can write 'T' or 'F'. """ first_char = par_str[0].lower() assert first_char in 'tf', "Logical parameters should be given by either 'True' or 'False'" return first_char == 't' ################################################################################ # # parse_string_tmatrix() # ################################################################################ def parse_string_tmatrix(self, par_str, real): """ Transformation matrix is defined as a set of rows separated by a new line symbol. """ str_rows = par_str.split('\n') try: rows = [map(float, s.split()) for s in str_rows] except ValueError: err_mess = "Cannot parse a matrix string:\n%s"%(par_str) raise ValueError(err_mess) nr = len(rows) nm = len(rows[0]) err_mess = "Number of columns must be the same:\n%s"%(par_str) for row in rows: assert len(row) == nm, err_mess if real: mat = np.array(rows) else: err_mess = "Complex matrix must contain 2*M values:\n%s"%(par_str) assert 2 * (nm / 2) == nm, err_mess tmp = np.array(rows, dtype=np.complex128) mat = tmp[:, 0::2] + 1.0j * tmp[:, 1::2] return mat ################################################################################ # # parse_parameter_set() # ################################################################################ def parse_parameter_set(self, section, param_set, exception=False): """ Parses required or optional parameter set from a section. For required parameters `exception=True` must be set. """ parsed = {} for par in param_set.keys(): try: par_str = self.cp.get(section, par) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: if exception: message = "Required parameter '%s' not found in section [%s]"%(par, section) raise Exception(message) else: continue if self.verbosity > 0: print " %s = %s"%(par, par_str) key = param_set[par][0] parse_fun = param_set[par][1] parsed[key] = parse_fun(par_str) return parsed ################################################################################ # # parse_shells() # ################################################################################ def parse_shells(self): """ Parses all [Shell] sections. """ # Find all [Shell] sections # (note that ConfigParser transforms all names to lower case) sections = self.cp.sections() sh_patt1 = re.compile('shell +.*', re.IGNORECASE) sec_shells = filter(sh_patt1.match, sections) self.nshells = len(sec_shells) assert self.nshells > 0, "No projected shells found in the input file" if self.verbosity > 0: print if self.nshells > 1: print " Found %i projected shells"%(self.nshells) else: print " Found 1 projected shell" # Get shell indices sh_patt2 = re.compile('shell +([0-9]*)$', re.IGNORECASE) try: get_ind = lambda s: int(sh_patt2.match(s).groups()[0]) sh_inds = map(get_ind, sec_shells) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ValueError("Failed to extract shell indices from a list: %s"%(sec_shells)) self.sh_sections = {ind: sec for ind, sec in it.izip(sh_inds, sec_shells)} # Check that all indices are unique # In principle redundant because the list of sections will contain only unique names assert len(sh_inds) == len(set(sh_inds)), "There must be no shell with the same index!" # Ideally, indices should run from 1 to # If it's not the case, issue a warning sh_inds.sort() if sh_inds != range(1, len(sh_inds) + 1): issue_warning("Shell indices are not uniform or not starting from 1. " "This might be an indication of a incorrect setup.") # Parse shell parameters and put them into a list sorted according to the original indices self.shells = [] for ind in sh_inds: shell = {} # Store the original user-defined index shell['user_index'] = ind section = self.sh_sections[ind] if self.verbosity > 0: print print " Shell parameters:" # Shell required parameters parsed = self.parse_parameter_set(section, self.sh_required, exception=True) shell.update(parsed) # Shell optional parameters parsed = self.parse_parameter_set(section, self.sh_optional, exception=False) shell.update(parsed) # Group required parameters # Must be given if no group is explicitly specified # If in conflict with the [Group] section, the latter has a priority parsed = self.parse_parameter_set(section, self.gr_required, exception=False) shell.update(parsed) # Group optional parameters parsed = self.parse_parameter_set(section, self.gr_optional, exception=False) shell.update(parsed) self.shells.append(shell) ################################################################################ # # parse_groups() # ################################################################################ def parse_groups(self): """ Parses [Group] sections. """ # Find group sections sections = self.cp.sections() gr_patt = re.compile('group +(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) sec_groups = filter(gr_patt.match, sections) self.ngroups = len(sec_groups) self.groups = [] # Parse group parameters for section in sec_groups: group = {} # Extract group index (FIXME: do we really need it?) gr_patt2 = re.compile('group +([0-9]*)$', re.IGNORECASE) try: gr_ind = int(gr_patt2.match(section).groups()[0]) except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ValueError("Failed to extract group index from a group name: %s"%(section)) group['index'] = gr_ind if self.verbosity > 0: print print " Group parameters:" # Group required parameters parsed = self.parse_parameter_set(section, self.gr_required, exception=True) group.update(parsed) # Group optional parameters parsed = self.parse_parameter_set(section, self.gr_optional, exception=False) group.update(parsed) self.groups.append(group) # Sort groups according to indices defined in the config-file if self.ngroups > 0: self.groups.sort(key=lambda g: g['index']) ################################################################################ # # groups_shells_consistency() # ################################################################################ def groups_shells_consistency(self): """ Ensures consistency between groups and shells. In particular: - if no groups are explicitly defined and only shell is defined create a group automatically - check the existance of all shells referenced in the groups - check that all shells are referenced in the groups """ # Special case: no groups is defined if self.ngroups == 0: # Check that 'nshells = 1' assert self.nshells == 1, "At least one group must be defined if there are more than one shells." # Otherwise create a single group taking group information from [Shell] section self.groups.append({}) # Check that the single '[Shell]' section contains enough information # (required group parameters except 'shells') # and move it to the `groups` dictionary sh_gr_required = dict(self.gr_required) sh_gr_required.pop('shells') try: for par in sh_gr_required.keys(): key = sh_gr_required[par][0] value = self.shells[0].pop(key) self.groups[0][key] = value except KeyError: message = "One [Shell] section is specified but no explicit [Group] section is provided." message += " In this case the [Shell] section must contain all required group information.\n" message += " Required parameters are: %s"%(sh_gr_required.keys()) raise KeyError(message) # Do the same for optional group parameters, but do not raise an exception for par in self.gr_optional.keys(): try: key = self.gr_optional[par][0] value = self.shells[ind].pop(key) self.groups[0][key] = value except KeyError: continue # Add the index of the single shell into the group self.groups.update({'shells': 0}) # # Consistency checks # # Check the existance of shells referenced in the groups def find_shell_by_user_index(uindex): for ind, shell in enumerate(self.shells): if shell['user_index'] == uindex: return shell raise KeyError sh_inds = [] for group in self.groups: gr_shells = group['shells'] for user_ind in gr_shells: try: ind, shell = find_shell_by_user_index(user_ind) except KeyError: raise Exception("Shell %i reference in group '%s' does not exist"%(user_ind, group['index'])) sh_inds.append(ind) # If [Shell] section contains (potentiall conflicting) group parameters # remove them and issue a warning # First, required group parameters for par in self.gr_required.keys(): try: key = self.gr_required[par][0] value = shell.pop(key) mess = (" Redundant group parameter '%s' in [Shell] section" " %i is discarded"%(par, user_ind)) issue_warning(mess) except KeyError: continue # Second, optional group parameters for par in self.gr_optional.keys(): try: key = self.gr_optional[par][0] value = shell.pop(key) mess = (" Redundant group parameter '%s' in [Shell] section" " %i is discarded"%(par, user_ind)) issue_warning(mess) except KeyError: continue sh_refs_used = list(set(sh_inds)) sh_refs_used.sort() # Check that all shells are referenced in the groups assert sh_refs_used == range(self.nshells), "Some shells are not inside any of the groups" ################################################################################ # # parse_general() # ################################################################################ def parse_general(self): """ Parses [General] section. """ # TODO: pass ################################################################################ # # Main parser # parse_logical() # ################################################################################ def parse_input(self): """ Parses input conf-file. """ self.parse_general() self.parse_shells() self.parse_groups() self.groups_shells_consistency() if __name__ == '__main__': narg = len(sys.argv) if narg < 2: raise SystemExit(" Usage: python pyconf.py []") else: filename = sys.argv[1] if narg > 2: vasp_dir = sys.argv[2] if vasp_dir[-1] != '/': vasp_dir += '/' else: vasp_dir = './' # plocar = vaspio.Plocar() # plocar.from_file(vasp_dir) # poscar = vaspio.Poscar() # poscar.from_file(vasp_dir) # kpoints = vaspio.Kpoints() # kpoints.from_file(vasp_dir) eigenval = vaspio.Eigenval() eigenval.from_file(vasp_dir) doscar = vaspio.Doscar() doscar.from_file(vasp_dir) # pars = parse_input(filename)