#!/usr/bin/env python import glob, sys, os from numpy import array def write_indmftpr(): orbitals = {"s" : [1, 0, 0, 0], "p" : [0, 1, 0, 0], "d" : [0, 0, 1, 0], "f" : [0, 0, 0, 1]} corr_orbitals = {"s" : [2, 0, 0, 0], "p" : [0, 2, 0, 0], "d" : [0, 0, 2, 0], "f" : [0, 0, 0, 2]} dirname = os.getcwd().rpartition('/')[2] if os.path.isfile(dirname + ".indmftpr"): found = input("Previous {}.indmftpr detected! Continue? (y/n)\n".format(dirname)) if found == "n": sys.exit(0) with open(dirname + ".indmftpr", "w") as out: print("Preparing dmftproj input file : {}\n".format(dirname + ".indmftpr")) if not os.path.isfile(dirname + ".struct"): print("Could not identify a case.struct file!"); sys.exit(-1); struct = open(glob.glob("*.struct")[0], "r").readlines() species = [line.split()[0] for line in struct if "NPT" in line] num_atoms = len(species) print("number of atoms = {} ({})\n".format(str(num_atoms), " ".join(species))) out.write(str(num_atoms)+"\n") mult = [line.split("=")[1].split()[0] for line in struct if "MULT" in line ] out.write(" ".join(mult)+"\n") out.write("3\n") for atom in range(num_atoms): while True: # input choice of spherical harmonics for atom sph_harm=input("What flavor of spherical harmonics do you want to use for ATOM {} ({})? (cubic/complex)\n".format(atom+1, species[atom])) if sph_harm in ["cubic", "complex"]: out.write(sph_harm+"\n") break else: print("Did not recognize that input. Try again.") corr=input("Do you want to treat ATOM {} ({}) as correlated (y/n)?\n".format(atom+1, species[atom])) if corr == "y": proj=input("Specify the correlated orbital? (d,f)\n") while True: non_corr=input("projectors for non-correlated orbitals? (type h for help)\n") if non_corr == "h": print("indicate orbital projectors using (s, p, d, or f). For multiple, combine them (sp, pd, spd, etc.)") else: projectors=array([0, 0, 0, 0]) projectors += array(corr_orbitals[proj]) if len(non_corr) > 0: for p in non_corr: projectors += array(orbitals[p]) out.write(" ".join(list(map(str, projectors)))+"\n") break if proj == "d": irrep=input("Split this orbital into it's irreps? (t2g/eg/n)\n") if irrep == "t2g": out.write("0 0 2 0\n") out.write("01\n") elif irrep == "eg": out.write("0 0 2 0\n") out.write("10\n") else: out.write("0 0 0 0\n") soc=input("Do you want to include soc? (y/n)\n") if soc == "y": out.write("1\n") else: out.write("0\n") else: # still identify the projectors while True: proj=input("Specify the projectors that you would like to include? (type h for help)\n") if proj == "h": print("indicate orbital projectors using (s, p, d, or f). For multiple, combine them (sp, pd, spd, etc.)") else: projectors = array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int) for p in proj: projectors += array(orbitals[p], dtype=int) out.write(" ".join(list(map(str, projectors)))+"\n") out.write("0 0 0 0\n") break while True: window=input("Specify the projection window around eF (in Ry)\n") if float(window.split()[0]) < 0 and float(window.split()[1]) > 0: out.write(window) break else: print("The energy window ({}) does not contain the Fermi energy!".format(window)) print("initialize {} file ok!".format(dirname + ".indmftpr")) if __name__ == "__main__": write_indmftpr()