/******************************************************************************* * * TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems * * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by O. Parcollet * * TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef TRIQS_ARRAYS_H5_LOWLEVEL_H #define TRIQS_ARRAYS_H5_LOWLEVEL_H #include <triqs/arrays/array.hpp> #include <triqs/arrays/vector.hpp> #include <triqs/h5.hpp> #include "../cache.hpp" namespace triqs { namespace arrays { namespace h5_impl { template <typename T, int R> const void * get_array_data_cptr ( array_view<T,R> const & A) { return h5::get_data_ptr(&(A.storage()[0]));} template <typename T, int R> const void * get_array_data_cptr ( array<T,R> const & A) { return h5::get_data_ptr(&(A.storage()[0]));} //template <typename T, int R> void * get_array_data_ptr ( array_view<T,R> & A) { return h5::get_data_ptr(&(A.storage()[0]));} //template <typename T, int R> void * get_array_data_ptr ( array<T,R> & A) { return h5::get_data_ptr(&(A.storage()[0]));} template <typename A> ENABLE_IF(is_amv_value_or_view_class<A>) * get_array_data_ptr (A & x) { return h5::get_data_ptr(&(x.storage()[0]));} // the dataspace corresponding to the array. Contiguous data only... template <typename ArrayType > H5::DataSpace data_space ( ArrayType const & A) { static const unsigned int R = ArrayType::rank; mini_vector<hsize_t,R> S; mini_vector<std::ptrdiff_t,R> const & S1 ( A.indexmap().strides() ); for (size_t u=0; u<R ; ++u) { if (S1[u]<=0) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<" negative strides not permitted in h5"; S[u] =1; } if (!A.indexmap().is_contiguous()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<" h5 : internal error : array not contiguous"; static const bool is_complex = boost::is_complex<typename ArrayType::value_type>::value; return h5::dataspace_from_LS<R,is_complex > ( A.indexmap().domain().lengths(),A.indexmap().domain().lengths(), S); } /******************** resize or check the size ****************************************************/ template <typename A> ENABLE_IF(is_amv_value_class<A>) resize_or_check ( A & a, mini_vector<size_t,A::rank> const & dimsf ) { a.resize( indexmaps::cuboid::domain_t<A::rank>( dimsf)); } template <typename A> ENABLE_IF(is_amv_view_class<A>) resize_or_check ( A const & a, mini_vector<size_t,A::rank> const & dimsf ) { if (a.indexmap().domain().lengths() != dimsf) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"Dimension error : the view can not be resized : " << "\n in file : "<< dimsf.to_string() << "\n in view : "<<a.indexmap().domain().lengths().to_string() ; } /*********************************** WRITE array ****************************************************************/ /** * \brief Write an array or a view into an hdf5 file * \tparam * \param f The h5 file or group of type H5::H5File or H5::Group * \param name The name of the hdf5 array in the file/group where the stack will be stored * \param A The array to be stored * \param C_reorder bool If true [default] the data will be stored in C order in the hdf5, hence making a temporary * cache of the data to reorder them in memory. * If false, the array is stored as it [if you know what you are doing] * \exception The HDF5 exceptions will be caught and rethrown as TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR (with a full stackstrace, cf triqs doc). */ template <typename T, int R> void write_array (h5::group g, std::string const & name, array_view <T,R> const & A, bool C_reorder = true) { static_assert( !std::is_base_of<std::string, T>::value, " Not implemented");// 1d is below if (C_reorder) { write_array(g,name, make_const_cache(A).view(),false); return; } try { H5::DataSet ds = g.create_dataset(name, h5::data_type_file<T>(), data_space(A) ); ds.write( get_array_data_cptr(A), h5::data_type_memory<T>(), data_space(A) ); // if complex, to be python compatible, we add the __complex__ attribute if (boost::is_complex<T>::value) h5::write_string_attribute(&ds,"__complex__","1"); } TRIQS_ARRAYS_H5_CATCH_EXCEPTION; } template <typename T, int R> void write_array (h5::group g, std::string const & name, array <T,R> const & A, bool C_reorder = true) { write_array(g,name,A(),C_reorder);} /*********************************** READ array ****************************************************************/ /** * \brief Read an array or a view from an hdf5 file * \tparam ArrayType The type of the array/matrix/vector, etc.. * \param f The h5 file or group of type H5::H5File or H5::Group * \param name The name of the hdf5 array in the file/group where the stack will be stored * \param A The array to be stored * \param C_reorder bool If true [default] the data will be stored in C order in the hdf5, hence making a temporary * cache of the data to reorder them in memory. If false, the array is stored as it [if you know what you are doing] * \exception The HDF5 exceptions will be caught and rethrown as TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR (with a full stackstrace, cf triqs doc). */ template <typename ArrayType> void read_array (h5::group g, std::string const & name, ArrayType & A, bool C_reorder = true) { static_assert( !std::is_base_of<std::string, typename ArrayType::value_type>::value, " Not implemented");// 1d is below typedef typename ArrayType::value_type V; try { H5::DataSet ds = g.open_dataset(name); H5::DataSpace dataspace = ds.getSpace(); static const unsigned int Rank = ArrayType::rank + (boost::is_complex<typename ArrayType::value_type>::value ? 1 : 0); int rank = dataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims(); if (rank != Rank) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "triqs::array::h5::read. Rank mismatch : the array has rank = " <<Rank<<" while the array stored in the hdf5 file has rank = "<<rank; mini_vector<hsize_t,Rank> dims_out; //int ndims = dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dims_out[0], NULL); dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dims_out[0], NULL); mini_vector<size_t,ArrayType::rank > d2; for (size_t u=0; u<ArrayType::rank ; ++u) d2[u] = dims_out[u]; resize_or_check(A, d2 ); if (C_reorder) { read_array(g,name, cache<ArrayType,typename ArrayType::non_view_type>(A).view(),false);} //if (C_reorder) { read_array(g,name, make_cache(A).view(),false);} ds.read( get_array_data_ptr(A), h5::data_type_memory<typename ArrayType::value_type>(), data_space(A) , dataspace ); } TRIQS_ARRAYS_H5_CATCH_EXCEPTION; } // overload : special treatment for arrays of strings (one dimension only). inline void write_array (h5::group f, std::string const & name, vector_view<std::string> const & V) { h5::detail::write_1darray_vector_of_string_impl(f,name,V); } inline void write_array (h5::group f, std::string const & name, array_view<std::string,1> const & V) { write_array(f,name,vector_view<std::string>(V)); } inline void read_array (h5::group f, std::string const & name, arrays::vector<std::string> & V) { h5::detail::read_1darray_vector_of_string_impl(f,name,V); } // I can not use the generic code, just because the resize of the array take a shape, not a size_t as std::vector and vector // Ok, speed is no issue here... inline void read_array (h5::group f, std::string const & name, arrays::array<std::string,1> & V) { arrays::vector<std::string> res; read_array(f,name,res); V = res; } }// namespace h5impl //template<typename ArrayType> struct is_amv_value_or_view_class_no_string : // boost::mpl::and_<is_amv_value_or_view_class<ArrayType>, boost::mpl::not_<boost::is_base_of<std::string, typename ArrayType::value_type> > > {}; template<typename A, typename Enable=void> struct has_scalar_or_string_value_type : std::false_type{}; template<typename A> struct has_scalar_or_string_value_type<A, decltype(nop(std::declval<typename A::value_type>()))> : boost::mpl::or_<is_scalar<typename A::value_type>,std::is_base_of<std::string,typename A::value_type>>{}; template <typename ArrayType> TYPE_ENABLE_IFC(std::string,is_amv_value_or_view_class<ArrayType>::value) get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(ArrayType const&) { using triqs::get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme;// for the basic types, not found by ADL std::stringstream fs; fs<<"array<"<<get_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(typename ArrayType::value_type())<<","<<ArrayType::rank<<">"; return fs.str(); } /** * \brief Read an array or a view from an hdf5 file * \tparam ArrayType The type of the array/matrix/vector, etc.. * \param fg The h5 file or group of type H5::H5File or H5::Group * \param name The name of the hdf5 array in the file/group where the stack will be stored * \param A The array to be stored * \exception The HDF5 exceptions will be caught and rethrown as TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR (with a full stackstrace, cf triqs doc). */ template <typename ArrayType> //ENABLE_IF(is_amv_value_or_view_class<ArrayType>) ENABLE_IFC(is_amv_value_or_view_class<ArrayType>::value && has_scalar_or_string_value_type<ArrayType>::value) h5_read (h5::group fg, std::string const & name, ArrayType & A) { h5_impl::read_array(fg,name, A);} /** * \brief Write an array or a view into an hdf5 file * \tparam ArrayType The type of the array/matrix/vector, etc.. * \param fg The h5 file or group of type H5::H5File or H5::Group * \param name The name of the hdf5 array in the file/group where the stack will be stored * \param A The array to be stored * \exception The HDF5 exceptions will be caught and rethrown as TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR (with a full stackstrace, cf triqs doc). */ template <typename ArrayType> //ENABLE_IF(is_amv_value_or_view_class<ArrayType>) ENABLE_IFC(is_amv_value_or_view_class<ArrayType>::value && has_scalar_or_string_value_type<ArrayType>::value) h5_write (h5::group fg, std::string const & name, ArrayType const & A) { h5_impl::write_array(fg,name, array_view<typename ArrayType::value_type, ArrayType::rank>(A));} }} #endif