.. index:: Wien2k .. module:: pytriqs.applications.dft .. _wien2k: Wien2TRIQS ======================================================== `Connecting TRIQS to the Wien2k package` In this section we will learn how we can connect our DMFT calculations with realistic band structure calculations. A priori TRIQS can be connected to various realistic band structure codes. In this release, we provide the Wien2TRIQS extension module which contains an interface to the `Wien2k package `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 interface LDADMFTmain advanced analysis selfcons Ce-HI In addition to the python-related modules, TRIQS also provides the Wien2k add-on :program:`dmftproj`. It takes the information about the wave functions calculated by the `Wien2k package `_, and constructs projected Wannier functions that are used as localised orbitals for the DMFT calculation. The program :program:`dmftproj` is written in the flavor of the `Wien2k package `_ without python support. A detailed description of the usage and options of :program:`dmftproj` can be found in :download:`this extensive tutorial `. In addition, it contains also a description of the Wien2k scripts that are necessary to do the full charge self-consistent calculations.