c ****************************************************************************** c c TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems c c Copyright (C) 2011 by L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola, C. Martins, M. Aichhorn c c TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the c terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software c Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later c version. c c TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY c WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS c FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more c details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with c TRIQS. If not, see . c c *****************************************************************************/ PROGRAM dmftproj C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C %% %% C %% This prgm computes projections to a local (correlated) set of %% C %% orbitals from the set of eigenfunctions obtained with Wien2k. %% C %% %% C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C Definiton of the variables : C ---------------------------- USE almblm_data USE common_data USE file_names USE prnt USE symm USE reps IMPLICIT NONE C REAL(KIND=8) :: e_win, e_sum, elecn, qtot, qdum REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Alm_sum, Qlm_sum COMPLEX(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: occ_mat COMPLEX(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: occ_mat_sym C COMPLEX(KIND=8) :: coff COMPLEX(KIND=8),DIMENSION(-3:3,-3:3) :: tmpmat INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lnreps INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: correps INTEGER :: isrt, ie, l, m, isym, jatom INTEGER :: lm, ik, ilo, ib, iatom, imu INTEGER :: idum, i1, i2 INTEGER :: m1, m2, lm1, lm2 INTEGER :: is, irep, nbrep INTEGER :: iorb, icrorb, nmaxrep INTEGER :: paramflag, lcorr LOGICAL :: ifcorr REAL(KIND=8) :: fdum, rtetr REAL(KIND=8),PARAMETER :: Elarge=1d6 C ================================ C Processing of the command line : C ================================ CALL readcomline C ==================================================== C Initialization of the variable ns (number of spin) : C ==================================================== C If the computation uses spin-polarized input files, ns=2 ns=1 IF(ifSP) ns=2 C =================================== C Opening of the input/output files : C =================================== CALL openfiles C ========================================= C Reading of the input file case.indmftpr : C ========================================= READ(iuinp,*)nsort C nsort = number of sorts of atom ALLOCATE(nmult(0:nsort)) nmult(0)=0 READ(iuinp,*)nmult(1:nsort) C nmult = multiplicity for each sort of atom, table from 1 to nsort natom=SUM(nmult(1:nsort)) C natom = total number of atoms in the unit cell ALLOCATE(isort(natom)) iatom=0 DO isrt=1,nsort DO imu=1,nmult(isrt) iatom=iatom+1 isort(iatom)=isrt ENDDO ENDDO C isort = table of correspondance iatom -> isort (from 1 to natom) READ(iuinp,*)lmax C lmax = maximal orbital number l for all the atoms IF(ifSO) THEN nlm=(lmax+1)*(lmax+1)*2 ELSE nlm=(lmax+1)*(lmax+1) ENDIF C nlm = maximal number of matrix elements for an l-orbital C only doubled when SO because of the up and down independent parts... ALLOCATE(lsort(0:lmax,nsort)) ALLOCATE(defbasis(nsort)) ALLOCATE(lnreps(0:lmax,nsort)) IF(.not.ifSO) THEN C Spin is a good quantum number and ireps are considered in orbital space only. ALLOCATE(correps(2*lmax+1,0:lmax,nsort)) ELSE C Spin is not a good quantum number anymore (possibility of basis which mixes up and dn states) C the ireps are considered in spin+orbital space. ALLOCATE(correps(2*(2*lmax+1),0:lmax,nsort)) ENDIF ALLOCATE(ifSOflag(nsort)) DO isrt=1,nsort READ(iuinp,*) defbasis(isrt)%typebasis IF (defbasis(isrt)%typebasis(1:8)=='fromfile') THEN READ(iuinp,*) defbasis(isrt)%sourcefile ELSE defbasis(isrt)%sourcefile = 'null' ENDIF C defbasis = table of correspondance isort -> "basistrans" element, table from 1 to nsort C defbasis(isrt)%typebasis = "cubic", "complex" or "fromfile" C defbasis(isrt)%sourcefile = the name of the file to read if typebasis="fromfile" READ(iuinp,*)lsort(0:lmax,isrt) READ(iuinp,*)lnreps(0:lmax,isrt) C ifcorr is a flag who states if the atomic sort isrt has correlated orbitals. ifcorr=.FALSE. DO l=0,lmax IF (lsort(l,isrt)==2) THEN ifcorr=.TRUE. C If lnreps(l,isrt)=1, the treatment is the same as a 0 value. C because if the number of irep is 1, this irep will be the correlated one. C C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Interruption of the prgm if the number of irep is not correct. C ------------------------- C IF (ifSO) THEN C With SO, the number of ireps must not exceed 2*(2*l+1). IF(lnreps(l,isrt).gt.(2*(2*l+1))) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a,i2,a,i2,a)')' The number of ireps ', & 'considered for l=',l,' and isrt=',isrt, & ' is not possible.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) STOP END IF ELSE C Without SO, the number of ireps must not exceed (2*l+1). IF(lnreps(l,isrt).gt.(2*l+1)) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a,i2,a,i2,a)')' The number of ireps ', & 'considered for l=',l,' and isrt=',isrt, & ' is not possible.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) STOP END IF ENDIF C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C The description of the different ireps is considered only if there are more than 1 irep. C that is to say if lnreps(l,isrt)=2, 3,... IF(lnreps(l,isrt)>0) THEN READ(iuinp,'(14i1)') correps(1:lnreps(l,isrt),l,isrt) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO C The ifSO_flag is read only if there is a correlated orbital for the sort isrt. IF (ifcorr) THEN READ(iuinp,'(i1)') ifSOflag(isrt) ENDIF ENDDO C lsort = index for each orbital (0 : not include / 1 : include / 2 : correlated), table from 0 to lmax, from 1 to nsort C lnreps = number of irreducible representations for each orbital, table from 0 to lmax, from 1 to nsort (temporary variables) C correps = index for each irreducible representations of the correlated orbital, table from 1 to lnreps(l,isrt), from 0 to lmax, from 1 to nsort (temporary variable) C ifSOflag = table of correspondance isort -> optionSO (1 or 0). Only used for isort with correlated orbitals READ(iuinp,*) e_bot,e_top C e_bot, e_top : lower and upper limits of the energy window C C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Interruption of the prgm if the energy window is not well-defined. C ------------------------- C IF(e_bot.gt.e_top) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')' The energy window ', & ' is ill-defined.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) STOP END IF C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C ===================================================================== C Writing in the output file case.outdmftpr the previous informations : C ===================================================================== WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'Welcome in DMFTPROJ: ', & 'PROJECTION TO LOCALIZED BASIS' CALL printout(1) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'This prgm will build', & ' the Wannier projectors to the' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'localized orbitals of an atom', & ' onto which DMFT will be applied.' CALL printout(1) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'You are performing a computation' CALL printout(0) C Spin orbit option IF(ifSO) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a)')'in which Spin-Orbit is included.' ELSE WRITE(buf,'(a)')'without Spin-Orbit.' ENDIF CALL printout(0) C Spin polarized option IF(ifSP) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a)')'using Spin-Polarized Wien2k input files.' ELSE WRITE(buf,'(a)')'using Paramagnetic Wien2k input files.' ENDIF CALL printout(0) IF (ifSO.AND.(.not.ifSP)) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'You must use Spin-Polarized input files', & ' to perform Spin-Orbit computation, with this version.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) STOP ENDIF C Printing nsort, nmult WRITE(buf,'(a)')'=======================================' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,i3)')'Sorts of atoms = ',nsort CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,50i2)')'Equivalent sites per each sort:', & nmult(1:nsort) CALL printout(1) C norb=0 ncrorb=0 ALLOCATE(notinclude(1:nsort)) DO isrt=1,nsort WRITE(buf,'(a)')'-------------------------------------' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)')'For the sort ',isrt,' :' CALL printout(0) notinclude(isrt)=.TRUE. C Printing the name of the included orbitals for each sort DO l=0,lmax IF(lsort(l,isrt).NE.0) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)')'The orbital l=',l,' is included.' CALL printout(0) norb=norb+nmult(isrt) notinclude(isrt)=.FALSE. ENDIF ENDDO C The variable notinclude(isrt) is a boolean which precises whether the sort isrt C is considered in the pbm. (whether there is at least one lsort(l,isrt) not 0.) IF (notinclude(isrt)) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a)')'No orbital is included.' CALL printout(0) CALL printout(0) cycle C If no orbital of isrt is included, they can't be correlated orbitals. END IF CALL printout(0) C Determination of the total number of correlated orbitals for each sort DO l=0,lmax IF(lsort(l,isrt)==2) THEN ncrorb=ncrorb+nmult(isrt) ENDIF ! End of the lsort=2 if-then-else ENDDO ! End of the l loop ENDDO ! End of the isrt loop C norb = total number of included orbitals in the system C ncrorb = total number of correlated orbitals in the system C C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Interruption of the prgm if no orbital is included. C ------------------------- C IF (norb==0) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'You must include at least one orbital.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) STOP ENDIF C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C =========================================================================================== C Initialization of the "orbital-type" tables orb and crorb, tables of size norb and ncrorb : C =========================================================================================== ALLOCATE(orb(norb),crorb(ncrorb)) iorb=0 icrorb=0 DO isrt=1,nsort IF (notinclude(isrt)) cycle DO l=0,lmax IF(lsort(l,isrt).NE.0) THEN C ------------------------------- C For all the included orbitals : C ------------------------------- DO imu=1,nmult(isrt) iatom=SUM(nmult(0:isrt-1))+imu iorb=iorb+1 orb(iorb)%atom=iatom C the field orb%atom = number of the atom when classified in the order (isort,imult) orb(iorb)%sort=isrt C the field orb%sort = sort of the associated atom orb(iorb)%l=l C the field orb%l = the orbital number l IF(imu==1) THEN orb(iorb)%first=.TRUE. ELSE orb(iorb)%first=.FALSE. ENDIF C the field orb%first = boolean (if first_atom of the sort isort or not) IF(lnreps(l,isrt).NE.0) THEN orb(iorb)%ifsplit=.TRUE. ELSE orb(iorb)%ifsplit=.FALSE. ENDIF C the field orb%ifsplit = boolean (if ireps are used or not) ENDDO C IF(lsort(l,isrt)==2) THEN C --------------------------------- C For all the correlated orbitals : C --------------------------------- DO imu=1,nmult(isrt) iatom=SUM(nmult(0:isrt-1))+imu icrorb=icrorb+1 crorb(icrorb)%atom=iatom C the field crorb%atom = number of the atom when classified in the order (isort,imult) crorb(icrorb)%sort=isrt C the field crorb%sort = sort of the associated atom crorb(icrorb)%l=l C the field crorb%l = the orbital number l IF(imu==1) THEN crorb(icrorb)%first=.TRUE. ELSE crorb(icrorb)%first=.FALSE. ENDIF C the field orb%first = boolean (if first_atom of the sort isort or not) IF(lnreps(l,isrt).NE.0) THEN crorb(icrorb)%ifsplit=.TRUE. ALLOCATE(crorb(icrorb)%correp(lnreps(l,isrt))) crorb(icrorb)%correp=.FALSE. DO irep=1,lnreps(l,isrt) IF(correps(irep,l,isrt)==1) & crorb(icrorb)%correp(irep)=.TRUE. ENDDO C the field crorb%correp is defined only when crorb%ifsplit= true C the field orb%correp = boolean table of size lnreps(l,isrt) : True if the ireps is correlated, False otherwise ELSE crorb(icrorb)%ifsplit=.FALSE. ENDIF C the field orb%ifsplit = boolean (if ireps are used or not) IF (ifSOflag(isrt)==1) THEN crorb(icrorb)%ifSOat=1 ELSE crorb(icrorb)%ifSOat=0 ENDIF C the field crorb%ifSOflag = boolean (if SO are used or not) ENDDO ENDIF ! End of the lsort=2 if-then-else ENDIF ! End of the lsort>0 if-then-else ENDDO ! End of the l loop ENDDO ! End of the isrt loop C C Printing the size of the Energy window CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(2(a,f10.5),a)') & 'The Eigenstates are projected in an energy window from ', & e_bot,' Ry to ',e_top,' Ry around the Fermi level.' CALL printout(1) C C ======================================================================================= C Reading of the transformation matrices from the complex to the required angular basis : C ======================================================================================= CALL set_ang_trans C C ====================================================================================== C Comparing data about correlated ireps and the description of transformation matrices : C ====================================================================================== C CALL printout(0) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'=======================================' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'Precisions about correlated orbitals.' CALL printout(0) CALL printout(0) DO isrt=1,nsort IF (notinclude(isrt)) cycle WRITE(buf,'(a)')'-------------------------------------' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)')'For the sort ',isrt,' :' CALL printout(0) lcorr=0 DO l=0,lmax C Only correlated orbital l of isrt are considered here. IF (lsort(l,isrt)==2) THEN lcorr=lcorr+1 C If the whole orbital is correlated (lnreps=0 in this case) IF (lnreps(l,isrt)==0) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)')'The whole orbital l=',l, & ' is included as correlated.' CALL printout(0) C If only one particular irep of the orbital is correlated ELSE C C For a computation without spin-orbit or a computation with SO and with a basis which mixes up and dn states. C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ((.not.ifSO).OR. & (ifSO.AND.(l.NE.0).AND.reptrans(l,isrt)%ifmixing)) & THEN C without SO, the case l=0 can not occur since lnreps(0,isrt)=0. C C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Interruption of the prgm if the data about ireps are conflicting. C ------------------------- C IF (lnreps(l,isrt).NE.reptrans(l,isrt)%nreps) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a,i2,a)') & 'The number of ireps considered ', & 'for the orbital l= ', l ,' is wrong.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) STOP C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Writing in the output file case.outdmftpr the irep considered as correlated. ELSE nbrep=0 DO irep=1,lnreps(l,isrt) IF (correps(irep,l,isrt)==1) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a,i2,a)') & 'The irep ',irep,' of orbital l= ', l, & ' is considered as correlated.' CALL printout(0) nbrep=nbrep+1 ENDIF ENDDO C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Printing a Warning if more than one irep for one value of l is considered. C ------------------- C IF (nbrep.gt.1) THEN CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)') 'WARNING : ', & 'more than 1 irep is included as correlated.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a,a)') ' ', & 'The calculation may not be correct ', & 'in this case.' CALL printout(1) ENDIF ENDIF ! End of the data-conflict if-then-else C C For a computation with spin-orbit with basis which doesn't mix up and dn states. C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a)')'The whole orbital l=',l, & ' is included as correlated.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'because this computation ', & 'includes Spin-Orbit coupling.' CALL printout(0) ENDIF ! End of the ifSo if-then-else ENDIF ! End of the lnreps=0 if-then-else ENDIF ! End of the lsort=2 if-then-else C In the case of no correlated orbitals are considered for the atomic sort isrt : ENDDO ! End of the l loop IF (lcorr==0) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'No orbital is included as correlated.' CALL printout(0) ENDIF ! End of the lcorr=0 if-then-else ENDDO ! End of the isrt loop CALL printout(0) DEALLOCATE(lnreps,correps) C lnreps and correps can not be used anymore... C C ================================== C Setting of the symmetry matrices : C ================================== CALL setsym C C ========================================================================================= C Reading of the Wien2k informations in the case.almblm file (generated by x lapw2 -almd) : C ========================================================================================= C CALL printout(0) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'=======================================' CALL printout(0) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'Reading of the file ',almblm_file CALL printout(0) C Reading of the klist_band file if the computation if band oriented (option -band) IF(ifBAND) CALL read_k_list DO is=1,ns C If the computation is spin-polarized, there are two differents file (up and down) IF(is==2) THEN CLOSE(iualmblm) OPEN(iualmblm,file=almblm_file_sp2,status='old') WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'Reading of the file ',almblm_file_sp2 CALL printout(0) ENDIF C ------------------------------------------------------------- C Reading of the general informations in the case.almblm file : C ------------------------------------------------------------- READ(iualmblm,*)elecn READ(iualmblm,*)nk READ(iualmblm,*)nloat C elecn = total number of semicore+valence electrons in the system C nk = total number of k_points C nloat = maximal number of LO (local orbitals in LAPW expansion) IF(ifBAND) THEN IF (is==1) READ(iuinp,*)eferm READ(iualmblm,*) ELSE READ(iualmblm,*)eferm ENDIF C eferm = fermi level (if the computation is band-oriented, it is read in case.indmftpr) IF(is==1) THEN ALLOCATE(kp(nk,ns),u_dot_norm(0:lmax,nsort,ns)) ALLOCATE(ovl_LO_u(nloat,0:lmax,nsort,ns)) ALLOCATE(ovl_LO_udot(nloat,0:lmax,nsort,ns)) ALLOCATE(nLO(0:lmax,nsort)) ENDIF nLO=0 DO isrt=1,nsort C Beginning of the loop on the sort of atoms (isort) DO l=0,lmax READ(iualmblm,*)u_dot_norm(l,isrt,is) READ(iualmblm,*)nLO(l,isrt) C C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Interruption of the prgm if nLO is more than 1. C ------------------------- C IF (nLO(l,isrt) > 1) THEN WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'The current version of DMFTproj ', & ' cannot be used with more than 1 LO orbital by atom. ' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,i2,a,i2)') & ' This is not the case for the orbital l= ',l, & ' of the atomic sort ',isrt CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) STOP END IF C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C It is assumed in the following that nLO is 0 or 1. DO ilo=1,nLO(l,isrt) READ(iualmblm,*)ovl_LO_u(ilo,l,isrt,is), & ovl_LO_udot(ilo,l,isrt,is) ENDDO ENDDO C kp = table of "kp_data" elements. It ranges from 1 to nk and from 1 to ns. C u_dot_norm(isort,l) = norm for the orbital C nLO(isort,l) = number of LO (local orbitals) for each orbital of each sort (its value is assumed to be 0 or 1) C ovl_LO_u(isort, l) = overlap element for the LO orbitals C ovl_LO_udot(isort, l) = overlap element for the LO orbitals C These informations are relative to the basis set for the atomic eigenstates (LAPW-APW expansion) C C -------------------------------------------------------------- C For each kpoints and isrt, the "kp_data" elements are filled : C -------------------------------------------------------------- DO ik=1,nk READ(iualmblm,'()') READ(iualmblm,'()') READ(iualmblm,*)idum,kp(ik,is)%nbmin,kp(ik,is)%nbmax C idum = useless variable in case.almblm C kp(ik,is)%nbmin = index of the lowest band C kp(ik,is)%nbmzx = index of the uppest band IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(kp(ik,is)%Alm)) THEN ALLOCATE(kp(ik,is)%eband(kp(ik,is) & %nbmin:kp(ik,is)%nbmax)) ALLOCATE(kp(ik,is)%Alm(nlm,natom, & kp(ik,is)%nbmin:kp(ik,is)%nbmax)) ALLOCATE(kp(ik,is)%Blm(nlm,natom, & kp(ik,is)%nbmin:kp(ik,is)%nbmax)) ALLOCATE(kp(ik,is)%Clm(nloat,nlm,natom, & kp(ik,is)%nbmin:kp(ik,is)%nbmax)) ALLOCATE(kp(ik,is)%tetrweight(kp(ik,is)%nbmin: & kp(ik,is)%nbmax)) ENDIF DO ib=kp(ik,is)%nbmin,kp(ik,is)%nbmax READ(iualmblm,*)rtetr,kp(ik,is)%eband(ib) kp(ik,is)%tetrweight(ib)=CMPLX(rtetr,0d0) ENDDO C rtetr = tetrahedron weights of the band ib at this kpoint C the field kp(ik,is)%eband(ib) = eigenvalues of the ib band at this kpoint C the field kp(ik,is)%tetrweight(ib) = the tetrahedron weights are set as complex number to avoid problems with SQRT(tetrweight) kp(ik,is)%weight=REAL(kp(ik,is)%tetrweight & (kp(ik,is)%nbmin)) C the field kp(ik,is)%weight = value of the tetrahedron weight of the lowest band (fully occupied) at this kpoint -> "a geometric factor" kp(ik,is)%eband=kp(ik,is)%eband-eferm C the eigenvalues kp(ik,is)%eband are shifted with respect to the fermi level. C C Reading of the Alm, Blm and Clm coefficient DO imu=1,nmult(isrt) iatom=SUM(nmult(0:isrt-1))+imu READ(iualmblm,'()') READ(iualmblm,*)idum DO ib=kp(ik,is)%nbmin,kp(ik,is)%nbmax lm=0 DO l=0,lmax DO m=-l,l lm=lm+1 READ(iualmblm,*)kp(ik,is)%Alm(lm,iatom,ib), & kp(ik,is)%Blm(lm,iatom,ib) DO ilo=1,nLO(l,isrt) READ(iualmblm,*)kp(ik,is)%Clm(ilo,lm,iatom,ib) ENDDO ENDDO ! End of the m loop ENDDO ! End of the l loop ENDDO ! End of the ib loop ENDDO ! End of the imu loop C the field kp(ik,is)%Alm = coefficient A_(lm,ib,iatom)(ik,is) as defined in equation (2.34) of my thesis (equation (??) of the tutorial) C the field kp(ik,is)%Blm = coefficient B_(lm,ib,iatom)(ik,is) as defined in equation (2.34) of my thesis (equation (??) of the tutorial) C the field kp(ik,is)%Clm = coefficient C_(ilo,lm,ib,iatom)(ik,is) as defined in equation (2.34) of my thesis (equation (??) of the tutorial) C Their explicit expression depends of the representation (LAPW or APW). They enable to compute the projectors. C These values are given for all the orbitals (even those which are not included in the study) ENDDO ! End of the loop on kp ENDDO ! End of the loop on isort ENDDO ! End of the loop on ns (spin) C End of reading the case.almblm.file C Printing in the file case.outdmftpr the fermi level (in Rydberg) CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,f10.5,a)')'The value of the Fermi Energy is ', & eferm,' Ry.' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'All the considered energies are now given ', & 'with respect to this value. (E_Fermi is now 0 Ry)' CALL printout(1) C C C ============================================================== C Computation of the density matrices up to the Fermi level Ef : C ============================================================== C WRITE(buf,'(a)')'=======================================' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a)')'Computation of the Occupancies ', & 'and Density Matrices up to E_Fermi' CALL printout(1) C ---------------------------------------- C Setting up the projections for all bands C ---------------------------------------- CALL set_projections(-Elarge,Elarge) C Elarge is an energy variable equal to 1.d6 Rydberg (very large !!!) C C --------------------------------------------------------- C Computation of the density matrices and the total charges C --------------------------------------------------------- C IF(.NOT.ifBAND) CALL density(.TRUE.,.FALSE.,qdum,.TRUE.) C For the integration, tetrahedron weights are used. C The computation is performed for all the included orbitals C and the density matrices are printed in the file case.outdmftpr C qdum is the total charge density. (unused variable) C C The calculation of Wannier projectors is performed only if correlated orbitals are included. IF(ncrorb.NE.0) THEN C C ===================================================================== C Computation of the charge below the lower limit e_bot of the window : C ===================================================================== C WRITE(buf,'(a)')'=======================================' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a,f10.5,a)')'Computation of the total ', & 'Charge below the lower limit of the energy window :', & e_bot,' Ry' CALL printout(1) C C ---------------------------------------- C Setting up the projections for all bands C ---------------------------------------- CALL set_projections(-Elarge,e_bot) C C --------------------------------------------------------- C Computation of the density matrices and the total charges C --------------------------------------------------------- C IF(.NOT.ifBAND) CALL density(.FAlSE.,.FALSE.,qtot,.FALSE.) C A simple point integration is used. C The computation is performed for all the included orbitals. C qtot is the total charge density below e_bot. C Nothing will be printed in the file case.outdmftpr apart from the total charge qtot. C C C ============================================================ C Computation of the Wannier projectors in the energy window : C ============================================================ C WRITE(buf,'(a)')'=======================================' CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a,a,a,f10.5,a,f10.5,a)')'Computation of the ', & 'Occupancies and Density Matrices in the desired ', & 'energy window [ ',e_bot,'; ',e_top,']' CALL printout(1) C C ---------------------------------------- C Setting up the projections for all bands C ---------------------------------------- CALL set_projections(e_bot,e_top) C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Orthonormalization of the projectors for correlated orbitals P(icrorb,ik,is) : C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF(ifSO) THEN C In this case, up and dn states must be orthogonalized together C because the spin is not a good quantum number anymore. CALL orthogonal_wannier_SO ELSE C In this case, up and dn states can be orthogonalized separately CALL orthogonal_wannier ENDIF C C --------------------------------------------------------- C Computation of the density matrices and the total charges C --------------------------------------------------------- C Tetrahedron weights are used, the computation are done for correlated orbitals only and are printed in the outputfile. IF(.NOT.ifBAND) CALL density(.TRUE.,.TRUE.,qdum,.TRUE.) C For the integration, tetrahedron weights are used. C The computation is performed for the correlated orbitals only C and the density matrices are printed in the file case.outdmftpr C qdum is the total charge density in the energy window. (unused variable) C C C Writing the output files for DMFT computations : C ------------------------------------------------ IF(.NOT.ifBAND) THEN CALL outqmc(elecn,qtot) ELSE CALL outband ENDIF CALL outbwin ENDIF C End of the prgm CALL printout(0) WRITE(buf,'(a)')'END OF THE PRGM' CALL printout(0) C END