################################################################################ # # TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems # # Copyright (C) 2011 by M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola # Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Simons Foundation # # TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # TRIQS. If not, see . # # Authors: M. Aichhorn, S. Beck, A. Hampel, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola ################################################################################ from numpy import * from h5 import HDFArchive from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k import * from triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft import * from triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft_tools import * from triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft_transport import transport_distribution, init_spectroscopy, conductivity_and_seebeck, write_output_to_hdf from triqs.utility.comparison_tests import * from triqs.utility import h5diff beta = 40 Converter = Wien2kConverter(filename='SrVO3', repacking=True) Converter.convert_dft_input() Converter.convert_transport_input() with HDFArchive('SrVO3_Sigma_transport.h5', 'a') as ar: Sigma = ar['dmft_transp_input']['Sigma_w'] SK = SumkDFTTools(hdf_file='SrVO3.ref.h5', mesh=Sigma.mesh, use_dft_blocks=True) SK.set_Sigma([Sigma]) SK.chemical_potential = ar['dmft_transp_input']['chemical_potential'] SK.dc_imp = ar['dmft_transp_input']['dc_imp'] SK = init_spectroscopy(SK, code='wien2k') Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh = transport_distribution(SK, directions=['xx'], broadening=0.0, energy_window=[-0.3,0.3], Om_mesh=[0.00, 0.02], beta=beta, with_Sigma=True, code='wien2k') #SK.save(['Gamma_w','Om_meshr','omega','directions']) #SK.load(['Gamma_w','Om_meshr','omega','directions']) optic_cond, seebeck, kappa = conductivity_and_seebeck(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SK.SP, ['xx'], beta=beta) output_dict = {'seebeck': seebeck, 'optic_cond': optic_cond, 'kappa': kappa} write_output_to_hdf(SK, output_dict, 'transp_output') # comparison of the output transport data if mpi.is_master_node(): out = HDFArchive('SrVO3.ref.h5','r') ref = HDFArchive('srvo3_transp.ref.h5', 'r') h5diff.compare('', out['transp_output'], ref['transp_output'], 0, 1e-8)