########################################################################## # # TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems # # Copyright (C) 2023 by A. Carta, A. Hampel # # TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # TRIQS. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Helper utilities / standalone functions for the sumk class """ import numpy as np import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi def compute_DC_from_density(N_tot, U, J, N_spin=None, n_orbitals=5, method='sFLL'): """ Computes the double counting correction using various methods. For FLL and AMF DC the notations and equations from doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27731-4 are used, whereas for the Held DC the definitions from doi.org/10.1080/00018730701619647 are used. Parameters ---------- N_tot : float Total density of the impurity N_spin : float , default = None Spin density, defaults to N_tot*0.5 if not specified U : float U value J : float J value n_orbitals : int, default = 5 Total number of orbitals method : string, default = 'cFLL' possibilities: - cFLL: DC potential from Ryee for spin unpolarized DFT: (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-27731-4) - sFLL: same as above for spin polarized DFT - cAMF: around mean field - sAMF: spin polarized around mean field - cHeld: unpolarized Held's formula as reported in (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033088) - sHeld: NOT IMPLEMENTED Returns ------- List of floats: - DC_val: double counting potential - E_val: double counting energy todo: - See whether to move this to TRIQS directly instead of dft_tools - allow as input full density matrix to allow orbital dependent DC """ if N_spin is not None: N_spin2 = N_tot-N_spin Mag = N_spin - N_spin2 L_orbit = (n_orbitals-1)/2 if method == 'cFLL': E_val = 0.5 * U * N_tot * (N_tot-1) - 0.5 * J * N_tot * (N_tot*0.5-1) DC_val = U * (N_tot-0.5) - J * (N_tot*0.5-0.5) elif method == 'sFLL': assert N_spin is not None, "Spin density not given" E_val = 0.5 * U * N_tot * (N_tot-1) - 0.5 * J * N_tot * (N_tot*0.5-1) - 0.25 * J * Mag**2 DC_val = U * (N_tot-0.5) - J * (N_spin-0.5) elif method == 'cAMF': E_val = +0.5 * U * N_tot ** 2 E_val -= 0.25*(U+2*L_orbit*J)/(2*L_orbit+1)*N_tot**2 DC_val = U * N_tot - 0.5*(U+2*L_orbit*J)/(2*L_orbit+1)*N_tot elif method == 'sAMF': assert N_spin is not None, "Spin density not given" E_val = 0.5 * U * N_tot ** 2 E_val -= 0.25*(U+2*L_orbit*J)/(2*L_orbit+1)*N_tot**2 E_val -= 0.25*(U+2*L_orbit*J)/(2*L_orbit+1)*Mag**2 DC_val = U * N_tot - (U+2*L_orbit*J)/(2*L_orbit+1)*N_spin elif method == 'cHeld': # Valid for a Kanamori-type Hamiltonian where U'=U-2J U_mean = (U + (n_orbitals-1)*(U-2*J)+(n_orbitals-1)*(U-3*J))/(2*n_orbitals-1) E_val = 0.5 * U_mean * N_tot * (N_tot - 1) DC_val = U_mean * (N_tot-0.5) elif method == 'sHeld': raise ValueError(f"Method sHeld not yet implemented") else: raise ValueError(f"DC type {method} not supported") mpi.report(f"DC potential computed using the {method} method, V_DC = {DC_val:.6f} eV") mpi.report(f"E_DC using the {method} method, E_DC = {E_val:.6f} eV") if 'Held' in method: mpi.report(f"Held method for {n_orbitals} orbitals, computed U_mean={U_mean:.6f} eV") return DC_val, E_val