c ****************************************************************************** c c TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems c c Copyright (C) 2011 by L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola, C. Martins, M. Aichhorn c c TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the c terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software c Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later c version. c c TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY c WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS c FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more c details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with c TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. c c *****************************************************************************/ SUBROUTINE density(tetr,only_corr,qtot,ifprnt) C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C %% %% C %% This subroutine computes the density matrices for all the %% C %% inlcuded orbitals and the corresponding total charge, within %% C %% the energy window for which the projectors were previously %% C %% defined. %% C %% %% C %% If tetr = .TRUE., the tetrahedron weights are used. %% C %% = .FALSE., a simple point integration is used. %% C %% %% C %% If only_corr = .TRUE., the calculation is performed for the %% C %% correlated orbitals only. %% C %% %% C %% If ifprnt = .TRUE., the density matrices are written in the %% C %% file case.outdmftpr. %% C %% %% C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C Definition of the variables : C ---------------------------- USE almblm_data USE common_data USE prnt USE projections USE reps USE symm IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL :: tetr, only_corr, ifprnt COMPLEX(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: D COMPLEX(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: conj_mat, mat INTEGER :: is, is1, ik, iorb, l, nbnd, iss INTEGER :: lm, i, icrorb, m1, m2, m, ib INTEGER :: iatom, jatom, jorb, imu, isrt, isym INTEGER :: istart, istart1 INTEGER :: nbbot, nbtop REAL(KIND=8) :: q, qtot C WRITE(buf,'(a)')'Evaluation of the density matrices...' CALL printout(0) CALL printout(0) C C Initialization of the variable nsp and of the table crdensmat C nsp describes the number of block necessary to describe the complete density matrix. nsp=ns IF(ifSO) nsp=4 C The only possible cases are therefore : C nsp=1 for a computation without spin-polarized input files, without SO [block (up/up+dn/dn)] C nsp=2 for a computation with spin-polarized input files (but without SO) [blocks up/up and dn/dn] C nsp=4 for a computation (with spin-polarized input files) with SO [all the blocks] C C C ============================================================= C Computation of the density matrices for correlated orbitals : C ============================================================= C C These computations are performed only if there are correlated orbitals in the system. IF(ncrorb.NE.0) THEN C crdensmat is a table of size nsp*ncrorb. C For each correlated orbital icrorb, crdensmat(:,icrorb) is the corresponding density matrix. IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(crdensmat)) THEN ALLOCATE(crdensmat(nsp,ncrorb)) ENDIF DO icrorb=1,ncrorb DO is=1,nsp IF(ALLOCATED(crdensmat(is,icrorb)%mat)) & DEALLOCATE(crdensmat(is,icrorb)%mat) ALLOCATE(crdensmat(is,icrorb)%mat(1,1)) crdensmat(is,icrorb)%mat(1,1)=0.d0 ENDDO ENDDO C C Loop on the correlated orbitals icrorb C DO icrorb=1,ncrorb isrt=crorb(icrorb)%sort l=crorb(icrorb)%l C C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C The s-orbitals are a particular case of a "non-mixing" basis and are treated here : C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (l==0) THEN C The field mat of crdensmat has already the good size (1 scalar element). C There's no need of a basis change since the representation of an s-orbital is Identity whatever the basis is. DO ik=1,nk DO iss=1,nsp C C Determination of the block indices : C ------------------------------------ IF(iss.LE.2) THEN is=iss is1=iss C If iss=1 (up), is=1 and is1=1 -> Description of the up/up block C If iss=2 (down), is=2 and is1=2 -> Description of the dn/dn block ELSE is=iss-2 is1=3-is C If iss=3, is=1 (up) and is1=2 (down) -> Description of the up/dn block C If iss=4, is=2 (down) and is1=1 (up) -> Description of the dn/up block ENDIF C Only the k-points with included bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is)%included) CYCLE IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is1)%included) CYCLE nbnd=kp(ik,is)%nb_top-kp(ik,is)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,is)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,is)%nb_top C for the diagonal blocks, is=is1 ; thus nbtop and nbtop are the same for is and is1. C for the off-diagonal blocks (calculated only when SO is considered), C it was checked that nbtop(up)=nbtop(dn) and nbbot(up)=nbbot(dn) [in set_projections.f] C thus nbtop and nbtop fit again for is and is1. C C Computation of the density matrix using the tetrahedron weights for the integration : C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(tetr) THEN C The field pr_crorb%mat_rep is used to perform the computation (well defined for s-orbitals) ALLOCATE(mat(1,nbbot:nbtop),conj_mat(1,nbbot:nbtop)) mat(1,nbbot:nbtop)= & pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is)%mat_rep(1,nbbot:nbtop)* & SQRT(kp(ik,is)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) conj_mat(1,nbbot:nbtop)=CONJG( & pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is1)%mat_rep(1,nbbot:nbtop))* & SQRT(kp(ik,is1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C mat = P(icrorb,ik,is)*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is)) C conj_mat = conjugate[ P(icrorb,ik,is1)) ]*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is1)) DO ib = nbbot,nbtop crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(1,1)= = crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(1,1)+ + mat(1,ib)*conj_mat(1,ib) ENDDO C crdensmat = mat*transpose(conj_mat) which is a matrix of size 1 C The summation over the k-points is done with the do loop ; C crdensmat(iss,icrorb) is therefore the block "iss" of the density matrix for the orbital icrorb. DEALLOCATE(conj_mat,mat) C C Computation of the density matrix using a simple point integration : C -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE DO ib = nbbot, nbtop crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(1,1)= = crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(1,1)+ + pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is)%mat_rep(1,ib)* * CONJG(pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is1)%mat_rep(1,ib))* * kp(ik,is)%weight ENDDO C crdensmat = P(icrorb,ik,is)*transpose(conjugate(P(icrorb,ik,is1)))*weight(ik,is) which is a matrix of size 1. C The weight used is a geometric factor associated to k and does not depend on the variable is. C That's why we merely multiply by the "weight" each term while summing over the k-points. ENDIF ENDDO ! End of the iss loop ENDDO ! End of the ik loop C C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C If the basis representation needs a complete spinor rotation approach (matrices of size 2*(2*l+1) ) : C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSEIF (reptrans(l,isrt)%ifmixing) THEN C If this option is used, then ifSO=.TRUE. (because of the restriction in set_ang_trans.f) C Moreover ifSP=.TRUE. (since ifSO => ifSP, in this version) C As a result, we know that nb_bot(up)=nb_bot(dn) and nb_top(up)=nb_top(dn) C C The field mat of crdensmat must be resized. C As the complete spinor rotation approach is used, only one matrix is necessary (with is=1). DEALLOCATE(crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat) ALLOCATE(crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))) crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))=0.d0 ALLOCATE(D(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))) C C Computation of the density matrix using the tetrahedron weights for the integration : C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(tetr) THEN DO ik=1,nk C Only the k-points with inlcuded bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,1)%included) CYCLE nbnd=kp(ik,1)%nb_top-kp(ik,1)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,1)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,1)%nb_top C A distinction between up and dn states is necessary in order to use the tetrahedron weight. C As a result, we will transform the projectors back in spherical harmonics basis C to perform the calculation and then put the resulting density matrix in the desired basis. C ALLOCATE(mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) ALLOCATE(conj_mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) C The representation of the projectors is put back in the spherical harmonics basis mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)=MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(CONJG( = reptrans(l,isrt)%transmat & (1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)))),pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,1)% & mat_rep(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) C mat = inverse(reptrans)*pr_crorb%mat_rep = <lm|new_i>*proj_{new_i} = proj_{lm} [temporarily] conj_mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)=MATMUL( & TRANSPOSE(CONJG(reptrans(l,isrt)% & transmat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) )), & pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,1)%mat_rep & (1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) C conj_mat = inverse(reptrans)*pr_crorb%mat_rep = <lm|new_i>*proj_{new_i} = proj_{lm} [temporarily] DO m=1,2*l+1 mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)=mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)* & SQRT(kp(ik,1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The first (2*l+1) lines are associated to up states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(up) mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop)= = mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop)* & SQRT(kp(ik,2)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The last (2*l+1) lines are associated to dn states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(dn) C mat = P(icrorb,ik,is)*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is)) conj_mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)= = CONJG(conj_mat(m,nbbot:nbtop))* & SQRT(kp(ik,1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The first (2*l+1) lines are associated to up states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(up) conj_mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop)= & CONJG(conj_mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop))* & SQRT(kp(ik,2)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The last (2*l+1) lines are associated to dn states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(dn) C conj_mat = conjugate[ P(icrorb,ik,is1))*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is1)) ] ENDDO CALL zgemm('N','T',2*(2*l+1),2*(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,2*(2*l+1),conj_mat,2*(2*l+1), & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D,2*(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(conj_mat,mat) C D = mat*transpose(conj_mat) is a matrix of size 2*(2*l+1)* 2*(2*l+1) C crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= & crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) & +D(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) END DO ! End of the ik loop C The summation over the k-points is done. C crdensmat(icrorb) is therefore the complete density matrix in spherical harmonic basis. C C The density matrix is then put into the desired basis, using reptrans(l,isrt)%transmat crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= = MATMUL(reptrans(l,isrt)%transmat & (1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)),crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat & (1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) ) crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= = MATMUL(crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat & (1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)),TRANSPOSE( CONJG( & reptrans(l,isrt)%transmat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))))) C crdensmat = (reptrans)*crdensmat_l*inverse(reptrans) C or crdensmat = <new_i|lm> crdensmat_{lm} <lm|new_i> C crdensmat(icrorb) is now the complete density matrix in the desired basis. C C Computation of the density matrix using a simple point integration : C -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE C No distinction between up and dn states is necessary because we use a C geometric factor which depends only of the k-point. C We can then use directly the projectors in the desired basis. DO ik=1,nk C Only the k-points with inlcuded bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,1)%included) CYCLE nbnd=kp(ik,1)%nb_top-kp(ik,1)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,1)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,1)%nb_top ALLOCATE(mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)= = pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,1)%mat_rep(1:2*(2*l+1), & nbbot:nbtop) CALL zgemm('N','C',2*(2*l+1),2*(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,2*(2*l+1),mat,2*(2*l+1), & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D,2*(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(mat) C D = P(icrorb,ik,is)*transpose(conjugate(P(icrorb,ik,is))) is a matrix of size 2*(2*l+1) * 2*(2*l+1) crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= = crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) + +D(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))*kp(ik,1)%weight ENDDO ! End of the ik loop C The summation over the k-points is done in the do loop. C The weight used is a geometric factor associated to k and does not depend on the variable is. C That's why we merely multiply by the "weight" each term while summing over the k-points. ENDIF DEALLOCATE(D) C C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C If the basis representation can be reduce to the up/up block (matrices of size (2*l+1) only) : C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE C The field mat of crdensmat must be resized. C nsp matrices of size (2*l+1) are necessary to represent the whole density matrix. DO is=1,nsp DEALLOCATE(crdensmat(is,icrorb)%mat) ALLOCATE(crdensmat(is,icrorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)) crdensmat(is,icrorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)=0.d0 ENDDO ALLOCATE(D(-l:l,-l:l)) C All the computations can be performed in the new basis (using the field pr_crorb%mat_rep) DO ik=1,nk DO iss=1,nsp C C Determination of the block indices : C ------------------------------------ IF(iss.LE.2) THEN is=iss is1=iss C If iss=1 (up), is=1 and is1=1 -> Description of the up/up block C If iss=2 (down), is=2 and is1=2 -> Description of the dn/dn block ELSE is=iss-2 is1=3-is C If iss=3, is=1 (up) and is1=2 (down) -> Description of the up/dn block C If iss=4, is=2 (down) and is1=1 (up) -> Description of the dn/up block ENDIF C Only the k-points with inlcuded bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is)%included) CYCLE IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is1)%included) CYCLE nbnd=kp(ik,is)%nb_top-kp(ik,is)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,is)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,is)%nb_top C for the diagonal blocks, is=is1 ; thus nbtop and nbtop are the same for is and is1. C for the off-diagonal blocks (calculated only when SO is considered), C it was checked that nbtop(up)=nbtop(dn) and nbbot(up)=nbbot(dn) [in set_projections.f] C thus nbtop and nbtop fit again for is and is1. C C Computation of the density matrix using the tetrahedron weights for the integration : C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(tetr) THEN C The representation of the projectors in the desired basis is used (field pr_crorb%mat_rep) ALLOCATE(mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) ALLOCATE(conj_mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) DO m=-l,l mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)= = pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is)%mat_rep(m,nbbot:nbtop)* & SQRT(kp(ik,is)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) conj_mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)=CONJG( & pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is1)%mat_rep(m,nbbot:nbtop)) & *SQRT(kp(ik,is1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C mat = P(icrorb,ik,is)*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is)) C conj_mat = conjugate[ P(icrorb,ik,is1))*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is1)) ] ENDDO CALL zgemm('N','T',(2*l+1),(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,(2*l+1),conj_mat,(2*l+1), & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D(-l:l,-l:l),(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(conj_mat,mat) C D = mat*transpose(conj_mat) is a matrix of size (2*l+1)*(2*l+1) crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)= = crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)+D(-l:l,-l:l) C The summation over the k-points is done. C crdensmat(icrorb) is therefore the complete density matrix of the orbital icrorb. C C Computation of the density matrix using a simple point integration : C -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE ALLOCATE(mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) ALLOCATE(conj_mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)=pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is) & %mat_rep(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop) conj_mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)=pr_crorb(icrorb,ik,is1) & %mat_rep(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop) CALL zgemm('N','C',(2*l+1),(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,(2*l+1),conj_mat,(2*l+1), & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D(-l:l,-l:l),(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(mat,conj_mat) C D = P(icrorb,ik,is)*transpose(conjugate(P(icrorb,ik,is))) is a matrix of size (2*l+1)*(2*l+1) crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)= = crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l) + +D(-l:l,-l:l)*kp(ik,is)%weight C The weight used is a geometric factor asoociated to k and does not depend on the variable is. C That's why we merely multiply by the "weight" each term while summing over the k-points. ENDIF ENDDO ! End of the iss loop ENDDO ! End of the ik loop DEALLOCATE(D) ENDIF ! End of the basis if-then-else C ENDDO ! End of the icrorb loop C C C =============================== C Symmetrization to the full BZ : C =============================== CALL symmetrize_mat(crdensmat,crorb,ncrorb) C C C ============================================================================ C Application of the Rloc transformation to go back to the local coordinates : C ============================================================================ CALL rotdens_mat(crdensmat,crorb,ncrorb) C C C ================================================================= C Printing the density matrices and the charge in the output file : C ================================================================= IF(ifprnt) THEN CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)') '-------------------------------------' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)') & 'Density Matrices for the Correlated States : ' CALL printout(0) C The density matrices and charge are printed for all the corrrelated orbitals DO icrorb=1,ncrorb CALL printout(0) isrt=crorb(icrorb)%sort l=crorb(icrorb)%l C Description of the correlated orbital WRITE(buf,'(3(a,i3))') & ' Sort = ',isrt,' Atom = ',crorb(icrorb)%atom, & ' and Orbital l = ',l CALL printout(0) q=0d0 C C The case l=0 is a particular case of "non-mixing" basis. C -------------------------------------------------------- IF (l==0) THEN C For a calculation spin-polarized with SO : IF (nsp==4) THEN WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1,1), & crdensmat(3,icrorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & crdensmat(4,icrorb)%mat(1,1), & crdensmat(2,icrorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) q=q+crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1,1)+ + crdensmat(2,icrorb)%mat(1,1) C For a calculation spin-polarized without SO : ELSE IF (nsp==2) THEN WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1,1),DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),crdensmat(2,icrorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) q=q+crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1,1)+ + crdensmat(2,icrorb)%mat(1,1) C For a paramagnetic calculation without SO : ELSE WRITE(buf,'(2F12.6,2x)') crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) q=q+crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(1,1) ENDIF C C If the basis representation needs a complete spinor rotation approach (basis with "mixing" ). C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSEIF (reptrans(l,isrt)%ifmixing) THEN C In this case, the calculation is necessary spin-polarized with SO : WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') 'Writing the matrix as : ', & '[ block 1 | block 2 ] with' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') ' ', & '[ block 3 | block 4 ]' CALL printout(0) C Printing the different blocks ALLOCATE(D(1,1:2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 1 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=1,2*l+1 D(1,1:2*l+1)=crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(m,1:(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 2 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=1,2*l+1 D(1,1:2*l+1)= & crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(m,2*l+2:2*(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 3 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=2*l+2,2*(2*l+1) D(1,1:2*l+1)= & crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(m,1:(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 4 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=2*l+2,2*(2*l+1) D(1,1:2*l+1)= & crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(m,2*l+2:2*(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(D) DO m1=1,2*(2*l+1) q=q+crdensmat(1,icrorb)%mat(m1,m1) ENDDO C C If the basis representation can be reduce to the up/up block (basis without "mixing"). C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE IF(nsp==4) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') 'Writing the matrix as : ', & '[ block up/up | block up/dn ] with' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') ' ', & '[ block dn/up | block dn/dn ]' CALL printout(0) ELSEIF(nsp==2) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') 'Writing the matrix as : ', & '[ block up/up | 0 ] with' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') ' ', & '[ 0 | block dn/dn ]' CALL printout(0) ENDIF DO iss=1,nsp IF(iss.LE.2) THEN is=iss is1=iss C If iss=1 (up), is=1 and is1=1 -> Description of the up/up block C If iss=2 (down), is=2 and is1=2 -> Description of the down/down block IF (is==1) THEN IF ( ifSP.or.ifSO ) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Up/Up block :' ENDIF CALL printout(0) ELSE WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Down/Down block :' CALL printout(0) ENDIF ELSE is=iss-2 is1=3-is C If iss=3, is=1 (up) and is1=2 (down) -> Description of the up/down block C If iss=4, is=2 (down) and is1=1 (up) -> Description of the down/up block IF (is==1) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Up/Down block :' CALL printout(0) ELSE WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Down/Up block :' CALL printout(0) ENDIF ENDIF ALLOCATE(D(1,-l:l)) DO m=-l,l D(1,-l:l)=crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(m,-l:l) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) IF(is==is1) q=q+crdensmat(iss,icrorb)%mat(m,m) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(D) ENDDO ENDIF C Displaying the charge q of the orbital CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,f10.5)')'The charge of the orbital is : ',q CALL printout(0) ENDDO ENDIF C ENDIF ! End of the if ncrorb=0 if-then-else C The calculation is stopped here if the flag only_corr is .TRUE. IF (.not.only_corr) THEN C C ========================================= C Computation of the total charge density : C ========================================= C The charge is stored in the variable qtot given in argument. qtot=0d0 do is=1,ns DO ik=1,nk if (kp(ik,is)%included) then DO ib=kp(ik,is)%nb_bot,kp(ik,is)%nb_top IF(tetr) THEN qtot=qtot+kp(ik,is)%tetrweight(ib) ELSE qtot=qtot+kp(ik,is)%weight ENDIF ENDDO endif ENDDO if (ifSO) exit enddo C C ================================================================= C Computation of the density matrix for all the included orbitals : C ================================================================= C The computations are performed with the Theta projectors (pr_orb) C C densmat is a table of size nsp*norb. C For each included orbital iorb, densmat(:,iorb) is the corresponding density matrix. IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(densmat)) THEN ALLOCATE(densmat(nsp,norb)) ENDIF DO iorb=1,norb DO is=1,nsp IF(ALLOCATED(densmat(is,iorb)%mat)) & DEALLOCATE(densmat(is,iorb)%mat) ALLOCATE(densmat(is,iorb)%mat(1,1)) densmat(is,iorb)%mat(1,1)=0.d0 ENDDO ENDDO C C Loop on the included orbitals iorb C DO iorb=1,norb isrt=orb(iorb)%sort l=orb(iorb)%l C C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C The s-orbitals are a particular case of a "non-mixing" basis and are treated here : C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (l==0) THEN C The field mat of densmat has already the good size (1 scalar element). C There's no need of a basis change since the representation of an s-orbital is Identity whatever the basis is. DO ik=1,nk DO iss=1,nsp C C Determination of the block indices : C ------------------------------------ IF(iss.LE.2) THEN is=iss is1=iss C If iss=1 (up), is=1 and is1=1 -> Description of the up/up block C If iss=2 (down), is=2 and is1=2 -> Description of the dn/dn block ELSE is=iss-2 is1=3-is C If iss=3, is=1 (up) and is1=2 (down) -> Description of the up/dn block C If iss=4, is=2 (down) and is1=1 (up) -> Description of the dn/up block ENDIF C Only the k-points with inlcuded bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is)%included) CYCLE IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is1)%included) CYCLE nbnd=kp(ik,is)%nb_top-kp(ik,is)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,is)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,is)%nb_top C for the diagonal blocks, is=is1 ; thus nbtop and nbtop are the same for is and is1. C for the off-diagonal blocks (calculated only when SO is considered), C it was checked that nbtop(up)=nbtop(dn) and nbbot(up)=nbbot(dn) [in set_projections.f] C thus nbtop and nbtop fit again for is and is1. C C Computation of the density matrix using the tetrahedron weights for the integration : C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(tetr) THEN C The field pr_orb%matn_rep is used to perform the computation (well defined for s-orbitals) DO i=1,norm_radf(iorb)%n ALLOCATE(mat(1,nbbot:nbtop)) ALLOCATE(conj_mat(1,nbbot:nbtop)) mat(1,nbbot:nbtop)= & pr_orb(iorb,ik,is)%matn_rep(1,nbbot:nbtop,i)* & SQRT(kp(ik,is)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) conj_mat(1,nbbot:nbtop)=CONJG( & pr_orb(iorb,ik,is1)%matn_rep(1,nbbot:nbtop,i))* & SQRT(kp(ik,is1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C mat = Theta(iorb,ik,is)*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is)) C conj_mat = conjugate[ Theta(iorb,ik,is1))*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is1)) ] DO ib = nbbot,nbtop densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(1,1)= = densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(1,1) & +mat(1,ib)*conj_mat(1,ib) ENDDO C densmat = mat*transpose(conj_mat) which is a matrix of size 1 DEALLOCATE(conj_mat,mat) ENDDO C The summation over the k-points is done with the do loop ; C The summation over the |phi_j> basis is done with the do loop ; C densmat(iss,iorb) is therefore the block "iss" of the density matrix for the orbital iorb. C C Computation of the density matrix using a simple point integration : C -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE DO i=1,norm_radf(iorb)%n DO ib = nbbot,nbtop densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(1,1)= = densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(1,1)+ + pr_orb(iorb,ik,is)%matn_rep(1,ib,i)* * CONJG(pr_orb(iorb,ik,is1)%matn_rep(1,ib,i))* * kp(ik,is)%weight ENDDO ENDDO C densmat = Theta(iorb,ik,is)*transpose(conjugate(Theta(iorb,ik,is1))) which is a matrix of size 1 C The weight used is a geometric factor associated to k and does not depend on the variable is. C That's why we merely multiply by the "weight" each term while summing over the k-points. ENDIF ENDDO ! End of the iss loop ENDDO ! End of the ik loop C C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C If the basis representation needs a complete spinor rotation approach (matrices of size 2*(2*l+1) ) : C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSEIF (reptrans(l,isrt)%ifmixing) THEN C If this option is used, then ifSO=.TRUE. (because of the restriction in set_ang_trans.f) C Moreover ifSP=.TRUE. (since ifSO => ifSP, in this version) C As a result, we know that nb_bot(up)=nb_bot(dn) and nb_top(up)=nb_top(dn) C C The field mat of densmat must be resized. C As the complete spinor rotation approach is used, only one matrix is necessary (with is=1). DEALLOCATE(densmat(1,iorb)%mat) ALLOCATE(densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))) densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))=0.d0 ALLOCATE(D(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))) C C Computation of the density matrix using the tetrahedron weights for the integration : C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(tetr) THEN DO ik=1,nk C Only the k-points with inlcuded bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,1)%included) CYCLE nbnd=kp(ik,1)%nb_top-kp(ik,1)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,1)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,1)%nb_top C A distinction between up and dn states is necessary in order to use the tetrahedron weight. C As a result, we will transform the projectors back in spherical harmonics basis C to perform the calculation and then put the resulting density matrix in the desired basis. C C Loop on the |phi_j> basis DO i=1,norm_radf(iorb)%n ALLOCATE(mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) ALLOCATE(conj_mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) C The representation of the projectors is put back in the spherical harmonics basis mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)=MATMUL( & TRANSPOSE(CONJG(reptrans(l,isrt)% & transmat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) )), & pr_orb(iorb,ik,1)%matn_rep & (1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop,i) ) C mat = inverse(reptrans)*pr_orb%mat_rep = <lm|new_i>*theta_{new_i} = theta_{lm} [temporarily] conj_mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)=MATMUL( & TRANSPOSE(CONJG(reptrans(l,isrt)% & transmat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) )), & pr_orb(iorb,ik,1)%matn_rep & (1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop,i) ) C conj_mat = inverse(reptrans)*pr_orb%mat_rep = <lm|new_i>*theta_{new_i} = theta_{lm} [temporarily] DO m=1,2*l+1 mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)=mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)* & SQRT(kp(ik,1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The first (2*l+1) lines are associated to up states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(up) mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop)= = mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop)* & SQRT(kp(ik,2)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The last (2*l+1) lines are associated to dn states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(dn) C mat = Theta(icrorb,ik,is)*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is)) conj_mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)=CONJG( & conj_mat(m,nbbot:nbtop) )* & SQRT(kp(ik,1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The first (2*l+1) lines are associated to up states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(up) conj_mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop)= & CONJG(conj_mat((2*l+1)+m,nbbot:nbtop))* & SQRT(kp(ik,2)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C The last (2*l+1) lines are associated to dn states. Hence a multiplication by tetrweight(dn) C conj_mat = conjugate[ Theta(icrorb,ik,is1))*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is1)) ] ENDDO CALL zgemm('N','T',2*(2*l+1),2*(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,2*(2*l+1),conj_mat,2*(2*l+1), & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D,2*(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(conj_mat,mat) C D = mat*transpose(conj_mat) is a matrix of size 2*(2*l+1)* 2*(2*l+1) C densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= & densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) & +D(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) END DO ! End of the |phi_j> basis loop END DO ! End of the ik loop C The summation over the k-points is done ; C The summation over the |phi_j> basis is done ; C crdensmat(icrorb) is therefore the complete density matrix in spherical harmonic basis. C C The density matrix is then put into the desired basis, using reptrans(l,isrt)%transmat densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= = MATMUL(reptrans(l,isrt)%transmat & (1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)),densmat(1,iorb)%mat & (1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) ) densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= = MATMUL(densmat(1,iorb)%mat & (1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)),TRANSPOSE( CONJG( & reptrans(l,isrt)%transmat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))))) C densmat = (reptrans)*densmat_l*inverse(reptrans) C or densmat = <new_i|lm> densmat_{lm} <lm|new_i> C densmat(iorb) is now the complete density matrix in the desired basis. C C Computation of the density matrix using a simple point integration : C -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE C No distinction between up and dn states is necessary because we use a C geometric factor which depends only of the k-point. C We can then use directly the projectors in the desired basis. DO ik=1,nk C Only the k-points with inlcuded bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,1)%included) CYCLE C Loop on the |phi_j> basis DO i=1,norm_radf(iorb)%n nbnd=kp(ik,1)%nb_top-kp(ik,1)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,1)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,1)%nb_top ALLOCATE(mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)) mat(1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop)= = pr_orb(iorb,ik,1)%matn_rep & (1:2*(2*l+1),nbbot:nbtop,i) CALL zgemm('N','C',2*(2*l+1),2*(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,2*(2*l+1),mat, & 2*(2*l+1),DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D,2*(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(mat) C D = Theta(iorb,ik,is)*transpose(conjugate(Theta(iorb,ik,is))) is a matrix of size 2*(2*l+1) * 2*(2*l+1) densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))= = densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1)) + +D(1:2*(2*l+1),1:2*(2*l+1))*kp(ik,1)%weight END DO ! End of the |phi_j > basis loop ENDDO ! End of the ik loop C The summation over the k-points is done ; C The summation over the |phi_j> basis is done ; C The weight used is a geometric factor associated to k and does not depend on the variable is. C That's why we merely multiply by the "weight" each term while summing over the k-points. ENDIF DEALLOCATE(D) C C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C If the basis representation can be reduce to the up/up block (matrices of size (2*l+1) only) : C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE C The field mat of densmat must be resized. C nsp matrices of size (2*l+1) are necessary to represent the whole density matrix. DO is=1,nsp DEALLOCATE(densmat(is,iorb)%mat) ALLOCATE(densmat(is,iorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)) densmat(is,iorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)=0.d0 ENDDO ALLOCATE(D(-l:l,-l:l)) C All the computations can be performed in the new basis (using the field pr_orb%matn_rep) DO ik=1,nk DO iss=1,nsp C C Determination of the block indices : C ------------------------------------ IF(iss.LE.2) THEN is=iss is1=iss C If iss=1 (up), is=1 and is1=1 -> Description of the up/up block C If iss=2 (down), is=2 and is1=2 -> Description of the dn/dn block ELSE is=iss-2 is1=3-is C If iss=3, is=1 (up) and is1=2 (down) -> Description of the up/dn block C If iss=4, is=2 (down) and is1=1 (up) -> Description of the dn/up block ENDIF C Only the k-points with inlcuded bands are considered for the projectors. IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is)%included) CYCLE IF(.NOT.kp(ik,is1)%included) CYCLE nbnd=kp(ik,is)%nb_top-kp(ik,is)%nb_bot+1 nbbot=kp(ik,is)%nb_bot nbtop=kp(ik,is)%nb_top C for the diagonal blocks, is=is1 ; thus nbtop and nbtop are the same for is and is1. C for the off-diagonal blocks (calculated only when SO is considered), C it was checked that nbtop(up)=nbtop(dn) and nbbot(up)=nbbot(dn) [in set_projections.f] C thus nbtop and nbtop fit again for is and is1. C C Computation of the density matrix using the tetrahedron weights for the integration : C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(tetr) THEN C The representation of the projectors in the desired basis is used (field pr_orb%mat_rep) DO i=1,norm_radf(iorb)%n ALLOCATE(mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) ALLOCATE(conj_mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) DO m=-l,l mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)=pr_orb(iorb,ik,is)%matn_rep & (m,nbbot:nbtop,i)*SQRT(kp(ik,is)% & tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) conj_mat(m,nbbot:nbtop)=CONJG( = pr_orb(iorb,ik,is1)%matn_rep(m,nbbot:nbtop,i)) & *SQRT(kp(ik,is1)%tetrweight(nbbot:nbtop)) C mat = Theta(iorb,ik,is)*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is)) C conj_mat = conjugate[ Theta(iorb,ik,is1))*sqrt(tetrahedron-weight(ik,is1)) ] ENDDO CALL zgemm('N','T',(2*l+1),(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,(2*l+1),conj_mat,(2*l+1), & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D(-l:l,-l:l),(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(conj_mat,mat) C D = mat*transpose(conj_mat) is a matrix of size (2*l+1)*(2*l+1) densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)= = densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)+D(-l:l,-l:l) ENDDO C The summation over the |phi_j > basis is done. C The summation over the k-points is done. C densmat(iorb) is therefore the complete density matrix of the orbital iorb. C C Computation of the density matrix using a simple point integration : C -------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE DO i=1,norm_radf(iorb)%n ALLOCATE(mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) ALLOCATE(conj_mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)) mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)= = pr_orb(iorb,ik,is)%matn_rep(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop,i) conj_mat(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop)= = pr_orb(iorb,ik,is1)%matn_rep(-l:l,nbbot:nbtop,i) CALL zgemm('N','C',(2*l+1),(2*l+1),nbnd, & DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0),mat,(2*l+1),conj_mat,(2*l+1), & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),D(-l:l,-l:l),(2*l+1)) DEALLOCATE(mat,conj_mat) C D = Theta(iorb,ik,is)*transpose(conjugate(Theta(iorb,ik,is))) is a matrix of size (2*l+1)*(2*l+1) densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l)= = densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(-l:l,-l:l) + +D(-l:l,-l:l)*kp(ik,is)%weight C The weight used is a geometric factor asoociated to k and does not depend on the variable is. C That's why we merely multiply by the "weight" each term while summing over the k-points and the |phi_j> basis. ENDDO ! End of the |phi_j > basis loop ENDIF ENDDO ! End of the iss loop ENDDO ! End of the ik loop DEALLOCATE(D) C ENDIF ! End of the basis if-then-else C ENDDO ! End of the iorb loop C C C =============================== C Symmetrization to the full BZ : C =============================== CALL symmetrize_mat(densmat,orb,norb) C C C ============================================================================ C Application of the Rloc transformation to go back to the local coordinates : C ============================================================================ CALL rotdens_mat(densmat,orb,norb) C C C ================================================================= C Printing the density matrices and the charge in the output file : C ================================================================= IF(ifprnt) THEN CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)') '-------------------------------------' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)') & 'Density Matrices for all the States of the System : ' CALL printout(0) C The density matrices and charge are printed for all the included orbitals DO iorb=1,norb CALL printout(0) isrt=orb(iorb)%sort l= orb(iorb)%l C Description of the correlated orbital WRITE(buf,'(3(a,i3))') & ' Sort = ',isrt,' Atom = ',orb(iorb)%atom, & ' and Orbital l = ',l CALL printout(0) q=0d0 C C The case l=0 is a particular case of "non-mixing" basis. C -------------------------------------------------------- IF (l==0) THEN C For a calculation spin-polarized with SO : IF (nsp==4) THEN WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1,1), & densmat(3,iorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & densmat(4,iorb)%mat(1,1), & densmat(2,iorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) q=q+densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1,1)+ + densmat(2,iorb)%mat(1,1) C For a calculation spin-polarized without SO : ELSE IF (nsp==2) THEN WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1,1),DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(2(2F12.6,2x))') & DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0),densmat(2,iorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) q=q+densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1,1)+ + densmat(2,iorb)%mat(1,1) C For a paramagnetic calculation without SO : ELSE WRITE(buf,'(2F12.6,2x)') densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1,1) q=q+densmat(1,iorb)%mat(1,1) CALL printout(0) ENDIF C C If the basis representation needs a complete spinor rotation approach (basis with "mixing" ). C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSEIF (reptrans(l,isrt)%ifmixing) THEN C In this case, the calculation is necessary spin-polarized with SO : WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') 'Writing the matrix as : ', & '[ block 1 | block 2 ] with' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') ' ', & '[ block 3 | block 4 ]' CALL printout(0) C Printing the different blocks ALLOCATE(D(1,1:2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 1 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=1,2*l+1 D(1,1:2*l+1)=densmat(1,iorb)%mat(m,1:(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 2 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=1,2*l+1 D(1,1:2*l+1)= & densmat(1,iorb)%mat(m,2*l+2:2*(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 3 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=2*l+2,2*(2*l+1) D(1,1:2*l+1)= & densmat(1,iorb)%mat(m,1:(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)') ' # For the block 4 :' CALL printout(0) DO m=2*l+2,2*(2*l+1) D(1,1:2*l+1)= & densmat(1,iorb)%mat(m,2*l+2:2*(2*l+1)) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(D) DO m1=1,2*(2*l+1) q=q+densmat(1,iorb)%mat(m1,m1) ENDDO C C If the basis representation can be reduce to the up/up block (basis without "mixing"). C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE IF(nsp==4) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') 'Writing the matrix as : ', & '[ block up/up | block up/dn ] with' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') ' ', & '[ block dn/up | block dn/dn ]' CALL printout(0) ELSEIF(nsp==2) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') 'Writing the matrix as : ', & '[ block up/up | 0 ] with' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') ' ', & '[ 0 | block dn/dn ]' CALL printout(0) ENDIF DO iss=1,nsp IF(iss.LE.2) THEN is=iss is1=iss C If iss=1 (up), is=1 and is1=1 -> Description of the up/up block C If iss=2 (down), is=2 and is1=2 -> Description of the down/down block IF (is==1) THEN IF ( ifSP.or.ifSO ) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Up/Up block :' ENDIF CALL printout(0) ELSE WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Down/Down block :' CALL printout(0) ENDIF ELSE is=iss-2 is1=3-is C If iss=3, is=1 (up) and is1=2 (down) -> Description of the up/down block C If iss=4, is=2 (down) and is1=1 (up) -> Description of the down/up block IF (is==1) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Up/Down block :' CALL printout(0) ELSE WRITE(buf,'(a)') ' # For the Down/Up block :' CALL printout(0) ENDIF ENDIF ALLOCATE(D(1,-l:l)) DO m=-l,l D(1,-l:l)=densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(m,-l:l) WRITE(buf,'(7(2F12.6),x)') D(:,:) CALL printout(0) IF(is==is1) q=q+densmat(iss,iorb)%mat(m,m) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(D) ENDDO ENDIF C Displaying the charge q of the orbital CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,f10.5)')'The charge of the orbital is : ',q CALL printout(0) ENDDO ENDIF C C ========================================================================== C Printing the total charge in the output file (only if only_corr =.FALSE.): C ========================================================================== WRITE(buf,'(a,f11.5)')'TOTAL CHARGE = ',qtot CALL printout(1) C ENDIF ! End of the .not.only_corr if-then-else RETURN END