import tempfile # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # seems to be executed at the level of the # so we need to link the lib at that place... """ """ import os import codecs from os import path from subprocess import Popen,PIPE from docutils import nodes from sphinx.util.compat import Directive from docutils.parsers.rst import directives from sphinx.errors import SphinxError class TriqsExampleError(SphinxError): category = 'triqs_example error' class TriqsExampleRun(object): #here = os.path.abspath(__file__) #pycon = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here),'') config = dict( ) @classmethod def builder_init(cls,app): #cls.config.update(app.builder.config.autorun_languages) #cls.config.update(app.builder.config.autocompile_opts) pass class TriqsExample(Directive): has_content = True required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = False option_spec = { 'linenos': directives.flag, } def run(self): document = self.state.document filename = self.arguments[0] if not document.settings.file_insertion_enabled: return [document.reporter.warning('File insertion disabled', line=self.lineno)] env = document.settings.env if filename.startswith('/') or filename.startswith(os.sep): rel_fn = filename[1:] else: docdir = path.dirname(env.doc2path(env.docname, base=None)) rel_fn = path.normpath(path.join(docdir, filename)) try: fn = path.join(env.srcdir, rel_fn) except UnicodeDecodeError: # the source directory is a bytestring with non-ASCII characters; # let's try to encode the rel_fn in the file system encoding rel_fn = rel_fn.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) fn = path.join(env.srcdir, rel_fn) encoding = self.options.get('encoding', env.config.source_encoding) try: f =, 'rU', encoding) lines = f.readlines() f.close() except (IOError, OSError): return [document.reporter.warning( 'Include file %r not found or reading it failed' % filename, line=self.lineno)] except UnicodeError: return [document.reporter.warning( 'Encoding %r used for reading included file %r seems to ' 'be wrong, try giving an :encoding: option' % (encoding, filename))] config = TriqsExampleRun.config # Get configuration values for the language input_encoding = 'ascii' #config.get(language+'_input_encoding','ascii') output_encoding = 'ascii' #config.get(language+'_output_encoding','ascii') show_source = True # Build the code text code = u''.join(lines).strip() filename_clean = filename.rsplit('.',1)[0] if filename_clean.startswith('./') : filename_clean = filename_clean[2:] #print "Running the example ....",filename_clean import subprocess as S error = True try : stdout ='' resout = S.check_output("./%s/doc_%s"%(docdir,filename_clean) ,stderr=S.STDOUT,shell=True) if resout : stdout = '---------- Result is -------\n' + resout.strip() error = False except S.CalledProcessError as E : stdout ='---------- RunTime error -------\n' stdout += E.output # Process output if stdout: stdout = stdout.decode(output_encoding,'ignore') out = u''.join(stdout).decode(output_encoding) else: out = '' #.join(stderr).decode(output_encoding) # Get the original code with prefixes code_out = u'\n'.join((code,out)) if error : # report on console print " Error in processing " print code_out literal = nodes.literal_block(code_out,code_out) literal['language'] = 'c' literal['linenos'] = 'linenos' in self.options return [literal] def setup(app): app.add_directive('triqs_example', TriqsExample) app.connect('builder-inited',TriqsExampleRun.builder_init)