// Specialization of py_converter to types wrapped by the wrap_generator. // DO NOT EDIT. Generated automatically by wrap_generator // We store here the list of the C++ converted types for use in another module // WrappedTypeList // ${list(set(module.wrapped_types))} // #pragma once // in case it is included in the module ${module.full_name}.so, we do not want this specialization #ifndef TRIQS_PYTHON_WRAPPER_MODULE_${module.name} %for file in module.include_list : %if file.startswith('<'): #include ${file} %else: #include "${file}" %endif %endfor #include namespace triqs { namespace py_tools { %for n,c in enumerate(module.classes.values()) : template<> struct py_converter<${c.c_type_absolute}> { static void ** init() { PyObject * mod = PyImport_ImportModule("${module.full_name}"); if (mod ==NULL) return NULL; void ** table = (void **)PyCapsule_Import("${module.full_name}._exported_wrapper_convert_fnt", 0); return table; } static PyObject * c2py(${c.c_type_absolute} const & x){ static void **wrapped_convert_fnt = init(); if (wrapped_convert_fnt == NULL) return NULL; return ((PyObject * (*)(${c.c_type_absolute} const &)) wrapped_convert_fnt[3*${n}])(x); } static ${c.c_type_absolute}& py2c(PyObject * ob){ static void **wrapped_convert_fnt = init(); if (wrapped_convert_fnt == NULL) std::terminate(); // It should never happen since py2c is called only is is_convertible is true (py_converter specs) return ((${c.c_type_absolute}& (*)(PyObject *)) wrapped_convert_fnt[3*${n}+1])(ob); } static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) { static void **wrapped_convert_fnt = init(); if (wrapped_convert_fnt == NULL) { if (!raise_exception && PyErr_Occurred()) {PyErr_Print();PyErr_Clear();} return false; } return ((bool (*)(PyObject *,bool)) wrapped_convert_fnt[3*${n}+2])(ob,raise_exception); } }; %endfor //--------------------- Converters of regular types -------------------------- %for c in module.classes.values() : %if c.implement_regular_type_converter : // ${c.py_type} is wrapping a view, we are also implementing the converter of the associated regular type template<> struct py_converter<${c.regular_type_absolute}> { using regular_type = ${c.regular_type_absolute}; using conv = py_converter<${c.c_type_absolute}>; static PyObject *c2py(regular_type &g) { return conv::c2py(g); } static PyObject *c2py(regular_type &&g) { return conv::c2py(g); } static bool is_convertible(PyObject * ob, bool raise_exception) { return conv::is_convertible(ob, raise_exception); } static regular_type py2c(PyObject *ob) { return conv::py2c(ob); } }; %endif %endfor //--------------------- Converters of enums -------------------------- %for en in module.enums : template <> struct py_converter<${en.c_name_absolute}> { static PyObject * c2py(${en.c_name_absolute} x) { %for n,val in enumerate(en.values[:-1]) : if (x == ${en.c_namespace}${val}) return PyString_FromString("${val}"); %endfor return PyString_FromString("${en.values[-1]}"); // last case separate to avoid no return warning of compiler } static ${en.c_name_absolute} py2c(PyObject * ob){ std::string s=PyString_AsString(ob); %for n,val in enumerate(en.values[:-1]) : if (s == "${val}") return ${en.c_namespace}${val}; %endfor return ${en.c_namespace}${en.values[-1]}; } static bool is_convertible(PyObject *ob, bool raise_exception) { if (!PyString_Check(ob)) { if (raise_exception) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Convertion of C++ enum ${en.c_name_absolute} : the object is not a string"); return false; } std::string s=PyString_AsString(ob); %for n,val in enumerate(en.values) : if (s == "${val}") return true; %endfor if (raise_exception) { auto err = "Convertion of C++ enum ${en.c_name_absolute} : \nThe string \"" + s +"\" is not in [${','.join([str(x) for x in en.values])}]"; PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, err.c_str()); } return false; } }; %endfor }} #endif