* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2012 by M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see .
namespace triqs { namespace gfs { namespace local {
namespace details {
static constexpr double small = 1.e-10;
using arrays::matrix_view;
using arrays::matrix;
namespace tqa= triqs::arrays; //namespace tql= triqs::clef; namespace mpl= boost::mpl;
typedef std::complex dcomplex;
class tail; // the value class
class tail_view; // the view class
template struct LocalTail : mpl::false_{}; // a boolean trait to identify the objects modelling the concept LocalTail
template<> struct LocalTail : mpl::true_{};
template<> struct LocalTail: mpl::true_{};
// a trait to find the scalar of the algebra i.e. the true scalar and the matrix ...
template struct is_scalar_or_element : mpl::or_< tqa::ImmutableMatrix, utility::is_in_ZRC > {};
// ---------------------- implementation --------------------------------
/// A common implementation class. Idiom: ValueView
template class tail_impl {
typedef tail_view view_type;
typedef tail regular_type;
typedef arrays::array data_regular_type;
typedef arrays::array_view data_view_type;
typedef typename mpl::if_c::type data_type;
typedef arrays::array mask_regular_type;
typedef arrays::array_view mask_view_type;
typedef typename mpl::if_c::type mask_type;
typedef arrays::matrix_view mv_type;
typedef arrays::matrix_view const_mv_type;
data_view_type data() { return _data;}
const data_view_type data() const { return _data;}
mask_view_type mask_view() { return mask;}
const mask_view_type mask_view() const { return mask;}
long order_min() const {return omin;}
long order_max() const {return min_element(mask);}
size_t size() const {return _data.shape()[0];}
long smallest_nonzero() const {
long om = omin;
while ((om < this->order_max()) && (max_element(abs(_data(om-omin,tqa::range(),tqa::range()))) < details::small)) om++;
return om;
typedef tqa::mini_vector shape_type;
shape_type shape() const { return shape_type(_data.shape()[1], _data.shape()[2]);}
bool is_decreasing_at_infinity() const { return (smallest_nonzero() >=1);}
long omin;
mask_type mask;
data_type _data;
// All constructors
tail_impl(): omin(0), mask(), _data() {} // all arrays of zero size (empty)
tail_impl(size_t N1, size_t N2, size_t size_, long order_min):
omin(order_min), mask(tqa::make_shape(N1,N2)), _data(tqa::make_shape(size_,N1,N2)) {
mask() = order_min+size_-1;
_data() = 0;
tail_impl(data_type const &d, mask_type const &m, long omin_) : omin(omin_), mask(m), _data(d) {}
tail_impl(tail_impl const & x): omin(x.omin), mask(x.mask), _data(x._data) {}
tail_impl(tail_impl const &) = default;
tail_impl(tail_impl &&) = default;
friend class tail_impl;
mv_type operator() (int n) {
if (n>this->order_max()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<" n > Max Order. n= "< Max Order. n= "<
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) {
ar & TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("omin",omin);
ar & TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("mask",mask);
ar & TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("data",_data);
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, tail_impl const & x) {
out <<"tail/tail_view: min/smallest/max = "<< x.order_min() << " " << x.smallest_nonzero() << " "<< x.order_max();
for (long u = x.order_min(); u <= x.order_max(); ++u) out <<"\n ... Order "< {
typedef tail_impl B;
friend class tail;
template tail_view(tail_impl const & t): B(t){}
tail_view(B::data_type const &d, B::mask_type const &m, long order_min): B(d, m, order_min) {}
tail_view(tail_view const &) = default;
tail_view(tail_view &&) = default;
void rebind(tail_view const &X) {
omin = X.omin;
inline void rebind(tail const &X);
// operator = for views
tail_view & operator = (const tail_view & rhs) {
if ((_data.shape()[1] != rhs._data.shape()[1]) || (_data.shape()[2] != rhs._data.shape()[2]) || (omin != rhs.omin))
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"tails are incompatible";
mask = rhs.mask;
_data = rhs._data;
return *this;
inline tail_view & operator=(const tail & rhs);
tail_view & operator = (std::complex const & x) {
_data() = 0.0;
mv_type(_data(-omin, tqa::range(), tqa::range())) = x;
mask() = omin+size()-1;
return *this;
using B::operator(); // import all previously defined operator() for overloading
friend std::ostream & triqs_nvl_formal_print(std::ostream & out, tail_view const & x) { return out<<"tail_view"; }
// -----------------------------
// the regular class
class tail: public tail_impl {
typedef tail_impl B;
friend class tail_view;
tail():B() {}
typedef tqa::mini_vector shape_type;
tail(size_t N1, size_t N2, size_t size_=10, long order_min=-1): B(N1,N2,size_,order_min) {}
tail(shape_type const & sh, size_t size_=10, long order_min=-1): B(sh[0],sh[1],size_,order_min) {}
tail(B::data_type const &d, B::mask_type const &m, long order_min): B(d, m, order_min) {}
tail(tail const & g): B(g) {}
tail(tail_view const & g): B(g) {}
tail(tail &&) = default;
// operator = for values
tail & operator = (tail_view const & rhs) {
omin = rhs.omin;
mask = rhs.mask;
_data = rhs._data;
return *this;
tail & operator = (tail const & rhs) {
omin = rhs.omin;
mask = rhs.mask;
_data = rhs._data;
return *this;
using B::operator();
/// The simplest tail corresponding to omega
static tail_view omega(size_t N1, size_t N2, size_t size_, long order_min) {
tail t(N1, N2, size_, order_min);
t(-1) = 1;
return t;
/// The simplest tail corresponding to omega, constructed from a shape for convenience
static tail_view omega(tail::shape_type const & sh, size_t size_, long order_min) { return omega(sh[0],sh[1],size_,order_min); }
template void assign_from_expression(tail_view t,RHS const & rhs) { t = rhs( tail::omega(t.shape(),t.size(),t.order_min()) ); }
inline void tail_view::rebind(tail const &X) {
omin = X.omin;
inline tail_view & tail_view::operator = (const tail & rhs) {
if ((_data.shape()[1] != rhs._data.shape()[1]) || (_data.shape()[2] != rhs._data.shape()[2]) || (omin != rhs.omin))
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"tails are incompatible";
mask = rhs.mask;
_data = rhs._data;
return *this;
inline tail conj(tail_view t) { return {conj(t.data()), t.mask_view(),t.order_min()};}
/// Slice in orbital space
//template tail_view slice_target(tail_impl const & t, tqa::range R1, tqa::range R2) {
inline tail_view slice_target(tail_view t, tqa::range R1, tqa::range R2) {
return tail_view(t.data()(tqa::range(),R1,R2), t.mask_view()(R1,R2), t.order_min());
inline tail inverse(tail_view const & t) {
long omin1 = - t.smallest_nonzero();
long omax1 = std::min(t.order_max() + 2*omin1, t.order_min()+long(t.size())-1);
size_t si = omax1-omin1+1;
tail res(t.shape(), t.size(), t.order_min());
res.mask_view() = omax1;
res(omin1) = inverse(t(-omin1));
for (size_t n=1; n= a.n_min and n-p <=b.n_max and n-p >= b.n_min
// hence p <= min ( a.n_max, n-b.n_min ) and p >= max ( a.n_min, n- b.n_max)
const long pmin = std::max(l.smallest_nonzero(), n - r.order_max() );
const long pmax = std::min(l.order_max(), n - r.smallest_nonzero() );
for (long p = pmin; p <= pmax; ++p) { res(n) += l(p) * r(n-p);}
return res;
TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail, mpl::and_, LocalTail>) operator*(T1 const &a, T2 const &b) {
return mult_impl(a, b);
TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail, mpl::and_, LocalTail>) operator*(T1 const &a, T2 const &b) {
auto res = tail{first_dim(a), b.shape()[1], b.size(), b.order_min()};
for (int n = res.order_min(); n <= res.order_max(); ++n) res(n) = a * b(n);
return res;
TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail, mpl::and_, tqa::ImmutableMatrix>) operator*(T1 const &a, T2 const &b) {
auto res = tail{a.shape()[0], second_dim(b), a.size(), a.order_min()};
for (int n = res.order_min(); n <= res.order_max(); ++n) res(n) = a(n) * b;
return res;
inline tail operator * (dcomplex a, tail_view const & r) { tail res(r); res.data()*=a; return res;}
inline tail operator * (tail_view const & r, dcomplex a) { return a*r; }
template TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail,mpl::and_, LocalTail>)
operator/ (T1 const & a, T2 const & b) { return a * inverse(b); }
inline tail operator / (tail_view const & r, dcomplex a) { tail res(r); res.data() /=a; return res;}
inline tail operator / (dcomplex a, tail_view const & r) { return a * inverse(r); }
template TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail,mpl::and_, LocalTail>)
operator + (T1 const & l, T2 const& r) {
if (l.shape() != r.shape() || l.order_min() != r.order_min() || (l.size() != r.size()))
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "tail addition: shape mismatch";
tail res(l.shape(), l.size(), l.order_min());
res.mask_view() = std::min(l.order_max(), r.order_max());
for (long i = res.order_min(); i<=res.order_max(); ++i) res(i) = l(i) + r(i);
return res;
template TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail,mpl::and_, LocalTail>)
operator - (T1 const & l, T2 const& r) {
if (l.shape() != r.shape() || l.order_min() != r.order_min() || (l.size() != r.size()))
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "tail addition: shape mismatch";
tail res(l.shape(), l.size(), l.order_min());
res.mask_view() = std::min(l.order_max(), r.order_max());
for (long i = res.order_min(); i<=res.order_max(); ++i) res(i) = l(i) - r(i);
return res;
template TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail,mpl::and_, LocalTail>)
operator + (T1 const & a, T2 const & t) {
tail res(t);
res(0) += a;
return res;
template TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail,mpl::and_, is_scalar_or_element>)
operator + (T1 const & t, T2 const & a) { return a+t;}
template TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail,mpl::and_, LocalTail>)
operator - (T1 const & a, T2 const & t) { return (-a) + t;}
template TYPE_ENABLE_IF(tail,mpl::and_, is_scalar_or_element>)
operator - (T1 const & t, T2 const & a) { return (-a) + t;}