.. index:: install_options .. highlight:: bash .. _install_options: Customizing installation: cmake options --------------------------------------- Specifying the compiler or compile/link flags ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To specify the compiler with cmake one may use the CXX, CXXFLAGS variables, e.g.:: CXX=clang++ CXXFLAGS=XXXX cmake path_to_TRIQS_source_directory ... Customize the installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can then customize the installation options using the :program:`ccmake` program:: ccmake . This opens an interface with your main installation options shown:: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON Build_Documentation OFF Build_Triqs_General_Tools_Test ON CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /home/parcolle/BUILD2/Triqs_dynamic/INSTALL_DIR Install_dev OFF LAPACK_LIBS /usr/lib/liblapack.so;/usr/lib/libblas.so;/usr/lib/libpthread.so;/usr/lib/libblas.so PYTHON_INTERPRETER /usr/bin/python You can for instance change the following options: * ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX``: This is the directory :file:`path_to_install_directory` where you want to install TRIQS. * ``Build_Documentation``: Get the documentation locally in :file:`path_to_install_directory/share/doc`. You may change all other installation options (like locations of libraries, the choice of compilers, etc.) in the advanced mode, by typing 't' after having opened the *ccmake* interface. After having corrected your options you may build, test and install TRIQS as described in :ref:`installation`.