require 'formula' class Triqs < Formula homepage '' version '1.0' url 'file:///Users/parcolle/triqs/src/libs', :using => :git #head '' ##Thomas'temporary fork where on-site compilation NOT required #url '' ##once the on-site compilation requirement has been removed #sha1 '' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'gfortran' #depends_on 'hdf5' #depends_on 'open-mpi' depends_on 'fftw' depends_on 'gmp' depends_on 'gsl' #depends_on 'python' #depends_on 'doxygen' #depends_on 'zmq' depends_on 'boost' # python package needed #depends_on :python => 'numpy' #depends_on :python => 'scipy' #depends_on :python => 'h5py' #depends_on :python => 'cython' #depends_on :python => 'matplotlib' def install args=["-DPYTHON_INTERPRETER=/usr/local/bin/python", "-DALLOW_COMPILATION_IN_SOURCES=ON" , "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local"] system "cmake", ".", *args system "make -j8 " # if this fails, try separate make/make install steps system "make test" system "make -j8 install" # if this fails, try separate make/make install steps end def caveats s = <<-EOS.undent ********************************************************************** Uninstalling requires to clean manually as : find /usr/local/ -name "*triqs*" |grep -v Library |xargs rm -rf ********************************************************************** EOS return s end #def test # system "pytriqs" #end end