.. index:: clang .. _clang: .. highlight:: bash Using clang compiler ========================== clang++ compiler is **highly recommended** for anyone developing in C++ since : * It has very nice and useful error messages, much nicer than intel or gcc. * It implements most of the new C++11 standard. clang/llvm is now the standard compiler on OS X, but it is open source and works very well on linux too. Version --------- * TRIQS compiles on clang, version 3.0 and later. * Recommended version is 3.1 (latest stable). Get and install clang ------------------------ If you have precompiled version in the `LLVM dowload page `_, use it. E.g. on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS :: wget http://llvm.org/releases/3.1/clang+llvm-3.1-x86_64-linux-ubuntu_12.04.tar.gz tar xzf clang+llvm-3.1-x86_64-linux-ubuntu_12.04 sudo mv clang+llvm-3.1-x86_64-linux-ubuntu_12.04 /opt/clang # add /opt/clang/bin to your path # use clang++... Otherwise, it is in fact quite easy to compile clang from source, just follow the `instructions `_. Usage -------------- In the current version, when compiling with clang, say (provided clang++ is your path of course) :: CXX=clang++ cmake path_to_TRIQS_source_directory .... others options ...