from gf_imfreq import GfImFreq cdef class GfImFreq_cython: cdef gf_imfreq _c def __init__(self, MeshImFreq mesh, data, TailGf tail): self._c = gf_imfreq (mesh._c, array_view[dcomplex,THREE](data), tail._c , nothing()) def __write_hdf5_cython__ (self, gr , char * key) : h5_write (make_h5_group(gr), key, self._c) def set_from_fourier(self,GfImTime_cython gt) : """Fills self with the Fourier transform of gt""" self._c << fourier( gt._c ) def set_from_legendre(self, GfLegendre_cython gl) : """Fills self with the Legendre transform of gl""" self._c << legendre_to_imfreq(gl._c) def density(self): return density(self._c).to_python() def __dealloc__ (self): pass #---------------- Reading from h5 --------------------------------------- def h5_read_GfImFreq(gr, key): try: indicesL = gr[key]['indices']['left'] indicesR = gr[key]['indices']['right'] pack = [indicesL, indicesR] except: pack = [] try: name = gr[key]['name'] except: name = key return make_GfImFreq(h5_extractor[gf_imfreq]()(make_h5_group(gr),key), pack, name) from pytriqs.archive.hdf_archive_schemes import register_class register_class (GfImFreq, read_fun = h5_read_GfImFreq) #---------------- Convertions functions --------------------------------------- # Python -> C cdef gf_imfreq as_gf_imfreq (g) except +: return (<GfImFreq_cython?>g)._c # C -> Python. Do NOT add except + cdef make_GfImFreq (gf_imfreq x, indices_pack = [], name = "g"): data = if indices_pack == []: indices_pack = [range(data.shape[1]), range(data.shape[2])] return GfImFreq( mesh = make_MeshImFreq (x.mesh()), data = data, tail = make_TailGf (x.singularity()), indices_pack = indices_pack, name = name) # Python -> C for blocks cdef gf_block_imfreq as_gf_block_imfreq (G) except +: cdef vector[gf_imfreq] v_c for n,g in G: v_c.push_back(as_gf_imfreq(g)) return make_gf_block_imfreq (v_c) # C -> Python for block cdef make_BlockGfImFreq (gf_block_imfreq G, block_indices_pack = [], name = "G"): gl = [] name_list = G.mesh().domain().names() if block_indices_pack == []: for i,n in enumerate(name_list): sha = G[i].data().to_python().shape[1:3] block_indices_pack.append( [range(sha[0]), range(sha[1])] ) for i,n in enumerate(name_list): gl.append( make_GfImFreq(G[i], block_indices_pack[i]) ) return BlockGf( name_list = name_list, block_list = gl, name = name )